Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Post 1. Introduction to the blog: Inspired Sources and Man's Destiny, Volume I (The Creation, Volume I)

The work that follows is the first volume of several volumes that comprise the series, The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms by Jack Hetrick.  This volume, Volume I, is entitled, The Mystery of Inspired Sources and Their Significance to Man.  It is a published  work in book form (copyright © 2014 by Jack Hetrick) that concerns man's spiritual and technological destiny.  Because it is a copyrighted work, all rights are reserved.  All Scriptural references in this work are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. 

In regards to man's spiritual and technological destiny, the spiritual destiny of man, it is believed, is intimately involved with Christianity and the Christological  and eschatological aspects of that religion that pertain to the end of the present age.  The technological destiny of man, it is believed, is intimately involved with a recently discovered body of knowledge, the increments of which are derived from an unusual symbolism.  The Creation series is different from other works of this genre because it is based on the discovery that many artifacts produced by man, past and present, possess an unusual symbolism.  In The Creation, these artifacts, and photographic images of them, are referred to as inspired sources.  They are called "inspired" because they are believed to be inspired by the Creator, and they are called "sources" because they are sources of knowledge-knowledge that is conveyed to one by the symbolism of inspired sources.  This blog is entitled, Inspired Sources and Man's Destiny (  Additional information concerning inspired sources may be found in the blog entitled, Inspired Sources, Symbolism, and Anomalies ( by Jack Hetrick. 

The knowledge derived from the symbolism inspired sources covers a wide range of subjects.  One that is of particular interest in this blog concerns a new kind of technology (not merely a new technology, but a new kind of technology) that man must discover and employ at this time in order to be prepared for the end of the present age.  This new kind of technology is referred to in The Creation as mystical technology.  The principles of mystical technology are revealed in the symbolism of inspired sources.  Presumably, after man has come to understand the principles of mystical technology through the study of the symbolism of inspired sources, the Creator will then help man discover the devices that employ it.  All of this will be necessary for man to be prepared, technologically, for the end of the present age.  However, it will be necessary for man to be prepared, spiritually, for the end of the present age, also.  Therefore, Christianity and Judaism are discussed in Volume I of The Creation, as well.

Finally, a statement is in order concerning the images used in this blog.  Frequently, the photographs, illustrations, and tables that appear in the text of this blog are small in size and difficult to see with the unaided eye.  However, the blog medium has a solution to this problem, and that is, simply click on the image and the image will be enlarged.  When finished viewing the image, click off the image and the latter will return to its normal size in the text of the post. 

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