The Chauvet Cave and Transfer Activity
by the People of the Aurignacian Culture Between 35,000 B.C. and 30,001 B.C. (Post 5. CVIC1S3)
The earliest known artifacts of man that
have been recognized as inspired sources are the paintings of
the Chauvet cave. The latter is located in the Ardeche River region of southeastern France.
See map, Chapter 1, Figure 3 (Post 4), and click on the picture to enlarge the map. These cave paintings were
executed by the people of the Aurignacian culture between 30,000 B.C. and
28,000 B.C. Although the inspired
paintings of the Chauvet cave possess features typical of inspired sources,
such as alignments and lines, the number of these and the symbolism of them is less complex than the inspired paintings of the Lascaux cave. The latter is a famous cave located in the
Dordogne River region of southwestern France that was decorated by the people
of the Magdalenian culture in the fifteenth millennium B.C. In addition to the people of the Aurignacian
culture being the first people on earth to produce artifacts of man that are
inspired sources, apparently, they were the first people on earth to be involved
in transfer activity, also. The people involved in this activity, it is
believed, used the Chauvet cave as a transfer point in the transfer from their
primitive culture on earth to an advanced civilization that served the Creator. Some of the living entities of this
civilization dwelt in subterranean bases in the interior of the earth. These subterranean bases of the advanced
civilizations and the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the
Creator and Satan are referred to in The Creation as grottobases. For members of the Aurignacian culture involved in transfer activity, this
grottobase was their destination, and was located beneath the surface of the earth near present day Rennes-le-Chateau,
France. See map, Chapter 1, Figure 3 (Post 4), and click on the picture to enlarge the map.
Radiocarbon dating of charcoal
fragments found in the Chauvet cave indicates that the cave was occupied during
two different periods of time by two different people.4 The
first occupation took place during the latter part of the Aurignacian phase of
the Upper Paleolithic period (35,000 B.C.-25,000 B.C.), while the second
occupation took place during the Gravettian phase of the Upper Paleolithic
period (26,000 B.C.-20,000 B.C.). The
paintings of the cave were executed during the first occupation, that is,
between 30,000 B.C. and 28,000 B.C.
Apparently, no paintings were executed during the second occupation between 25,000 B.C. and 24,000 B.C.
Three radiocarbon dating results from the first occupation are as
follows: 30,410 ±720 B.C., 28,790 ±600
B.C., and 28,940 ±610 B.C.5 Therefore, based on radiocarbon dating
results, it appears that the parietal art of the Chauvet cave was accomplished
by the people of the Aurignacian culture between 30,000 B.C. and 28,000 B.C.6
If the above is correct, it appears that the decoration of the Chauvet cave took
place immediately following the completion of transfer activity by the people
of the Aurignacian culture. Therefore, for these people, transfer activity took place between 35,000 B.C and 30,001 B.C., and the
decoration of the cave took place between 30,000 B.C. and 28,000 B.C. As we shall see, a similar phenomenon
concerning transfer activity and cave decoration appears to have taken
place with regard to the people of the Magdalenian culture, as well. In this case, transfer activity by these
people took place between 15,000 B.C. and 14,501 B.C., and the decoration of
the Lascaux cave took place between 14,500 B.C. and 14,001 B.C. These two caves were just two of many that
were decorated in Europe during the Upper Paleolithic period. However, these two caves, it is believed, are
considered special in the eyes of the Creator. The reasons for this will be
discussed at the end of the chapter (Post 8).
Who were the people of
the Aurignacian culture? According to
archaeologists, these people dwelt in Europe between 35,000 B.C. and 25,000
B.C, during a period of time that is referred to as the Aurignacian phase of
the Upper Paleolithic period. In The Creation, the view taken is that the people of the Aurignacian culture were
the first people to be involved in transfer activity and the first people to produce
artifacts that were inspired sources-the latter being the paintings of the
Chauvet cave. However, prior to the
involvement of these people in the two activities, mentioned above,
intermarriages are believed to have occurred between the living entities of
an advanced civilization that served the Creator, and members of mankind. These intermarriages, it is believed, took
place between 40,000 B.C. and 35,001 B.C.
Although it is not known, for certain, who these members of mankind were-
they may, or may not, have been members of the Aurignacian culture-the
descendants of these intermarriages, apparently, became the people of that
Therefore, it is possible that
the Aurignacean culture, or a branch of that culture, may have had its origin in
southeastern France as a result of intermarriage between the living entities of
the advanced civilization that served the Creator, mentioned above, and members
of mankind. Also, as we shall see,
shortly, it is possible that the Magdalenean culture, or a branch of that
culture, may have had its origin in southwestern France as a result of the
intermarriage between Atlanteans of the advanced civilization of
Atlantis and members of mankind. Just as
the Chauvet cave, it is believed, was the primary, if not the only, transfer
point for the people of the Aurignacian culture involved in transfer activity;
the Lascaux cave, it is believed, was the primary, if not the only, transfer
point for the people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity.
The longer period of
time during which transfer activity occurred in the Aurignacian phase of this
activity may be attributable to the relatively fewer number of people of the
Aurignacian culture that dwelt in southeastern France between 35,000 B.C. and
30,001 B.C., when compared to the Magdalenian phase of transfer activity involving people
of the Magdalenian culture that dwelt in southwestern France between 15,000
B.C. and 14,501 B.C. In order to arrive
at equal numbers of people of both cultures involved in transfer activity, it
may have been necessary to compensate for the fewer number of people of the
Aurignacian culture dwelling on the earth by allowing a longer period of time
for transfer activity to be carried out.
On nearly all
occasions, it was the progeny and descendants of the intermarriages between the living
entities of the advanced civilization, mentioned above, and members of mankind,
who were involved in transfer activity.
However, on at least one occasion this intermarriage and transfer
activity that was carried out in southeastern France was accomplished by the
same person. As we shall see in Volume
II and III of The Creation, this person was the leader, or king, of the
advanced civilization, the living entities of which were involved in
intermarriage with members of mankind between 40,000 B.C. and 35,001 B.C. This
leader, or king, it is believed, chose to dwell on the surface of the earth and
intermarry with a member of mankind at a time near the end of the period of
time allowed for this intermarriage to occur, that is, about 35,001 B.C. Then, he was involved in transfer activity
at a time near the beginning of the period of time allowed for transfer
activity to occur, that is, about 35,000 B.C.
As we shall see in Volume II and
III of The Creation, the appearance of this leader, or king, on the
surface of the earth about 35,000 B.C would allow him to participate in both
intermarriage with man and transfer activity, becoming both a member of mankind
as a result of the former, and a member (once more) of the advanced
civilization, mentioned above, as a result of the latter. Presumably, following the completion of his
transfer activity, he, once more, became the leader, or king, of this advanced
civilization. This, it is believed,
enabled him to be both a member of the advanced civilization that served the
Creator at this time and a member of mankind.
This dual membership status, presumably, applied to his earthly wife and
children, as well.
Figure 4. The inspired source, "Chauvet Cave: the
Panel of the Horses" (Figure 4), including alignments
A, B, and C and the line D. Standing in front of the
Panel of the Horses is Jean-Marie Chauvet, one of the
discoverers of the cave. Click on the picture to enlarge.
Figure 5. The inspired source, "Chauvet Cave: the Panel
of the Horses" (Figure 5), with alignments not drawn for
better viewing of the features of the inspired source. Click
on the picture to enlarge.
leaving the subject of the Aurignacian people and the Chauvet cave, it may be
of interest to study an inspired source that pertains to
the cave art of the Chauvet cave. This
is the inspired source, “Chauvet Cave:
The Panel of the Horses” (Figures 4 and 5).7 Figure 5 is the same inspired source as Figure 4, except in the former the alignments are not drawn to allow better viewing of the features of the inspired source. Click on the pictures to enlarge. This inspired
source is an inspired illustrative photograph that appears in the book, The Dawn of Art: The Chauvet Cave, written by J. Chauvet, E. Brunnel Deschamps,
and C. Hillaire.8 This inspired source, unlike the multiple inspired
source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1), discussed in Chapter 1, does not possess complex symbolism. Therefore, it can be viewed as a typical
inspired source. This inspired source is
comprised of three alignments and one line.
In this context, an alignment is defined as a straight line comprised of
three or more alignment points, and a line is defined as a straight line
comprised of two line points or a non straight line, comprised of two or more
line points. In the study of inspires
sources, alignments are more common than lines, and usually are more useful
in revealing and understanding the symbolism of inspired sources.
first alignment, alignment A, begins at point A1 located at the left eye of the
highest of the four horses depicted on the cave wall, proceeds to point A2
located at the left eye of the next to highest horse depicted on the cave wall,
continues to point A3 located at the left eye of the next to lowest horse
depicted on the cave wall, continues to the left eye of the lowest of the four
horses depicted on the cave wall, and terminates at point A5 located at the
left cuff of the jacket worn by J. Chauvet.
three highest horses depicted on the cave wall, it is believed, symbolize three
advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator. The fourth horse, and the one depicted lowest
on the cave wall, it is believed, symbolizes man’s civilization, or with
respect to the people of the Aurignacian culture, who painted this panel
thousands of years ago, man’s culture. However, since this inspired painting, and
the symbolism associated with it, was not intended to be revealed to man until
the present time, the term civilization is appropriate in this case. This civilization, of course, is man’s
present civilization-one which has not yet discovered mystical technology. In contrast, the three advanced interstellar
civilizations that serve the Creator, symbolized by the three highest horses
depicted on the cave wall, have discovered mystical technology.
In addition, the living entities of the three
advanced interstellar civilizations symbolized by the three horses, mentioned
above, are considered by the Creator to be “material angels” (in contrast to
spiritual angels). The reason for this, it is believed, is that
these living entities employ mystical technology and practice an operation of
mystical technology, referred to in The Creation as spiritual
cloning. Because no members of mankind
of man’s present civilization employ mystical technology and practice spiritual
cloning, the members of mankind who comprise that civilization are not
considered by the Creator to be material angels. As we shall see, shortly, this is
symbolically depicted by the Panel of the Horses, also.
It may be noted that
alignment A terminates at point A5 located at the left cuff of the jacket worn
by J. Chauvet. This part of his jacket
is clearly lighter than the rest of his jacket that is visible in the inspired
source. This, it is believed, symbolizes
that, in the eyes of the Creator, the four civilizations symbolized by the four
horses are clean and white. In a symbolic
or metaphorical sense, this means that they are righteous and holy. And holy, in this context, means that they are
sanctified, or separated for service to the Creator. In addition, it may be noted that it is the
left eye of each of the four horses that alignment A intersects, and it is at the
left cuff of the jacket worn by J. Chauvet that the alignment terminates. In inspired sources, the left signifies service to the Creator, while the right signifies service to
Satan. Therefore, these three advanced
interstellar civilizations, mentioned above, and the civilization of man, which
are symbolized by the four horses, can be viewed as loyal to the Creator. With regard to man’s civilization, the
Creator apparently views man’s present civilization as one that one day will be loyal to
him in the same unequivocal way that of the three advanced interstellar
civilizations, mentioned above, are loyal to him.
In addition to the four
horses depicted in the inspired source, “Chauvet Cave: The Panel of the Horses,” (Figure 4), a
rhinoceros is depicted, also. In fact,
three rhinoceroses are depicted in this panel. Two of them are facing one
another, but the third is more closely associated with the four horses. This is the rhinoceros that will be the
subject of the discussion below. This rhinoceros is also associated with
alignment B. Alignment B begins at point
B1 located at the end of the large horn of the rhinoceros, proceeds to point B2
located at the shoulders of the rhinoceros, continues to the muzzle of the next
to highest horse depicted on the cave wall, continues to point B4 located at
the frontal aspect of the face of the next to lowest horse depicted on the cave
wall, and terminates at point B5 located on the frontal aspect of the face of
the lowest horse depicted on the cave wall.
Because the horns of animals are their means of defense, they can be
viewed as symbolizing power. The large
horn of the rhinoceros, in this context, is believed to symbolize power, also.
This rhinoceros appears
to emerge from the next to lowest horse depicted on the cave wall, with which
it is in contact. Therefore,
symbolically, this rhinoceros, it is believed, can be viewed as another advanced civilization or
advanced interstellar civilization that in some way originated from the advanced
interstellar civilization that is symbolized by the horse, mentioned
above. The large horn of the rhinoceros
would seem to symbolize power, that is, power of a technological, military kind. This power may serve a protective purpose in
providing security for the three horses, or civilizations, that alignment B
intersects with at points B3, B4, and B5. The
civilization symbolized by the highest horse depicted on the cave wall, and,
perhaps, even the civilization symbolized by the second highest horse depicted
on the cave wall (alignment B may not actually make contact with the latter
horse), apparently, do not need this advanced interstellar civilization to
provide security for them. As we shall
see, the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by the rhinoceros appears
to be the one referred to in the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1) symbolized by alignment G. See Chapter 1, Figure 1 (Post 3), and click on the picture to enlarge.

Figure 6. The Panel of the Horses of the Chauvet cave
including the depiction of the three aurochs. Click on
the picture to enlarge.
If one expands the left
border of the inspired source, ”Chauvet Cave:
The Panel of the Horses” (Figure 4), he would discover three aurochs
with horns that make contact with one another.
These three aurochs, it is believed, are spatially and symbolically associated
with the three horses that symbolize the three interstellar civilizations,
mentioned above. These three aurochs
are depicted in Figure 6.9 Click on the picture to enlarge the photograph. Just as the large horn of the rhinoceros symbolizes the power of that
advanced interstellar civilization, the horns of the aurochs are believed to
symbolize the power of the three advanced interstellar civilizations symbolized
by the three highest horses depicted on the cave wall.
In the inspired source,
“Chauvet Cave: The Panel of the Horses”
(Figure 4), it may be noted that there exists in this inspired source an
ambiguous, anomalous feature that resembles an angel with its wings spread. This feature is located at the base of the horns
of the aurochs depicted near the upper left border of the inspired source. In Figure 5 this aurochs is more clearly visible and is the second to the highest of the three aurochs depicted. This feature can be interpreted as a “material
angel” (in contrast to a spiritual angel).
In this context, the term is used to describe a living entity of an
advanced or advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator or
Satan. An alignment is associated with
this ambiguous, anomalous feature. This
alignment is alignment C.
Alignment C begins at
point C1 located at the top of the right spread wing of the angel, proceeds to
point C2 located at the top of the left spread wing of the angel, continues to
point C3 located at the frontal aspect of the face of the highest horse on the
cave wall, continues to point C4 located at the frontal aspect of the second
highest horse on the cave wall, and terminates at point C5 located at the top of the head of the
second lowest horse on the cave wall.
Because alignment C intersects the horses, mentioned above, and does not
intersect the fourth horse, which is the lowest horse on the cave wall, the
alignment appears to signify that the three horses, which symbolize three advanced interstellar civilizations, are comprised of living entities,
who are regarded as material angels by the Creator. However, it may be noted that the rhinoceros is not intersected by alignment C. Neither is the lowest horse on the panel, which is believed to symbolize man's civilization at the present time. It is possible that the three horses intersected by alignment C will always be material angels both in the present age, and in the future age, or as the latter is referred to in Christian eschatology-the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32). But the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by the rhinoceros and man's civilization (which will become an advanced interstellar civilization sometime in the future) may not be material angels in that age.
Therefore, one should not automatically assume
that when man’s civilization
discovers and employs mystical technology that he will also practice spiritual cloning and become material angels in the eyes of the
Creator, like the living entities of other advanced civilizations have done in the past. Man’s place in the Creator’s plan and purpose
for the creation and the life that dwells therein, in the future age, may be
higher than that of the material angels. Therefore, the Creator may not allow members
of mankind that comprise man’s present civilization to become material
angels in the present age or the next age, except , perhaps, on a temporary, conditional basis in the present age. In addition, he may not permit the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by the rhinoceros to become material angels in the next age, also. However, it is assumed that they are material angels in the present age.
There is a line
concerning the angel depicted in the inspired source, “Chauvet Cave: The Panel of the Horses” (Figure 4) that appears
to support the symbolism revealed by alignment C, above. This line forms an arc that follows the left wing of the angel, mentioned above. It
intersects the three highest horses depicted of the cave wall, as well as the
rhinoceros, but does not intersect the lowest horse. This, it is believed, symbolizes that the
three highest horses, and the rhinoceros, symbolize four advanced interstellar
civilizations that serve the Creator, the living entities of which employ mystical technology and practice spiritual cloning. This means that they are material angels in the present age. However, the living entities of these
civilizations, may not be material
angels simply because they employ mystical technology, but because, in addition to mystical technology, they
practice the operation of mystical technology referred to as spiritual cloning. Though this may be true, one would have to assume that the discovery and employment of mystical technology would have to precede the practice of spiritual
cloning, whether those involved are living entities or people. Because they practice spiritual cloning, they possess what is referred to in The Creation as limited immortality.
As we shall see in Chapter 4, limited immortality is not the
same as immortality. The former postpones death, but does not release one from the inevitability of death, while the latter is more akin to eternal life as the term is
understood in Christianity. The lowest
horse depicted on the cave wall, which is believed to symbolize man’s
civilization at the present time, is not intersected by the arc of the angel’s
left wing. This, apparently, means that,
except for the members of mankind who were involved in transfer activity and
became associate members of an advanced interstellar civilization, the members
of mankind that comprise man's present civilization, though they will discover mystical technology, may
not practice spiritual cloning and become material angels. Although they may not attain limited
immortality by means of this operation of mystical technology, they will
receive immortality in the form of eternal life by means of death and
resurrection as this is understood in Christianity.
Because the arc formed
by the angel’s left wing is not a straight line, it is not considered an
alignment. It is considered a line with
five line points. These line points are as
follows: point D1 located at the beginning of the arc of the
angel’s left wing; point D2 located at the meeting of alignments D and C; point D3
located at the frontal aspect of the face of the highest horse; point D4
located at the frontal aspect of the face of the of the second from the highest
horse; point D5 located at the muzzle of the second to the lowest horse; and
point D6 located at the base of the tail of the rhinoceros.
intermarriage of the living entities of an advanced civilization and the
primitive people of the Aurignacian culture between 40,000 B.C. and 35,001 B.C.
resulted in some progeny and descendants of those who intermarried to be involved in
transfer activity and become associate members of that advanced
civilization. This transfer activity, it
is believed, took place between 35,000 B.C. and 30,001 B.C. However, many other descendants of those who intermarried
were not involved in transfer activity and did not become associate members of
that advanced civilization. What became
of these people? This is mere
speculation, but it is possible that
these descendants of extraterrestrial intermarriages became the ancestors of
the people of the yet future Gravettian, Solutrean, and Magdalenian cultures. The people of these cultures
dwelt in Europe from 26,000 B.C. to 20,000 B.C., 19,000 B.C. to 16,000
B.C., and 15,000 B.C. to 9,000 B.C., respectively.
Because some of the people of these cultures, who
dwelt in Europe between 26,000 B.C. and 9,000 B.C., possessed an
extraterrestrial genome, they were, it is believed, more intelligent than
most of their contemporaries who did not possess this genome or did so only
to a small degree. This may have allowed
the former to develop a primitive material technology that enabled these people
to successfully adapt to and survive the climatic conditions in Europe during the most
recent ice age. This primitive
material technology, of course, would have been reproduced by others whose instinct
for survival would have driven them to do this.
This ice age, the most recent glacial advance, is sometimes called the Würm
ice age, and occurred between 70,000 and 10,000 years ago.
At the end of the Würm ice age, the people of the
Magdalenian culture dwelling in Europe-their bodies strong and their minds
honed to sharpness by their experiences during the ice age-would be prepared to
full advantage of the ameliorating climatic conditions that appeared in the
Holocene Epoch. In the Holocene Epoch, which began about
10,000 years ago,
man established villages, planted crops, and domesticated animals for his
use. These villages grew to be cities
and these cities became part of complex civilizations based on material
technology. Man’s increasing complex
civilizations and increasingly progressive material technology eventually
produced a world-wide planetary civilization based on a mature material technology. This occurred, it is believed, in the latter half of the twentieth century. The major difference between this civilization and other civilizations of man's past was that the material technology of the former
had arrived at a state of maturity. From this point
in his technological development, it would become possible for man to discover
and employ mystical technology. And this
would permit him to progress from a planetary civilization based on material technology to an advanced civilization based on mystical technology.
When this time arrives and mankind does develop an advanced
civilization based on mystical technology, he may want to take time to reflect upon his
technological ancestral roots. In particular, he may consider the those people of the Aurignacian
culture, who were the progeny and descendants of the extraterrestrial intermarriages, mentioned
above, but were not involved in transfer activity. Although these people were not involved in transfer activity between 35,000 B.C. and 30,001 B.C., they did possess an
extraterrestrial genome. In addition, they passed that genome on to their progeny, and
these largely did likewise with regard to their progeny generation after generation up until the present time. These people, apparently, were called by the Creator for another purpose other than transfer activity. And that was to present mankind with a gift
in the form of progeny that were, on average, more intelligent than their
contemporaries that dwelt elsewhere on earth at that time. And the reason for this, as stated above, was
that the latter received the gift of an extraterrestrial genome-a gift
that would continue giving-even up until the present time.
Religious concepts may have been primitive during the period of time that
the Aurignacian people dwelt on earth. However, it is
not impossible that the people of this culture who were not involved in
transfer activity, but obeyed the will of the Creator in passing on their
extraterrestrial genome to their progeny, were rewarded by the Creator for doing so. This reward, like that of those who were
involved in transfer activity, may have been eternal life ( but on a selective rather than universal basis). Because the Creator is eternal, he is concerned about
matters that pertain to eternity.
Therefore, these people, like their fellow Aurignacians who were
involved in transfer activity, may have received from the Creator the hope and promise of eternal life in
the kingdom of God in the future age, or as the latter is referred to in
Christian eschatology-the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32).
4 Clottes, J.,
Director: Chauvet Cave, The Art of Earliest Times, ©2003 (The University of
Utah Press)
5 Clottes, J.,
Director: Chauvet Cave, The Art of Earliest Times, ©2003 (The University of
Utah Press)
6 Clottes, J.,
Director: Chauvet Cave, The Art of Earliest Times, ©2003 (The
University of Utah Press)
7 Chauvet, J.,
Brunnel Deschamps, E, and Hillaire, C.: The Dawn of Art: The Chauvet Cave,©1996 (Harry N. Abrams. Inc.)
8 Chauvet, J.,
Brunnel Deschamps, E, and Hillaire, C.: The Dawn of Art: The Chauvet Cave, ©1996 (Harry N. Abrams,
9 Chauvet, J.,
Brunnel Deschamps, E, and Hillaire, C.: The Dawn of Art: The Chauvet Cave, ©1996 (Harry N. Abrams,
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