Thursday, December 5, 2013

Post 22. The Four Primary Mystical Particles Associated with Mystical Technology and Four Spaceship-Related Operations of Mystical Technology (The Creation, Volume I: Chapter 5, Subhead 2)

The Four Primary Mystical Particles Associated with Mystical Technology and Four Spaceship-Related Operations of Mystical Technology (Post 22. CVIC5S2)

In this post, we shall discuss some of the spaceship-related operations of mystical technology that are revealed in the symbolism of inspired sources.  Here, we shall briefly discuss four operations of mystical technology that are employed by spaceships that use this kind of technology.  These operations and other spaceship-related operations of this technology will be discussed in greater detail in Volumes V and VI of The Creation.  Because the four operations that will be discussed in this post, in most cases, produce shield-like effects that surround the spaceship, they are referred to in The Creation as “shields.”  

None of the four shields that will be discussed in this chapter directly pertain to the propulsion system of spaceships that employ mystical technology.  Nevertheless, these shields are essential in enabling spaceships to perform in the manner expected of spaceships that employ mystical technology.  With regard to the propulsion system of spaceships that employ mystical technology, the symbolism of inspired sources reveals that all advanced spaceships employing mystical technology can be considered to belong to one of three categories. These are the same three categories of spaceships that were discussed in Chapter 3, and are associated with the three kinds of advanced and advanced interstellar civilizations that operate these spaceships. These are:  (1) advanced planetary spaceships that use magnetic propulsion (based on both mystical technology and material technology) for cruising and ion engine propulsion (based on material technology) for precise maneuvering; (2) advanced stellar spaceships that use ion engine propulsion (based on material technology) for both cruising and precise maneuvering; and (3) advanced interstellar spaceships that use electromagnetic supersymmetric propulsion (based on mystical technology) for cruising and ion engine propulsion (based on material technology) for precise maneuvering. 

In The Creation, it is assumed that all spaceships that employ mystical technology, regardless of how small, are capable of deploying two of the four shields that will be discussed in this chapter.  These two shields are the anti-inertia shield and the antigravity shield.  It is possible that only large spaceships, that normally have a large number of mystical particle transfer operators aboard, are capable of deploying the other two shields, that is, the force-field shield and the invisibility shield.  A shield, in this context, is considered to be a layer of mystical particles, usually of the same kind, that covers a surface.  Usually, this surface is the exterior of the hull of a spaceship that employs mystical technology.   However, in the case of the antigravity shield, the surface involved in this operation of mystical technology, it is believed, is one that is located within the interior of the spaceship.  The four shields that will be discussed in this chapter are:  (1) the anti-inertia shield, (2) the antigravity shield, (3) the force-field shield, and (4) the invisibility shield. 

Figure 18.  The four primary mystical particles
associated with mystical technology and their
supersymmetric common particle counterparts
(where applicable) of the material realm.  Click
on the picture to enlarge.

The anti-inertia shield, it is believed, is a shield comprised of selectrons.  In the theory of supersymmetry, the selectron is the superpartner of the electron.  Because the electron is a particle that has an intrinsic spin of ½, this makes it a matter-like fermion (Figure 18).  Similarly, because the selectron has an opposite intrinsic spin of 0, this makes it an energy-like boson (Figure 18).  Click on the picture to enlarge. However, the selectron, like the electron, is believed to possess a negative electrical charge.  These properties of selectrons makes it possible for these particles to be attracted to the exterior of the inner hull of a spaceship, where they form an anti-inertia shield.  But, how is this done?  If the outer surface of the hull of the spaceship is designed to receive a positive electrical charge, and the hull of the spaceship is properly insulated from other parts of the interior of the spaceship, the positive charge would be capable of attracting negatively charged selectrons to the outer surface of the hull of the spaceship.  Here, they would adhere and form a layer of selectrons, wherever the positive charge associated with the hull of the spaceship existed.  Presumably, the thickness and density of this layer of selectrons could be made to increase and decrease by regulating the amount of positive charge that is applied to the outer surface of the inner hull of the spaceship. 

When a spaceship is surrounded and enclosed by a layer of selectrons, or largely so, this, it is believed, allows the spaceship to violate certain laws of nature that pertain to the matter universe of the material realm.  One of the most important of these, in this case, is the law of inertia, one of the three laws of motion, formulated by I. Newton.  A spaceship with a deployed anti-inertia shield would be capable of traveling at high velocities using propulsion engines of small thrust, such as ion engines.  In addition, a spaceship, such as this, would be capable of high speed turns and rapid acceleration or deceleration without the spaceship and those aboard experiencing the stresses associated with high “g” forces.  It is possible that the entire spaceship need not be surrounded by selectrons in order for the anti-inertia shield to be effective.  If locations exist on the hull of the spaceship, where the exhaust gases of ion engines need to interact with the matter universe, or other types of propulsion require this, these areas may need to be free, or partially free, of the selectrons that comprise the anti-inertia shield.  The effect of these areas where this shield is lacking or deficient may be to reduce the efficiency of the anti-inertia shield, rather than negate the effects of the shield entirely.  If so, then all anti-inertia shields may operate at less than 100% efficiency.

An anti-inertia shield may also serve to protect the spaceship and those aboard from the friction and heat caused by the passage of the spaceship through the dense atmosphere of a celestial body, such as the earth.  The anti-inertia shield also may provide protection for the spaceship and those aboard from the mechanical abrasion caused by small grains of rocky material striking the spaceship at high velocity as the latter travels in space.  In a similar vein, the anti-inertia shield may also be capable of protecting the spaceship and those aboard from high energy cosmic rays and electrically charged particles produced by stellar flares and other potentially lethal stellar outbursts. However, as we shall
see, shortly, a force-field shield may be even more effective in protecting the spaceship and those aboard from cosmic rays and intense stellar activity of this kind.

The second of the four shields that will be discussed in this chapter is the antigravity shield.  The antigravity shield, it is believed, is a shield comprised of either modified gravitinos or modified photinos (Figure 18).  Click on the picture to enlarge.  In The Creation, the former particles are called antigravity gravitinos and the latter particles are called antigravity photinos. Therefore, two different antigravity shields are possible: (1) the gravitino antigravity shield, which is believed to be employed by advanced planetary spaceships that employ mystical technology; and (2) the photino antigravity shield, which is believed to be employed by advanced stellar spaceships and advanced interstellar spaceships that employ mystical technology.  Apparently, both antigravity gravitinos and antigravity photinos are derived from normal gravitinos and normal photinos.  When the two latter particles are subjected to strong magnetic fields of 50 Teslas and 80 Teslas, respectively, inspired sources reveal that these particles are transformed into antigravity gravitinos and antigravity photinos.  Other processes may be involved in the production of these particles that are not known at this time. 

These antigravity particles, it is believed, possess a lifetime in the matter universe that is much longer than the nine minutes associated with normal gravitinos and normal photinos.  Presumably, this allows them to be used aboard a spaceship for a long period of time before they need to be replenished or replaced.  It is assumed that small spaceships employing mystical technology do not possess the  capability of producing antigravity gravitinos and antigravity photinos.  However, large spaceships probably do.  The latter would find it necessary to have antigravity production facilities aboard the spaceship, especially if it was involved in long voyages of an interstellar nature.  These facilities would be needed, not only to maintain the antigravity shield of the large interstellar spaceship, but to maintain the antigravity shields of the smaller spaceships carried on-board the large spaceship, as well. 

In contrast to the other three shields that will be discussed in this chapter, the antigravity shield, it is believed, is not located at, or associated with, the outer surface of the inner hull of a spaceship that employs mystical technology.  Rather, it uses surfaces associated with a simple duct system located in the interior of the spaceship.  This duct system, it is believed, is dual and symmetrically located in the top and bottom halves of the spaceship.  This arrangement, it is believed, allows the antigravity shield to be deployed regardless of whether the spaceship is in a normal upright configuration or an inverted configuration.  Although it is not known, for certain, it is possible that the manufacturing process used in producing antigravity particles, involving as it does a strong magnetic field, may impart a residual magnetic polarity or electrical charge to the particles.

In The Creation, it is assumed that this residual property is electrical, and that all antigravity particles used in the two duct systems of the antigravity shield apparatus have either a positive or negative electrical charge.  In this regard, antigravity particles of one electrical charge may be used in one duct system, while antigravity particles of the opposite charge may be used in the other duct system.  By manipulation of the electrical charge on the surfaces of the duct system, the antigravity particles can be attracted to these surfaces (if the charges of the surfaces and the particles are opposite) or  be repelled from these surfaces (if the charges of the surfaces and the particles are alike).  In the former case, the antigravity shield, it is believed, is active and in the latter case the antigravity shield, it is believed, is not active.  The intensity of the antigravity shield may be increased or decreased by increasing or decreasing the charge on the surfaces of the duct system.  An increase in charge would cause an increase in the number of antigravity particles adhering to the surfaces of the duct system.  This would result in an increase of the antigravity force.  A decrease in charge would cause a decrease in the number of antigravity particles adhering to the surfaces of the duct system.  This would result in a decrease of the antigravity force.  Apparently, when antigravity particles are incapable of adhering to the surfaces of the duct system because of an opposite charge that is present on those surfaces, they simply move in random motion through the duct system without touching the surfaces of the duct system.  In this case, the antigravity shield is not active.

It is not known why antigravity particles that adhere to the surface of the duct system are associated with an active, deployed antigravity shield, while antigravity particles that do not adhere to the surface of the duct system are associated with an inactive, non deployed antigravity shield.  Perhaps, contact by an antigravity particle with a surface of the duct system results in a force directed against that surface, causing the antigravity shield to be deployed.  The direction and magnitude of this force may be capable of being controlled by an operator, so that it counters the force of gravity of a massive object, such as a celestial body, that is acting upon the spaceship.  In the absence of contact by an antigravity particle with a surface of the duct system, no force may be capable of being directed against that surface, and no deployment of the antigravity shield takes place.  An antigravity shield, presumably, would not be needed in those parts of space, where no celestial bodies with large gravitational fields exist.  However, the operation of a spaceship in proximity to a large celestial body, such as a black hole, neutron star, star, planet or moon may be difficult without an antigravity shield.

The third of the four shields that will be discussed in this chapter is the force-field shield.  The force-field shield, it is believed, is a shield comprised of selectrons, and in this regard, this shield could be viewed as an enhanced anti-inertia shield.  In order to deploy the force-field shield, the positive charge produced on the outer surface of the hull of the spaceship, would be increased until a large number of negatively charged selectrons are attracted to the outer surface of the hull of the spaceship and adhere there (Figure 18).  These particles, it is believed, form a thick, dense layer of selectrons that surrounds the outer surface of the hull of the spaceship.  Click on the picture to enlarge.  Because the selectron is an energy-like boson, many of these particles are capable of occupying the same quantum state.  This enables them to act collectively, and occupy the same space, thereby magnifying their energy.  This magnification of energy per unit area on the outer surface of the inner and outer hulls of the spaceship can be increased, it is believed, until an energy force-field is produced.  It is not known, for certain, if the energy force-field has the potential to adversely affect the living areas located in the interior of the spaceship.  Presumably, the spaceship has been designed to prevent this.  The force-field shield may be only capable of being deployed by large spaceships that have many mystical particle transfer operators aboard.  Presumably, a large number of operators would be required to transfer the large number of selectrons that are needed for the deployment of this shield.

As noted previously, an anti-inertia shield probably provides some protection for a spaceship and those aboard in some situations of peril.  These may include encounters by a spaceship with small grains of rocky debris, cosmic rays, and charged electrical particles originating from stellar flares and other stellar outbursts.  However, in situations of grave peril, such as when a spaceship encounters large rocky debris, or, perhaps, is threatened with hostile action by an unfriendly spaceship, the force-field shield most likely would need to be deployed.  However, the use of the force-field shield may have some drawbacks, also.  The deployment of this shield may result in a reduced capability by those aboard to receive information concerning events taking place outside the spaceship.  Therefore, when the force-field shield is deployed, the spaceship may not be capable of being operated in the normal manner. However, this problem may be partly alleviated by deploying the force-field shield at some level less than maximum intensity, or by the spaceship sending forth small probes that are capable of monitoring their surroundings, and returning this information to the spaceship in some way. 

The fourth of the four shields that will be discussed in this chapter is the invisibility shield.  The invisibility shield, it is believed, is a shield comprised of dipole magnetic particles and selectrons (Figure 18).  Click on the picture to enlarge.  As we have seen, because of the opposite electrical charges of these two particles, they are capable of being attracted to one another and becoming neutral selectron-dipole magnetic particle pairs.  However, though the electrical charge of these two particles is neutralized in this way, the dipole magnetic particle still retains a dipole magnetic property.  If the outer surface of the hull of the spaceship is caused to possess a magnetic field produced by an electromagnet aboard the spaceship or some other source of magnetism (derived from mystical technology?), the selectron-dipole magnetic particle pairs would be attracted, magnetically, to the outer surface of the hull of the spaceship.  After a while, the particle pairs adjacent to the the surface of the hull of the spaceship may become so dense that the selectrons are forced out, resulting in a dense layer of dipole magnetic particles possessing a positive charge (because the negatively charged selectrons were forced out), over which has been formed a layer of selectrons possessing a negative charge, which are attracted to the positive charge of the dense layer of dipole magnetic particles adjacent to the outer surface of the hull of the spaceship.  However, the latter are incapable of penetrating the dense layer of dipole magnetic particles existing adjacent to the outer surface of the hull of the spaceship. 

Because the selectron is an energy-like boson, it would, at first, seem capable of penetrating the layer of dipole magnetic particles, mentioned above.  However, if the dipole magnetic particle also possesses boson-like properties, rather than fermian-like properties, this may be sufficient to prevent the selectrons from penetrating the layer of dipole magnetic particles, mentioned above.  In this regard, it should be remembered that the dipole magnetic particle did not originate in the matter universe of the material realm.  Therefore, it is neither a boson, nor a fermion.  However, it may have boson-like or fermion-like properties. This “layering” of the dipole magnetic particles and the selectrons of the invisibility shield, caused by the large number of particles present ,it is believed, is what enables the spaceship to be invisible-not only to the wavelengths of visible light, which can be perceived  by the unaided eyes of man, but to all wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, including those used in radar.  

It may be recalled that the people of the primitive cultures of man that were involved in transfer activity, used the same two mystical particles, that is, the dipole magnetic particle and the selectron, to penetrate the solid rock of the interior of the earth.  These particles, however, were not “layered,” like those of the invisibility shield of a spaceship, and they were far fewer in number.  Rather than forming layers, these selectron-dipole magnetic particle pairs formed a cloud, comprised of these particle pairs, that surrounded each person that followed the mystical pathway.  In this regard, it is possible that the feet of these people were elevated (levitated) above the floor of the cave by the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, in order to allow the cloud of mystical particles to completely and uniformly surround each person.   As we have seen, each person probably wore a breastplate, like the mystical particle transfer operator.  This would allow the selectron-dipole magnetic particle pairs that formed following their transfer to become incorporated into the magnetic field of the breastplates that each person wore.  This was possible, of course, because of the attraction of the magnetic properties of the dipole magnetic particles and that of the magnetic field produced by the breastplate.  However, because of the relatively small number of selectrons and dipole magnetic particles transferred by the operator, it would have been impossible, it is believed, for these particles to become “layered,” and become an invisibility shield.

The invisibility shield, like the force-field shield, may be only capable of being deployed by large spaceships that have many mystical particle transfer operators aboard.  Presumably, many operators would be required to transfer the large number of dipole magnetic particles and selectrons that are needed for the deployment of this shield.  Once deployed, it is possible that various levels of invisibility are possible based on the density and thickness of the dipole magnetic particles and selectrons that comprise the two layers of mystical particles of this shield. This, of course, could be regulated by increasing or decreasing the strength of the magnetic field that is applied to the outer surface of the inner hull of the spaceship.  When an invisibility shield of maximum intensity is deployed by the spaceship, it is possible that this results in a reduced capability by those aboard to receive information concerning events taking place outside the spaceship.  Therefore, when the invisibility shield is deployed, the spaceship may experience difficulty operating in the normal manner.  However, this problem may be partly alleviated by deploying the invisibility shield at some level less than maximum intensity or by the spaceship sending forth small probes that are capable of monitoring their surroundings and returning this information to the spaceship in some way.


In this subhead, operations of mystical technology concerning the operation of a spaceship that employs mystical technology were discussed.  Based on this knowledge, it would not be unreasonable to assume that man could learn how to operate an advanced stellar spaceship-if he only was in possession of one.  Inspired sources seem to indicate that, in the eyes of the Creator, the time has not arrived for this to take place, just yet.  However, when that time does arrive, man will discover, it is believed, that just as the instruments of mystical particle transfer were hidden on, or beneath, the surface of the earth by living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization for man to find; an advanced stellar spaceship and other devices that employ mystical technology have been, or will be, hidden in a similar manner and for a similar purpose.  Furthermore, just as inspired sources will provide the symbolism and knowledge that will reveal to man where the instruments of mystical particle transfer are hidden, they will, it is believed, also provide the symbolism and knowledge that will reveal where an advanced stellar spaceship and other devices that employ mystical technology are hidden, as well.

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