Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Post 30. The Inspired Source, "Jewish High Priest" (Figure 22) (The Creation, Volume I: Chapter 7, Subhead 1)

                              The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms

                                                                  Volume I
                        The Mystery of Inspired Sources and Their Significance to Man

Chapter 7
       A Study of the Inspired Source, “Jewish High Priest” (Figure 22),
and the Symbolism That Pertains to It

----The Inspired Source, “Jewish High Priest” (Figure 22) (Post 30. CVIC7S1)
----Alignments A, B, C, and D:  Three Alignments (A, B, and C) That Identify the Three Primary Accoutrements of the Office of High Priest of Israel, and One Alignment (D) That Confirms These Identifications (Post 31. CVIC7S2)

----Alignment E:  An Alignment That Identifies the Son (the Word), the Angel of the Lord, and the Holy Spirit (Post 32. CVIC7S3)

----Alignment E (Symbolizing Deity) and the Empowerment of the High Priest of Israel (Post 33. CVIC7S4)

----Alignment E (Symbolizing Deity) and the Empowerment of a Mystical Particle Transfer Operator (Post 34. CVIC7S5)

----The Inspired Source, “Jewish High Priest” (Figure 22), and Symbolism Pertaining to the Triune Godhead (Post 35. CVIC7S6)

----The inspired Source, “Jewish High Priest” (Figure 22), and Symbolism Pertaining to the Existence of a Grottobase located Beneath the Surface of the Earth at Baja California, Mexico (Post 36. CVIC7S7)

The Inspired Source, “Jewish High Priest” (Figure 22) (Post 30. CVIC7S1)
In this chapter, we will study the inspired source, “Jewish High Priest” (Figures 22 and 23).1 Click on the picture to enlarge.  This inspired source also appears in Chapter 5, where it is designated as Figures 11 and 12.  In contrast to the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1), which was discussed in Chapter 1, and was found to possess eighteen alignments, the inspired source, “Jewish High Priest” (Figure 22), is a relatively simple inspired source that possesses only five alignments.  However, these five alignments are used in multiple ways.  When this is considered, the inspired source could be viewed as comprising as many as eleven alignments.  This inspired source is an inspired illustrative photograph that appears in the book, The New Unger's Bible Dictionary, written by M.F. Unger.2
Figure 22.  The inspired source, "Jewish High
Priest" (Figure 22), and alignments A, B, C, D,
and E.  Click on the picture to enlarge.

Figure 23.  The inspired source "Jewish High
 Priest" (Figure 23), which is the same inspired
source that is depicted in Figures 11, 12, 22, 25, and
26, with alignments and highlighting not drawn for
better viewing of the features of the inspired source.
Click on the picture to enlarge.

Three of the five alignments that comprise the inspired source are represented by the three chains that are attached to the incense burner.  These three chains are held in the right hand of the high priest, and are designated alignments A, B, and C in the inspired source.  These three alignment, it is believed, are significant because they identify the three primary accoutrements of the high priest of Israel.  In The Creation, these are considered to be the turban, the breastplate, and the Urim and Thummin.  However, these alignments are also important because the three accoutrements, referred to above, are believed to symbolize the three instruments of mystical particle transfer of a mystical particle transfer operator.  These, as we have seen, are referred to in The Creation as the helmet, the breastplate, and the sword.

A fourth alignment is closely associated with alignments A, B, and C.  This alignment is designated alignment D.  As we saw in Chapter 5, alignment D confirms the validity of the symbolism represented by alignments A, B, and C.  Alignment D, therefore, makes the interpretation of the symbolism, associated with alignments A, B, and C, more certain.  In addition to the four alignments, mentioned above, a fifth alignment originates at the mouth of the high priest in the inspired source, and is designated alignment E.  Alignment E is significant, it is believed, because it identifies the Creator in the person of the Son (the Word), the angel of the LORD, and the Holy Spirit.  In this regard, the Son (the  Word) is the second person of the Triune Godhead, the angel of the Lord is a manifestation of the Son (the Word), and the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Triune Godhead.


In this chapter, Chapter 7 (Posts 30-36), we will discuss the role of the Son (the Word) and the Holy Spirit, the second and third persons of the Triune Godhead, respectively, in empowering the high priest of Israel in the past and a mystical particle transfer operator at the present time.  We shall also study the symbolism of inspired sources as it pertains to the Triune Godhead, and the manifestation of this deity as the angel of the Lord and the Shekinah, the latter of which was associated with the ark of the covenant in ancient Israel.  Finally, we will discuss a grottobase depicted in the symbolism of this inspired source that is believed to be located beneath the surface of the earth at Baja California, Mexico, and learn what this grottobase may mean to man's future and destiny.


1  Unger, M.:  The New Unger's Bible Dictionary, ©1985, 1030 (Moody Press)
2  Unger, M.:  The New Unger's Bible Dictionary, ©1985, 1030 (Moody Press) 

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