Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Post 34. The Empowerment of a Mystical Particle Transfer Operator (The Creation, Volume I: Chapter 7, Subhead 5)

The Empowerment of a Mystical Particle Transfer Operator (Post 34. CVIC7S5)
In the previous post, Post 33, we discussed the empowerment of the high priest of Israel through the latter’s use of the three primary accoutrements of that office in association with the ark of the covenant, the Shekinah, and the Holy Spirit.  Now, we shall discuss the empowerment of a mystical particle transfer operator through the latter’s use of the three instruments of mystical particle transfer.  Although an object, such as the ark of the covenant, with its divine presence, the Shekinah, does not appear to be necessary for the empowerment of a mystical particle transfer operator, a similar kind of spiritual association with the Creator in the person of the Holy Spirit, may be required before the empowerment of a mystical particle transfer operator can take place.  This requirement may be nothing more than a mental or spiritual attitude of reverence for the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit.  This reverence is appropriate, if for no other reason, that it is the Holy Spirit, who has the power to release the mystical particles from the mystical realm for use in operations of mystical technology. 
Without mystical technology and the operations associated with it, advanced civilizations and advanced interstellar civilizations, based on mystical technology, would not exist.  Therefore, this reverence, which may be related to a meditative or contemplative state of mind, probably applies to both kinds of living entities who dwell in the matter universe of the material realm and employ mystical technology, that is, those who serve the Creator and those who serve Satan.  In this regard, the former may employ an attitude that is more spiritual than mental; while the latter may employ an attitude that is more mental than spiritual.  Both attitudes may allow the Holy Spirit to release mystical particles to both kinds of living entities, mentioned above, that is, those that serve the Creator and those that serve Satan; as well as to both kinds of civilizations, mentioned above, that is, advanced civilizations and advanced interstellar civilizations, regardless whom these may serve.
Figure 22. The inspired source, "Jewish
High Priest" (Figure 22), and alignments
A, B, C, D, and E.  Click on the picture
to enlarge.

 Figure 23. The inspired source "Jewish
High Priest" (Figure 23), which is the
same inspired source that is depicted in 
Figures 11, 12, 22, 25, and 26, with 
alignments and highlighting not drawn
for better viewing of the features of the 
inspired source. Click on the picture to
As noted previously, the three primary accoutrements of the office of high priest of Israel:  the turban, the breastplate, and the Urim and Thummin, located at points A3, B3, and C3, can be viewed as symbolizing the three instruments of mystical particle transfer:  the helmet, the breastplate, and the sword.  Here, again, the Holy Spirit is signified by the anomalous feature that resembles a sword, and more specifically, the point of the blade of this sword that is collocated with points A2, B2, and C2 of alignments A, B, and C.  All three of these alignments intersect here, at the collocated points mentioned above, near the right thumb of the high priest.  In the case of the high priest of Israel, the Holy Spirit was the person of the Triune Godhead responsible for the empowering of the high priest by means of the three primary accoutrements of that office.  This made possible decisions by the high priest that reflected the will of the Creator, or Yahweh, concerning questions about the law and the governance of the people of Israel.  In the case of a mystical particle transfer operator, the Holy Spirit can be viewed as the person of the Triune Godhead responsible for the empowerment of the mystical particle transfer operator by means of the three instruments of that office.  This, it is believes, results in the transfer of the four primary mystical particles from the mystical realm to the matter universe of the material realm.  With regard to the instruments of mystical particle transfer, the turban and the breastplate of the high priest of Israel, with little difficulty, can be seen to symbolize the helmet and breastplate of a mystical particle transfer operator, which they resemble.  However, it is more difficult to see how the Urim and Thummin symbolizes the sword of a mystical particle transfer operator, which it does not resemble.  Before addressing this matter, however, we must first discuss point C3 of alignment C. 

As we saw in Chapter 5, the two parts of the knot of the sash, where point C3 is located, and other parts of the sash of the high priest, can be viewed as several anomalous features that resemble a sword.  The part of one knot that extends above the horizontal aspect (axis) of the sash a short distance can be viewed as the handle of the sword.  The two parts of the knot of the sash that comprise part of the horizontal aspect (axis) of the sash can be viewed as the guard of the sword.  And the two ends of the sash that hang down from the two parts of the knot and comprise the vertical aspect (axis) of the sash can be viewed as the blade of the sword, which they clearly resemble.  Combining the three parts of the anomalous feature that resemble the handle, the guard, and the blade of the sword, results in the sword of the mystical particle transfer operator.  This is how the two parts of the knot of the sash of the high priest, depicted in the inspired source, “Jewish High Priest” (Figure 22), which signifies the Urim and Thummin of the high priest of Israel can also be viewed as symbolizing the sword of a mystical particle transfer operator. In addition, it may be noted that all three parts of the sword symbolized in the inspired source (the handle, guard, and blade) meet at the two parts of the knot of the sash that symbolizes the Urim and Thummin.


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Figures 22 and 23:  The credit references for Figures 22 and 23 are found in the Credits of Post 30 (CVIC7S1).

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