Creation: Its Infinite Features and
Finite Realms
The Material and Mystical Pathways of a Person
of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity
A Hypothetical Journey of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture
Involved in Transfer Activity on the Three Steps of the Mystical Pathway
----A Hypothetical Journey of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity on the First and Second Steps of the Mystical Pathway (Post 65. CVIIC6S1)
----A Hypothetical Journey of a
Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity on the Third
Step of the Mystical Pathway (Post 66. CVIIC6S2)
Chapter 3 of Volume II of The Creation,
it was stated that the people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer
activity, near the completion of the third step of the material pathway,
arrived at the entrance of the Lascaux cave.
The entry of these people into the cave, it is believed, marked the
beginning of their short journey on the material road. In The
Creation, the material road is considered to be the last part of the third
step of the material pathway. This road
ended at the place within the cave, called the Chamber of the Felines. Here, the Magdalenian explorers, it is
believed, discovered the instruments of mystical particle transfer: the helmet, the breastplate (probably, one
for each member of the group), and the sword.
Figure 1. The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1). Click
on the picture to enlarge. Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works.
TopFoto/The Image Works.
Figure 2. The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 2-1, 2-2, and
2-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 2) with
alignments not drawn for better
viewing of the features of the
inspired source. Click on the
picture to enlarge. Photograph
of the aurochs, ©AAAC/TopFoto/
The Image Works
The Image Works
the Magdalenian explorers probably brought with them fire-making tools, fat-burning
lamps with wicks and torches to provide light within the cave, it is possible
that each member of the group was provided with a battery-powered lamp that had
been placed at the entrance of the Lascaux cave for the explorers to find. During the transport of the explorers by a
disc spaceship from the place of contact near their clan dwelling or community
to the entrance of the Lascaux cave, it is possible that the
explorers may have been instructed in the operation of the battery-powered
lamps that they would discover when they arrived at the cave. In addition, the leader of the explorers may
have been instructed in the operation of the three instruments of mystical
particle transfer during this period of time, also. After their arrival at the entrance of the
Lascaux cave, the explorers probably were subjected to post hypnotic
suggestion-like mind control techniques that caused them to have no conscious
memory of their encounter with the disc spaceship from the time the latter was
first sighted by them until it was last sighted by them at the
Lascaux cave.
However, though the explorers would have no conscious memory of their experiences associated with the contact, mentioned above, they would have a subconscious memory of these experiences. Consequently, sometime in the future,
as a result of a post hypnotic suggestion, a stimulus would trigger remembrance by the explorers of how to operate the battery-powered lamps. Likewise, as a result of a post hypnotic suggestion, a stimulus would trigger remembrance by the leader of the explorers of how to operate the three instruments of mystical particle transfer. As a result, he would be able to quickly understand how to operate these instruments. The stimulus that triggered the post hypnotic suggestion that enabled the explorers to understand the operation of these devices, probably was, simply, the initial visual discovery of these devices by the explorers.
in The Creation, it is assumed that
the Magdalenian explorers had no need of primitive lighting devices, such as
fat-burning lamps and torches, to illuminate the interior of the cave that they
wished to explore. The explorers brought
these things to the cave with the intention of using them. However, they probably remained unused inside their carrying bag or were left behind at the entrance of the cave or some point along the material road
within the cave. After the explorers had
departed the Lascaux cave by means of the mystical road of the mystical
pathway, all evidence of their presence in the cave was probably gathered up by the living
entities aboard the spaceship, so that it would not be found by others. This journey of the explorers on the mystical
pathway, as we have seen, began at the place within the Lascaux cave, called
the Chamber of the Felines. Although the
battery-powered lamps would have seemed to the Magdalenian explorers as a
technological marvel, it was a device based on material technology, and in this
regard, was no different than a fat-burning lamp or a burning torch. All are based on material technology. Perhaps the living entities aboard the disc
spaceship, who had provided the battery-powered lamps to the explorers,
considered the lamps a gift to the explorers and a reward for completing the
three steps of the material pathway (though this would not actually take place
until the explorers arrived at the Chamber of the Felines).
that the Magdalenian explorers possessed battery-powered lamps during their
short journey on the material road of the material pathway, it is not certain
that these devices were used, or even capable of being used,
by the explorers on the mystical pathway of their journey. Perhaps, in the eyes of the Creator and the
living entities who assisted the Magdalenian explorers in their transfer
activity, the battery-powered lamps were associated with material technology
and the material pathway. Although they
could be considered appropriate for use on the mystical pathway, as well (because mystical technology
involves the use of both material technology and mystical technology in
concert), perhaps, in this case, the battery-powered lamps would be
symbolically inappropriate for use on the mystical pathway of their
Therefore, it is possible that the battery-powered lamps provided to the explorers were capable of being remotely activated or deactivated by the living entities aboard the disc spaceship. They may have been activated while the explorers were inside the Lascaux cave seeking the entrance to the underworld. But after they found the Chamber of the Felines and the instruments of mystical particle transfer, and begun their journey on the mystical road, the battery-powered lamps may have been deactivated. It is likely that the battery-powered lamps were not needed on the mystical road, that is, the initial part of the mystical pathway, when the instruments of mystical particle transfer were employed.
If so, when the explorers arrived at the end of the mystical road and entered the excavated tunnel that the mystical road joined, one would naturally expect that the battery-powered lamps would be, once more, activated in order that the explorers could have light as they descended on foot through the excavated tunnel. However, it is possible that for reasons of symbolism (the battery-powered lamps were based on material technology, not mystical technology) and the testing of the explorers (would some of them refuse to descend the tunnel in total darkness and, instead, seek to return to the surface by following the ascending course of the tunnel?), the battery-powered lamps may have remained in a deactivated mode until the explorers completed the first step of their journey on the mystical pathway. As we shall see in Volume III of The Creation, inspired sources indicate that those involved in transfer activity may have traveled through most of the excavated tunnel, mentioned above, in total darkness. They may have arrived at a lighted area of the tunnel only as they drew near to the completion of the first step of their journey on the mystical pathway. Here, they would have discovered a small grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex. According to this inspired source, this small grottbase was situated in lighted surroundings, and ended the darkness of the journey of those who traveled through the excavated tunnel.
Apparently, the instruments of mystical particle transfer that the explorers used to travel on the mystical road of the mystical pathway did not possess a means of providing light (except, perhaps, the light associated with mystical particle transfer). However, the leader dared not use these instruments again after their arrival at the excavated tunnel for fear of passing through the walls or floor of the tunnel and continuing into the interior of the earth. There may not have been another excavated tunnel close by to recover to and end their journey on the mystical road. Therefore, the battery-powered lamps that the Magdalenian explorers discovered outside the entrance of the Lascaux cave, being based on material technology, perhaps, were meant only for use by the explorers on the material road of the material pathway, just as the three instruments of mystical particle transfer that the Magdalenian explorers discovered at the transfer point of the Lascaux cave, being based on mystical technology, apparently, were meant only for use by the explorers on the mystical road of the mystical pathway.
sources indicate that the maximum number of people of the Magdalenian culture
involved in transfer activity, and who used one set of the
instruments of mystical particle transfer, was five, including the leader. Beginning at the transfer point of the Lascaux
cave located at the Chamber of the Felines, the people involved in transfer
activity, each wearing a breastplate, waited as the leader put on the
instruments of mystical particle transfer.
Each explorer, presumably, carried on his shoulder a bag of tools,
provisions, and personal items, as well as their battery-powered lamp.
When the leader had completed his preparations for the journey, he probably placed the explorers at appropriate intervals, one behind the other. Then, he turned on the three instruments and directed the point of the sword toward the wall of the cave. When the appropriate alignment between the point of the sword that transmitted circular polarized electromagnetic radiation and the circular polarized electromagnetic radiation receiver on the front of the helmet of the operator had been achieved, mystical particles began to appear from the helmet. The breastplate, apparently, provided a magnetic field through which the circular polarized electromagnetic radiation passed on its way to the operator’s helmet (Figures 10-12).
Figure 10. The helmet, one of the three instruments
of mystical particle transfer, and associated key.
Click on the picture and the key to enlarge each.
Figure 11. The breastplate, one of the three instruments
of mystical particle transfer, and associated key. Click on
the picture and the key to enlarge each.
Figure 12. The sword, one of the three
instruments of mystical particle transfer,
and associated key. Click on the
picture and the key to enlarge each.
The instruments of mystical particle transfer, as depicted in the symbolism of inspired sources, are portable and three in number. They are referred to in The Creation as the helmet, the breastplate, and the sword. It is possible that, separately, the principles of science involved in the operation of these instruments are based on material technology. However, when these instruments are employed in concert, they may possess capabilities that go beyond material technology and enter into the realm of mystical technology. Then, they may become instruments of mystical technology capable of transferring mystical particles from the mystical realm to the matter universe of the material realm. In addition, the Holy Spirit appears to be involved in this transfer, as well. The release of the mystical particles from the mystical realm in mystical technology, apparently, is controlled, in part, by the Holy Spirit. This control of the principles of science by the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, has not been observed by the scientific community in material technology, except, perhaps, in events considered miraculous.
Figure 13. Magnetic Field Strengths and circular
polarized electromagnetic radiation wavelengths
for mystical particle transfer (1-confirmed by inspired
sources, 2-unconfirmed by inspired sources, 3-
presently unknown). Click on the picture to enlarge.
Two principles
of science appear to be important in the transfer of mystical particles by
means of the instruments of mystical particle transfer. These are circularly polarized wavelengths of
electromagnetic radiation in the radio, microwave, infrared, visual light, and
ultraviolet bands, and magnetic fields that range between one and fourteen
Teslas. From the study of inspired
sources, the magnetic field strengths associated with the four bands of
electromagnetic radiation involved in mystical party transfer are known (Figure
13). However the wavelengths of circular
polarized electromagnetic radiation of the four bands is not known. Consequently, man is presently incapable of
transferring mystical particles from the mystical realm to the matter universe
of the material realm. When these wavelengths
are discovered, and man becomes capable of designing and constructing the
instruments of mystical particle transfer-and that may be soon-then man’s
present planetary civilization, in the eyes of the Creator, will be transformed
to an advanced civilization.
Figure 14. The four primary mystical particles
associated with mystical technology and their
supersymmetric common particle counterparts
(where applicable) of the material realm. Click
on the picture to enlarge.
With regard to the operation of mystical technology referred to in The Creation as mystical particle transfer, the dipole magnetic particles, it is believed, transfer first (Figure 14), and because of their magnetic properties, are attracted to the magnetism associated with the breastplate. Assuming a magnetic field is produced by the breastplate when the latter is in operation, the dipole magnetic particles may find a place within the magnetosphere of the person’s breastplate that is appropriate with regard to the localized magnetic polarity and the strength of the field of the latter. Dipole magnetic particles, like all transferred mystical particles, are believed to appear in the matter universe of the material realm from specific sites on the helmet of the mystical particle transfer operator.
The second mystical particle to transfer from the mystical realm to the matter universe of the material realm as a result of the operation of mystical technology called, mystical particle transfer, it is believed, is the selectron. Because the selectron possesses a negative electrical charge and the dipole magnetic particle possesses a positive electrical charge, the two particles are attracted to one another. When a large number of dipole magnetic particles and selectrons are joined, the electrical charge of the combined particles cancel out, and the result is a cloud of joined magnetic dipole particles and selectrons held in the magnetosphere of the leader’s breastplate by the magnetic properties if the dipole magnetic particles. This was true, it is believed, not only for the leader of the people involved in transfer activity, but the others who accompanying him, as well. These probably wore a breastplate, also. The cloud of mystical particles transferred by the instruments of mystical particle transfer are believed to be sufficient for five people, including the leader, to walk through the solid rock of the wall of a cave, such as the Lascaux cave, and travel on the mystical road of the mystical pathway (Figure 15).
Figure 15. An illustration of a person
of the Magdalenian culture operating
the instruments of mystical particle
transfer within the Lascaux cave,
and associated key. Click on the
and associated key. Click on the
picture and the key to enlarge each.
When the
magnetosphere surrounding each of the Magdalenian explorers had become
saturated with joined magnetic dipole particle and selectron pairs, each person
became, in a sense, an enclave of the mystical realm in the matter universe of
the material realm. Consequently, when
the leader of the group walked in the direction of the point of the sword that he
held outstretched in his hand, and the point of the sword was pointed at the wall of the
cave, the walls of the cave were no barrier to his travel. He and the other explorers were capable of
walking through the wall of the Lascaux cave and begin their journey on the
mystical road, first part of the first step of the mystical pathway.
It is assumed that, while traveling on the mystical road, the people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity were incapable of sensing the matter universe of the material realm that existed beyond the magnetosphere produced by their breastplates. How, then, did the leader guide the path of the Magdalenian explorers on the mystical road so that they, eventually, found the excavated tunnel of the underworld that marked the end of their journey on that road? Here again, it is assumed that the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, was involved in guiding the path of the Magdalenian explorers to the excavated tunnel. This kind of relationship between the Creator and created living entities may become more common as the finite realms of the creation and the living entities associated with them (whether material or spiritual) increase in intrinsic energy. Man, dwelling in the material realm, dwells in an intrinsic energy niche that is lower than any other finite realm in the creation. Therefore, man does not normally experience miraculous events, such as those that the Magdalenian explorers experienced on the mystical road. Presumably, he will begin to do so when he discovers mystical technology.
Figure 16. The journey of a person of the Magdalenian
culture involved in transfer activity on the mystical
pathway from the Lascaux cave to a large grottobase
of a transfer activity grottobase complex located in the
interior of the earth. Click on the picture to enlarge.
In order for the explorer’s journey on the mystical road to end successfully, the Holy Spirit, it is believed, would have needed to sustain the lives of the explorers, while on the mystical road and direct the path of the leader of the group to an evacuated tunnel located within the interior of the earth (Figure 16). When the explorers arrived at the end of the mystical road, presumably, each of the explorers would have exited the mystical road by stepping above, not on, the floor of the excavated tunnel, and when the rest of his body was clear of the wall of the tunnel, turning off his breastplate. In addition, the Holy Spirit, undoubtedly, was involved in this transition and may have supported the feet of the explorer above the floor of the tunnel (to prevent them from entering the floor of the tunnel) until the body of the person involved in transfer activity was completely clear of the wall of the tunnel. At this time, the person could safely turn off his breastplate. This transition may have ended with the Holy Spirit causing the feet of the person to slowly descend to the floor of the tunnel. After this, the person would be capable of walking in the tunnel in a normal manner. After an explorer turned off his breastplate, the mystical particles associated with the magnetosphere of his breastplate would no longer be bound to the magnetic field of the breastplate and would soon disperse. After about nine minutes, the average life span of a mystical particle in the matter universe of the material realm, they would have disappeared. Where these particles go, following the end of their life spans, is not known, for certain.
When all of the explorers had made the transition from the mystical road to the excavated tunnel, they must have first attempted to use the battery-powered lamps that they had in their possession. However, to their disappointment, they discovered that the lamps would not produce light as before. Some, fearing the darkness of the excavated tunnel, may have desired to use the instruments of mystical particle transfer to return to the surface of the earth. However, the leader probably calmed their fears and encouraged them to continue their journey though the underworld even if this required them to descend the excavated tunnel in darkness. Therefore, in darkness, the explorers set out to explore more of the underworld that they had just discovered. Because of the darkness, they could not see, but they could hear, and the leader, from time to time, may have called each by name to ensure that all of the explorers were accounted for as they resumed their journey on the first step of the mystical pathway into the interior of the earth.
Since it would have been impossible for the explorers to have seen anything during this part of their journey on the mystical pathway, there would appear to be no reason to attempt to describe this part of their journey. In Volume III of The Creation, an inspired source indicates that this part of the journey of a person involved in transfer activity was one of total darkness. However, according to this inspired source, near the end of the first step of the mystical pathway, the people involved in transfer activity arrived at a place that was lighted. This place is referred to in The Creation as the small grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex. In The Creation, it is assumed that the part of the excavated tunnel that continued to descend into the interior of the earth beyond the small grottobase was lighted, also.
During the explorer’s journey on the first step of the mystical pathway, that is, from the time that they entered the excavated tunnel until the time that they entered the small grottobase, it may have been possible for a person involved in transfer activity to return to the surface of the earth. Presumably, an explorer, who desired to return to the surface of the earth, would view the ascending course of the excavated tunnel as a more sure way of reaching the surface than the descending course of that tunnel. Therefore, after separating himself from the other explorers, he would have followed the ascending course of the tunnel (Figure 16). It is not known, for certain, just what purpose the ascending course of the excavated tunnel served. In The Creation, it is assumed that it did not lead to a cave entrance or another opening on the surface of the earth. Therefore, the person, who chose to follow this course of the excavated tunnel, it is believed, would not emerge on the surface of the earth by this means. However, he probably would arrive at the surface of the earth by another means. Most likely, before arriving at the dead end of the ascending course of the excavated tunnel, this person was contacted by the living entities, who were responsible for monitoring transfer activity.
After this, he may have been returned to the surface of the earth through the use of the instruments of mystical particle transfer in the hands of the living entities, mentioned above. Here, a discoid spaceship would have returned him to the place near his clan dwelling or community, where he, previously, had made contact with these living entities. However, before this person would be allowed to return to his clan or community, he undoubtedly, was subjected to post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques that left him without a conscious memory of his experiences between the two contacts. Presumably, few, if any, of the people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity chose to return to the surface of the earth after completing their journey on the mystical road. The Magdalenian people must have been held in high regard by the Creator, and, undoubtedly, had been been carefully chosen by him for their determination to complete tasks that they had begun, which in this case was transfer activity and the obtaining of limited immortality.
The explorers, who followed the descending course of the excavated tunnel in darkness, probably did so for not much more than twenty-four hours. As we shall see in Volume III of The Creation, an inspired source indicates that this part of the journey of a person involved in transfer activity required about twenty-four hours. Because they would be descending deeper into the interior of the earth every hour of their journey, heat within the tunnel could be expected to increase during this period of time. Presumably, water was present in the excavated tunnel for the explorers to slack their thirst and cool their bodies. But food may not have been available during this part of their journey. The food that he explorers brought with them would have to suffice until they arrived at the small grottobase. However, the explorers would not have been aware that a small grottobase existed in the excavated tunnel. Therefore, they had to live with the fear of possibly dying from exhaustion, thirst, and eventually hunger as they continued their descent into the interior of the earth.
Assuming that the explorers traveled about two miles every hour during their journey through the excavated tunnel, about twenty four hours after beginning their journey, they would have traveled a total of about forty to fifty miles. Once again, assuming that the excavated tunnel was linear in its general configuration, rather than circular, and taking into consideration the descending nature of the of the tunnel, it is possible that after twenty-four hours, they would arrive at a place within the tunnel, which on the surface of the earth was about forty miles from the entrance of the Lascaux cave. As we shall see in Volume III of The Creation, an inspired source reveals that the depth beneath the surface of the earth that the large grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex is found. Based on the latter, an approximation can be made of the depth of the small grottobase beneath the surface of the earth. The depth of the latter is believed to be about four thousand five hundred feet, or almost one mile. Presumably, the small grottobase of the transfer activity grottobase complex associated with the Lascaux cave was located at a similar depth beneath the surface of the earth.
Therefore, after about twenty hours of traveling in total darkness, the explorers, it is believed, would have seen a glow of light in the distance. The light would grow stronger as they drew closer. Then, they would have seen the small grottobase in a enlarged area of the tunnel that had been excavated to accommodate it. The sources of light associated with the small grottobase and its surroundings revealed a dome-shaped dwelling about fifty feet in diameter and twenty-five feet high. In configuration, the structure resembled the dwellings of the Magdalenian people on the surface of the earth, except that it was much larger, and instead of sticks and animal hides, this structure was constructed of metal and plastic. The explorers, immediately, assumed that this small grottobase was a place of residence of someone, and, they, at first, were fearful as they approached it it. The explorers, eventually, advanced to the sides of the grottobase, and looked in the windows. There was no sign of any other living entities, either inside or outside the grottobase. The explorers knew that they could not continue their journey much longer without rest and relief from the heat and humidity of the tunnel. Therefore, they decided to find the entrance of this dwelling place, and enter it.
The leader of the explorers, during his instruction on the use of the instruments of mystical particle transfer, was told not to use the instruments for any other reason than to travel the mystical road. Nevertheless, he was to carry them with him as he proceeded along the mystical pathway until he arrived at his destination. Similarly, the other explorers that wore breastplates on the mystical road were told to carry them with them as they proceeded along the mystical pathway until they arrived at their destination, also. Although the leader and the other explorers had been subjected to post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques and had no conscious memory of these commands, they did have a subconscious memory of these commands. This may have been revealed in the leader by an inner drive or instinct to obey these commands. Some of the explorers may have asked the leader to use the instruments to allow them to gain entry to the grottobase. However, the leader refused this request, thereby showing resolve in obeying the instructions that he had received. Therefore, the instruments of mystical particle transfer were not used. Shortly after this, one of the explorers found a door to the small grottobase.
At first, the explorers tried to force the door open, but its strength was too much for them. Then, one of them noticed a round button about three inches in diameter that was located on the wall near the door. The button was lighted and therefore, clearly visible even in the midst of the shadows of the tunnel. The leader of the explorers touched the button with his fingers and the door slowly opened. At the same time, the explorers heard a voice. The voice uttered a few words, which the explorers heard and understood because they were uttered in the language of the Magdalenian people. The explorers then entered the small grottobase and attempted to force the door shut. However, once again, its strength was too much for them. The explorers then saw another round button located on the wall near the door. This button was lighted, also. The leader, once again, touched the button with his fingers and the door slowly closed. At the same time, the explorers heard a voice. The voice uttered a few words, but these words were slightly different than the words that accompanied the opening of the door. Once again, the explorers heard and understood these words because they were uttered in the language of the Magdalenian people.
The explorers, eventually, learned by means of the voice that spoke to them that the small grottobase had been prepared as a dwelling place for them, and there would be no one visiting them for as long as they dwelt there. The living entities that monitored transfer activity and assisted those involved in transfer activity, maintained the small grottobase as a dwelling place for the Magdalenian explorers, while the latter prepared to undertake the second step of the mystical pathway of their journey. Much of this preparation on the part of the explorer involved learning how to use the facilities and devices of the living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization. It is possible that this was accomplished by means of voice suggestions and instructions. One of these voices probably was the same voice that greeted the explorers, when they opened the door and entered the small grottobase. However, there may have been others, as well.
The explorer’s entering of the small grottobase of the transfer activity grottobase complex marked the completion of the first step of the mystical pathway of their journey (Figure 16). The depth of the small grottobase beneath the surface of the earth was near the limits of what man could endure on a sustained basis without the assistance of technological devices. This depth, as noted previously, is believed to have been about four thousand five hundred feet, or about one mile. The second step of the mystical pathway of the journey of the explorers would take them deeper into the interior of the earth. For this journey, technological systems and devices would be necessary in order for the explorers to successfully complete this step of the mystical pathway. The explorers dwelling at the small grottobase probably prepared for this part of their journey learning how to use the technological systems and devices that were present at the small grottobase. This, probably, was facilitated by the voice that spoke to them.
One of the technological devices that the explorers
must have been instructed in was a suit designed to enable people and other living entities to
dwell in the harsh environment of the tunnels that comprised the tunnel system
without ill-effects. Air-conditioned
ventilation provided relief from the heat, while oxygen was provided by tanks
of compressed air worn on the back of the person or living entity. With a tunnelsuit, such as this, the
explorers could endure the most extreme conditions encountered in a tunnel of
the tunnel system. However, the most important technological
device that the explorers would use to complete the second step of the mystical
pathway of their journey was an electric tram. This electric tram traveled on two rails, and when present at the small grottobase, was located in a separate tunnel that branched off the main excavated tunnel. The separate tunnel terminated at a tram platform near the small grottobase. However, the tram platform was hidden behind a short connecting tunnel and locked door. Therefore, it was not visible to those dwelling at the small grottobase. The tram was used to service and resupply the small grottobase, though, normally, the latter was only occupied by those involved in transfer activity. It also was used to transport those involved in transfer activity on the second step of their journey on the mystical pathway.
The tram ran on two rails that were elevated (perhaps, two feet or so) above the floor of the tunnel. It may have been powered by batteries that supplied electricity to the electric motors that turned the wheels of the vehicle. The tram vehicle, itself, was about twenty-five feet in length. The doors of the tram, when closed, were air-tight and this prevented toxic and noxious gases from entering the vehicle. The front half of the tram was designed for the tram operator and passengers, while the rear half was designed to carry cargo. An airlock was located midway between the front and rear halves of the vehicle. The Magdalenian people involved in transfer activity would dwell at the small grottobase for about a week. They would learn many things during this time, but they would not learn that an electric tram was located in a tram house near the tram platform at the small grottobase.
About a week after the explorers first entered the small grottobase, it is possible that the Holy Spirit urged the explorers to, once again, resume their journey on the mystical pathway. This request probably was reiterated by the voice that spoke to the explorers within the small grottobase, also. Therefore, the Magdalenian people involved in transfer activity, now rested and strengthened, and having in their possession, tunnelsuits, left the small grottobase, and began the second step of their journey on the mystical pathway. It is likely, that they may have been told by the voice that spoke to them that food, water, and tanks of compressed air would be left for them at regular intervals during their journey, and that they were supposed to follow the path of the two rails to their next destination. Although confident, the explorers must have harbored certain fears concerning the tunnel environment that they were about to experience and the distance they would be required to travel to their destination. Both of these things were not known by the explorers at the time that they left the small grottobase, and began walking down the descending slope of the excavated tunnel.
The excavated tunnel through which the explorers walked was a continuation of the tunnel that they had followed to the small grottobase. It was an unpretentious, excavated work about twenty feet across and ten feet in height. Its dimensions were such that it required the party of Magdalenians to walk single file through the tunnel. It did not possess tram rails or any conduit pipelines that one would think necessary in order to provide for the civilized amenities of the small grottobase. However, the outside lighting that was present in the vicinity of the small grottobase was also present in the tunnel that they were now traveling through. They could not see very far down the tunnel because the latter took a sharp turn soon after passing the small grottobase. However, if they could see beyond this curve, they would discover that this was the place where the separate tram tunnel joined the main excavated tunnel. The conduit pipeline, mentioned above, departed the main excavated tunnel at this point and followed the tram tunnel to the tram platform at the small grottobase. Several things were different about their hike through the excavated tunnel on the second step of their journey on the mystical pathway: At the small grottobase, each explorer had exchanged his clothing of animal skins for clean uniforms, such as those worn by the living entities that monitored transfer activity. Each also had washed and had his hair cut and beard trimmed. The bag each carried that was made from animal hide had been replaced by a bag made of a synthetic fiber. The contents of the bag, in addition to food, water, and personal items, included their battery-operated lamps and the instruments of mystical particle transfer that they used to travel on the mystical road. The bag of the leader contained all three of these instruments, but the bags of the others contained only one of these instruments-the breastplate.
After arriving at the sharp turn in the tunnel, mentioned above, the explorers were struck with awe as they viewed the amazing craftsmanship of the tunnel that lie before them. The tunnel, no longer was an unpretentious, excavated work of small diameter. It now possessed a machined external appearance and was twice the height of the former tunnel that the explorers had just left. But, most importantly, there was light, and the light magnified the grandeur of the work that they beheld. Then, the explorers saw a pair of side-by-side metal rails that emerged from a separate tunnel and continued down the descending slope of the main excavated tunnel. The rails were elevated two feet or so above the floor of the tunnel by metal girders and ran down the middle of the tunnel. On the far side of the rails, the explorers saw conduit pipelines that followed the path of the rails from a place in the interior of the earth to where the explorers saw the rails disappear into the separate
tunnel. These conduit pipelines, apparently, served the small grottobase.
The explorers come upon the first cache, where they could replenish their food, water, and compressed air tanks. However, as they did so, they heard a strange sound coming from the direction of the small grottobase. The sound grew louder and louder, and the explorers strained their eyes to see what it was that was making this noise. Then, a tram emerged from the separate tunnel and gradually came into view. As it drew near to the explorers,it slowed, and then came to a stop. A door opened in the rear cargo area of the tram, and the explorers heard a voice speak to them in their own language. It said, “Enter, and bring with you those things that were intended for your use on your journey.” The explorers then transferred the supplies from the cache to the cargo area of the tram, and boarded the latter. The tram was capable of being operated remotely, and the remote operator could have simply closed the door to the cargo area and resumed the tram's journey. However, he asked one of the explorers to push the button that would accomplish the closing of the door.. The explorer did so, and the door closed. In a similar way, the explorers were instructed by the voice to open and close the doors to the airlock, that led to the passenger area of the tram. They were then told that they would be instructed in the operation of the tram, itself. However, they must have been a little surprised when they entered the operator area and discovered that there was no operator.
Then, the voice that spoke to the explorers, spoke again, and told them in their own language that this vehicle was capable of being operated remotely. However, on this part of their journey on the mystical pathway, the explorers, themselves, would learn how to operate the tram. Because the operation of an electric tram is not very difficult, it is assumed that this be something that would not be too difficult for the explorers to learn. Therefore, it is likely that all the explorers learned how to operate the tram during the second step of their journey on the mystical pathway. It is possible that only one cache of supplies was needed to complete the second step of their journey. However, if more caches were needed, this could have been arranged, also.
Both, the passenger and cargo areas of the tram were protected from the toxic and noxious gases of the tunnel by its air-tight construction. This, of course, included air-tight doors and windows. Because of this, the explorers could remove their tunnel suits and breathe the air provided by the compressed air system of the tram, rather than that provided by the backpack compressed air tanks that were used with the tunnelsuits. In a short while, the explorers learned how to operate the tram, which largely involved the coordinated use of the accelerator and brake, and were proceeding down the descending slope of the lighted excavated tunnel. However, this time they were riding the trams rails, rather than walking beside them.
The tram did not move very rapidly on the rails, though it probably had the capability to do so. Its maximum speed, at any time, was probably controlled remotely by the remote operator. This acted as a governor on the maximum speed possible for the vehicle. Presumably, there were times when the tram stopped, and one or more of the explorers, dressed in tunnelsuits, went outside and examined something of interest. Because this part of the excavated tunnel was lighted, one might expect that vegetation may have existed someplace within the tunnel, or perhaps creatures of some kind dwelt here. However, as the explorers looked out the windows of the tram, they probably did not see anything like this at all. What they saw was a well-engineered tunnel.
Although light, moisture, heat, and primeval sediments and rock existed in the tunnel, there was no vegetation. The light in the tunnel was very weak compared to that of the sun at the surface of the earth, and he energy of this light was inadequate to sustain plant growth. In addition, high humidity and the presence of toxic or noxious gases in the tunnel may have hindered the development of vegetation, also. In terms of the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms, this was a place where the latter reigned. However, bacteria of various kinds probably were present in the tunnel. Some of these may even have been photosynthetic bacteria. Through the process of photosynthesis, these bacteria may have been capable of producing small amounts of oxygen. If so, in some tunnels, these bacteria may have been cultured by the living entities dwelling in this subterranean world in order to raise the oxygen content of the air near the grottobases. However, there was no evidence of this kind of terraforming in the tunnel that the explorers were traveling. Excess water entering the tunnel, if not changed into steam, may have been channeled to locations in the floor of the tunnel, where deep pits may have been drilled. The water, entering these pits simply turned to steam during the course of its drop. In addition, steam was produced through natural causes within the tunnel, as well. Therefore, steam, may have been a constant companion of the explorers aboard the tram during their journey on the second step of the mystical pathway.
The tram may have transported the explorers for a distance anywhere between forty and one hundred and thirty miles. However, eventually, the tram arrived at a tram platform, near, but not at, a grottobase located at a depth beneath the surface of the earth that was considerably deeper than that of the small grottobase. This grottobase is referred to in The Creation as the intermediate grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex. As we shall see in Volume III of The Creation, an inspired source indicates the depth beneath the surface of the earth that a large grottobase, such as this, is found. Based on this inspired source, an approximation can be made of the depth of the intermediate grottobase. This depth is believed to be about seven thousand five hundred feet, or about one and one-half miles. Presumably, the intermediate grottobase of the transfer activity grottobase complex associated with the Lascaux cave was located at a similar depth beneath the surface of the earth. Although the size of the intermediate grottobase is not known, for certain, it probably was considerably larger than the small grottobase, and was dome-shaped.
The tram, itself, did not enter the intermediate grottobase. Under the control of the leader of the explorers, it stopped at the tram platform near the intermediate grottobase. Before the explorers entered the latter, they first had to be quarantined for a short period of time and their medical needs attended to. Therefore, the voice that spoke with the explorers, instructed them to follow a set of rails that led in another direction. In a short while they arrived at the quarantine facility. Here, they remained in quarantine for a period of time. When it was deemed appropriate to leave by the living entities who operated this facility, the explorers, once more, entered a tram and traveled to the tram platform located at the intermediate grottobase.
Although located at the intermediate grottobase, this tram platform was still outside the grottobase. Therefore, dressed in their tunnelsuits and wearing their compressed air tanks, the explorers heeded the voice that spoke to them, and departed the tram. The tram then proceeded by remote control to a tram house located outside the intermediate grottobase. The explorers, each carrying their bags of personal items, were directed by the voice that spoke to them to walk to the entrance of the intermediate grottobase, where an airlock existed. Then, the explorers were told by the living entities to enter the intermediate grottobase through the airlock.
The leader of the explorers, using the knowledge that he had learned at the small grottobase concerning the opening of doors, proceeded to do so. However, after attempting to open the outer door twice, without success, he began to think about the way that the explorers had gained entrance to the small grottobase. Then, it struck him, and he understood. He stepped before the outer door of the airlock and spoke three words, and, immediately, the outer airlock door opened. The explorers entered the airlock, and the leader, once more, spoke three slightly different words, and the outer airlock door closed. An air exchange took place, and when this was completed, the air within the airlock was safe to breathe. Therefore, the explorers removed their helmets.
By this time, a small number of living entities that dwelt at the intermediate grottobase had assembled to greet the explorers. They opened the inner airlock door and received the visitors in friendship. The living entities transported the explorers in a air-tight vehicle to a remote part of the grottobase, where they were placed in a semi-quarantine facility. The entry by the explorers of the intermediate grottobase of the transfer activity grottobase complex marked the completion of the second step of their journey on the mystical pathway (Figure 16).
After a short time, the explorers were released from the semi-quarantine facility. Here, it is assumed that the medical needs of the explorers were attended to and the latter were observed by living entities trained in medicine. Then, they were given a tour of the part of the intermediate grottobase, where the operation of mystical technology referred to as spiritual cloning was performed. Nearby was the dwelling place of the clones that were awaiting their parent’s arrival at the intermediate grottobase. The parent, referred to above, of course, was the person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity from whom biological cells suitable for cloning had been obtained. This had been accomplished sometime during the second step of the material pathway of the journey of that person. The explorers were given a place to live near the dwelling place of the clones. They would continue to dwell there until the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, arranged for the parent and his clone offspring to meet.
Sometime after this meeting, the parent, it is believed, at some point, would inform the living entities, who administered the grottobase that he was ready to participate in spiritual cloning. This decision, as we have seen, meant that the parent would voluntarily die, and his soul-spirit would depart his dead body. However, his soul-spirit would not be taken by an angel to the abodes of the dead in the spiritual realm. Rather, it would join the mind (soul) of his clone, thereby providing the latter with a spirit. At this time, the soul-spirit of the clone would actually be comprised of two souls (minds): one that was his from the beginning of his life, and another that belonged to his parent.
So, prior to spiritual cloning, the clone possessed only a soul. But after spiritual cloning, he would possess both a soul (actually, two souls) and a spirit. Because he possessed a spirit, he now possessed eternal life. The principality angels (one of God, or the Creator, and another of Satan) that comprised his spirit, while he remained alive in the matter universe of the material realm, were eternal spiritual living entities that could not die. The association of the clone’s soul (mind) and his spirit, whether it be with a Godly spirit or a Satanic spirit, at the time of his death would ensure that his soul (mind) would live eternally. Therefore, the clone’s soul (mind) did not disappear at the time of his death, as do the souls (minds) of all living creatures that do not possess a spirit. Instead, because he possessed a spirit which was capable of adhering to his soul (mind), his soul (mind) was also now eternal and could not die. It is not known, for certain, if the explorers understood these things, when they made their decision to participate in spiritual cloning. Perhaps, their extended stay at the intermediate grottobase was used to instruct the explorers in these things, so they could arrive at an intelligent decision concerning this matter.
It is not necessary to discuss how the explorers died. It is only important to know that they died painlessly. But though their bodies were dead, their souls (minds) continued to live on through the lives of their clones. This was capable of continuing generation after generation for billions of years. Presumably, the collective souls (minds) of a clone that had lived many generations resulted in a soul (mind) that much more intelligent than the soul (mind) of the initial clone. And for those clones, who lived many, many generations, they would begin to develop an ability to understand and exercise spiritual power as this was delegated to them by the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, after the meeting of the parent explorers and their clone offspring, spiritual cloning occurred and the clone offspring, in the eyes of the Creator, would no longer be considered a clone. He would be considered a person because he now possessed a spirit.
However, as noted previously, spiritual cloning did not grant a clone or a person immortality. Rather, it granted him what is referred to in The Creation, as limited immortality. It is called limited immortality because it was necessary for the clone, or the person, to die every generation. At some time, the clone, or person, would die without participation in spiritual cloning. Then, his soul-spirit would be taken to the abodes of the dead in the spiritual realm and await his resurrection and judgment at the time of the second advent of Jesus Christ.
In this chapter, Chapter 6 (Posts 65-66), we will describe a hypothetical journey of a person involved in transfer activity on the material road of the material pathway (which comprises the last part of the third step of the material pathway) and the three steps of the mystical pathway. The material road of the third step of the material pathway and the first and second steps of the mystical pathway will be discussed in this post, Post 65. The third step of the mystical pathway will be discussed in the following post, Post 66. The person involved in this activity is assumed to be a person of the Magdalenian culture, who entered the Lascaux cave in the fifteenth millennium B.C.
Figures 1 and 2: The credit references for Figures 1 and 2 are found in the Credits of Post
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