Thursday, June 26, 2014

Post 68. Jesus Christ, as He Is Symbolized in the Multiple Inspired Source, "Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1) (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 7, Subhead 2)

Jesus Christ, as He Is Symbolized in the Multiple Inspired Source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1) (Post 68. CVIIC7S2)

As noted in Chapter 6, all alignments of the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1) that symbolize either the living entities of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator (alignments G, H, I, and J) or the two groups of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity (alignments D and F) pass through some part of the aurochs depicted in the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1.  In this context, the aurochs symbolizes Jesus Christ.  In general, we found that the relationship between these four civilizations and Jesus Christ confirmed that the living entities of these four civilizations that serve the Creator, also serve Jesus Christ.  However, some may feel this symbolism is not very compelling.  Therefore, we shall attempt to use the symbolism of the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1 in other ways that are more compelling in this regard.

Figure 1. The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1). Click
on the picture to enlarge.  Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works.

Figure 2. The three illustrations
(inspired sources:  2-1, 2-2, and 
2-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 2) with
alignments not drawn for better
viewing of the features of the
inspired source.  Click on the 
picture to enlarge .  Photograph
of the aurochs ©AAAC/TopFoto/
The Image Works.  

First, it may be noted that it is the left side of the aurochs head that is depicted in the inspired source, rather than the right side.  This, as we have seen, usually symbolizes left-handed (Christ-like) spiritual attributes, left-handed mystical technology, and service to the Creator. In addition, it may be noted that the configuration of the two horns of the aurochs can be viewed as two anomalous features.  In this regard, the right (lower) horn possesses a shape that resembles the letter “C”, while the left (upper) horn possesses a shape that resembles the letter “J” (Figure 18).2  Together, the two horns form the two letters C and J. These letters, it is believed, can be viewed as the first letters of the two words, “Christ” and “Jesus,” or Christ Jesus.

Figure 18. The anomalous feature
associated with the horns of the aurochs
in the inspired source 1-3 of Figure 1 that
resembles the letters "C" and "J."  Is this
intended to be an abbreviated form of the
title and name of Christ Jesus?  Click on
the picture to enlarge.  Photograph of
the aurochs, ©AAAC/TopFoto/The
Image Works

Also, it may be noted that below the head of the aurochs, there is depicted in the inspired source an anomalous feature that resembles the head of a person wearing a military-like helmet (Figure 19).3  Some may feel that this is not a helmet, but a crown.   However, in this study it shall be considered a military-like helmet.  Unlike the other anomalous feature of this inspired source that, when inverted, resembled the head of a person (Figure 6), this anomalous feature does not need to be inverted in order to be seen.  What is amazing is that the six alignments, mentioned above (alignments D, F, G, H, I, and J) that originate at the head of the person that must be inverted, originate on the head of the person that does not need to be inverted, also.   While the head of the person that must be inverted has the left side of his head in view, the head of the person that does not need to be inverted has the right side of his head in view.  What might the symbolic significance of this be?

Figure 19.  The anomalous feature (high-
lighted) associated with the aurochs in the
inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1
that resembles the head of a person wearing
a helmet.  Click on the picture to enlarge. 
Photograph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/TopFoto/
The Image Works.

Is it possible that the head of the person that wears no helmet and must be inverted to be seen represents living entities and people, who possess left-handed (Christ-like) spiritual attributes and serve the Creator, while the head of the person that wears a military-like helmet and does not need to be inverted to be seen represents living entities and people, who possess right-handed (Satan-like) spiritual attributes and serve Satan.  Does the head that needs to be inverted to be seen symbolize the conversion that living entities and people that serve Jesus Christ and the Creator undergo prior to accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior?   And does the head that does not need to be inverted to be seen, and which is wearing a military-like helmet, symbolize the non conversion that living entities and people that do not serve Jesus Christ and the Creator exhibit?  Perhaps, the head that does not need to be inverted to be seen, and which is wearing a military-like helmet, symbolizes satanic militarism that living entities and people that do not serve Jesus Christ and the Creator hold in high esteem.  It may be noted, however, that this head is located below the head of the aurochs, which would seem to signify that Jesus Christ-symbolized by the head of the aurochs-is dominant and above all satanic militaristic leaders that have appeared down through history.

We shall now conclude the study of the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1) with a brief discussion of the last two alignment points that have not been addressed in Volume II of The Creation, that is, alignment points F2 and G2 of alignments F and G, respectively.  As noted in Chapters 5 and 7, alignments F and G intersect with the left eye of the aurochs in the inspired source, 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1.  The aurochs depicted in the inspired source, above, as we have seen, appears to symbolize Jesus Christ.  If this is correct, then the location of points F2 and G2 at the left eye of the aurochs, it is believed, has symbolic significance.  The former point, point F2, is located at the left aspect of the left eye of the aurochs (as viewed from the perspective of the aurochs); while the latter point, point G2, is located at the right aspect of the left eye of the aurochs (as viewed from the perspective of the aurochs). 

Alignment F, as we have seen, symbolizes one of two groups of people of the Magdalenian culture, who were involved in transfer activity between 15,000 B.C and 14,501 B.C.  Alignment G, on the other hand symbolizes the most recent of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Jesus Christ and the Creator.  The living entities of this advanced interstellar civilization dwelt in various grottobases located beneath the surface of the earth-one of these being the large grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex associated with the Lascaux cave in southwestern France.  It may be recalled that the people and the living entities that comprised these two alignments were found to possess a high moral intellect.  This may have enabled them to quickly ascertain the moral implications of actions by themselves and others, and to do what was correct in the eyes of the Creator.  Because of this, Jesus Christ may have considered these people and living entities the “apple of his eye,” and, therefore, were highly regarded by him.  In Deut. 32:10, we read:

                           10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste
                                 howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him,
                                 kept him as the apple of his eye.

Although the people and living entities symbolized by alignments F and G may have had a high moral intellect, the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment H, it may be recalled, also possessed a high moral intellect.  However, the living entities of this civilization, apparently, were not considered in the same high regard by Jesus Christ.  Although it may be difficult to understand just why this was so, one reason for this may have been that the people and the living entities symbolized by the two alignments above were the most recent people and living entities to fulfill the destinies that the Creator intended for them to fulfill in the present age.  In addition, it is possible that the living entities that comprised the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G may have, in part, been members of mankind.  Therefore, perhaps another reason Jesus Christ considered both the people and living entities symbolized by alignments F and G as the apple of his eye was because, in addition to possessing a high moral intellect, they were members of mankind, or were, in part, members of mankind.  This was not the case with the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment H.

However, it is possible that the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization, symbolized by alignment H, because of their high moral intellect, and other reasons, are highly esteemed by Jesus Christ, irregardless.  Because they are the most recent of the three most ancient advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator, they may be considered by Jesus Christ to be “almost” the apple of his eye.  In this regard, it may be noted that alignment H almost intersects with the left eye of the aurochs, providing some symbolic support for this view. 


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2  Branigan, K., Consultant Editor:  The Atlas of Archaeology,   1982, from the article: 
'Lascaux' by S. and T. Champion, 30-31 (St. Martin's Press); Photograph of the
aurochs, ©AAAC/TopFoto/The Image Works

3  Branigan, K., Consultant Editor:  The Atlas of Archaeology,   1982, from the article:
'Lascaux' by S. and T. Champion, 30-31 (St. Martin's Press); Photograph of the
aurochs, ©AAAC/TopFoto/The Image Works 

Figures 1 and 2:  The credit references for Figures 1 and 2 are found in he Credits for Post
41 (CVIIC1S2)

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