Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Post 67. The Advanced Interstellar Civilizations That Serve the Creator as They Are Symbolized in the Multiple Inspired Source, "Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1) (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 7, Subhead 1)

          The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms

                                                                  Volume II
                                   The Material and Mystical Pathways of a Person
                               of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity

                                                                  Chapter 7
                      The Four Advanced Interstellar Civilizations That Serve the Creator;
                      Jesus Christ; the Higher Purpose of Transfer Activity; a Study of the
                      Inspired Source, “Lascaux Cave Artist” (Figure 20); and the Predictive
                                                     Aspect of Inspired Sources

----The Advanced Interstellar Civilizations That Serve the Creator as They Are Symbolized in the Multiple Inspired Source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1) (Post 67. CVIIC7S1)

----Jesus Christ as He Is Symbolized in the Multiple Inspired Source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1) (Post 68. CVIIC7S2)

----The Higher Purpose of Transfer Activity (Post 69. CVIIC7S3)

----The Inspired Source, “Lascaux Cave Artist” (Figure 20), Its Alignments, and General Conclusions Concerning the Symbolism That Pertains to the Inspired Source (Post 70. CVIIC7S4)

----Alignments A and B of the Inspired Source, “Lascaux Cave Artist” (Figure 20) (Post 71. CVIIC7S5)

----Alignments C and D of the Inspired Source, “Lascaux Cave Artist” (Figure 20) (Post 72. CVIIC7S6)

----Alignments E and F of the Inspired Source, “Lascaux Cave Artist” (Figure 20) (Post 73. CVIIC7S7)

----The Predictive Aspect of Inspired Sources (Post 74. CVIIC7S8)

The Advanced Interstellar Civilizations That Serve the Creator as They Are Symbolized in the Multiple Inspired Source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1) (Post 67. CVIIC7S1)

A geometric decoration is located on the wall of the Lascaux cave above the neck of the light horse in the inspired source, 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1.  This geometric decoration is believed to symbolize the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Jesus Christ and the Creator.  The living entities of these civilizations have been involved in man’s development on earth and his rise to civilization for many millennia.  Two of these civilizations, it is believed, were present in the solar system, when life began on earth about four billion years, ago.  Since that time, they, apparently, have watched over the unveiling of the Creator’s plan and purpose for life on earth.  It is not known, for certain, whether any advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Satan were present in the solar system at this time, or had a significant role in the development of man and his rise to civilization.  In The Creation, it is assumed that this did not take place. However, there is much still to be learned concerning the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Satan.  In the inspired sources, only the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator are symbolized in great detail.  And the geometric decoration, mentioned above, that the Magdalenian artists painted in the Axial Gallery of the Lascaux cave is an example of the symbolism present in inspired sources that makes it possible for man to better understand these civilizations.
Figure 1. The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source ,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Click 
on the picture to enlarge.  Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works. 

Figure 2.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 2-1, 2-2, and
2-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 2) with
alignments not shown for better
viewing of the features of the
inspired source.  Click on the
picture to enlarge.  Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The image Works.

In this regard, each of the four vertical lines of the geometric decoration symbolize one of these civilizations.  The most recent advanced interstellar civilization is symbolized by the first vertical line on the left.  This civilization is symbolized in the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1) by alignment G.  The next most recent advanced interstellar civilization is symbolized by the vertical line second from the left.  This civilization is symbolized in the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1) by alignment H.  The next most recent advanced interstellar civilization is symbolized by the vertical line third from the left.  This civilization is symbolized in the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1) by alignment I.  And the next most recent advanced interstellar civilization, or the most ancient advanced interstellar civilization, is symbolized in the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1) by alignment J.  Each of the four alignments, mentioned above, make contact with the lower end of one of the vertical lines of the geometric decoration.  The placing and arrangement of these four alignments in the inspired source, mentioned above, could not be the result of mere chance.  The hand of the Creator, it is believed, was involved in this phenomenon.  Perhaps, in this way the Creator chose to reveal to man that four advanced interstellar civilizations exist at this time that serve him.

It may be noted that each of the four alignments, mentioned above pass through areas of the aurochs depicted in the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1.  As we shall see, shortly, the aurochs symbolizes Jesus Christ.  Therefore, the four alignments, mentioned above, as well as alignments D and F, which pass through areas of the aurochs, also, indicate that a relationship exists between these alignments  (and the culture or civilization that each symbolizes) and Jesus Christ.  With regard to alignments G, H, I, and J, these alignments are believed to symbolize the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator and Jesus Christ. With regard to alignments D and F, as we have seen, these alignments symbolize people of the Magdalenian culture, who were involved in transfer activity in the fifteenth millennium B.C.  Therefore, a relationship is believed to exist between these members of mankind and Jesus Christ, also.  Although it is difficult to ascertain the nature of these relationships in their entirety, it would not be unreasonable to assume that what is signified, here, is that all the living entities and people associated with the alignments, mentioned above, have accepted Jesus Christ as their leader, or king, and serve him.  And in so doing, they serve the Creator, also. 

Although all four of the alignments that pertain to the four advanced interstellar civilizations begin at different places in the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1, they all converge at their terminal points at a place in the inspired source 1-1 (the map of the Lascaux cave) of Figure 1, called the Rotunda.  The Rotunda is, perhaps, the largest chamber of the Lascaux cave, and because it is round, it, like a round table, has no head or preferential place.  This may signify that the four civilizations, symbolized by alignments G, H, I, and J that converge at the Rotunda, are considered as equals, at least in the eyes of Jesus Christ. 

Finally, it should be noted that each of the four alignments, mentioned above, originate at an anomalous feature that is present in the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1.  This anomalous feature  resembles the head of a person, but the inspired source first must be inverted in order to see this (Figure 6).  This head, it is believed, symbolizes the living entities of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Jesus Christ.  In this context, Jesus Christ, it is believed, is symbolized by the head of the aurochs.   In addition, alignments D and F also originate at this anomalous feature, indicating that the members of mankind symbolized by these alignments also serve Jesus Christ. Therefore, when the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1 is viewed in a normal upright position, Jesus Christ is symbolically depicted, and when this inspired source is viewed inverted, an anomalous feature that resembles the head of a person is symbolically depicted.  This person, as noted above, symbolizes those living entities and people, who are members, or associate members, of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator and Jesus Christ, and as such can be considered to be material angels.  The inverted image of inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1 first appears in Chapter 4.  As Figure 6, it appears below, as well.  To view the alignments associated with this inspired source, see Figure 1 below.  The latter first appears in Chapter 1.

                                            Figure 6.  The anomalous feature (highlighted)
                                                     associated with the aurochs in the inspired
                                                     source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1 that
                                                     resembles the head of a person when inverted.
                                                     Click on the picture to enlarge. Photograph of
                                                      the aurochs, ©AAAC/TopFoto/The Image Works.
Turning now to alignment G, alignment G symbolizes the most recent (or the fourth most ancient) advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator to become an advanced interstellar civilization.  Alignment G begins at point G1 located at the anomalous feature that resembles the head of a person, when the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1 is inverted.  Specifically, point G1 is located high on the forehead of this person, where his forehead meets his hairline.  In addition, points F1 and H1 of alignments F and H, respectively, are collocated high on the forehead of this person, also.  Although it is not known, for certain, what the forehead of this person symbolizes, in The Creation it is assumed that it symbolizes moral intellect.  In this regard the members of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G appear to possess, as part of their character, a high moral intellect.  If it is assumed that the initial points of the six alignments, D, F, G, H, I, and J, symbolize some aspect of the character of the living entities or people that are signified by these alignments, then the living entities symbolized by alignment G, as well as the members of mankind symbolized by alignment F and the living entities symbolized by alignment H, respectively, are notable in this respect because of the high moral intellect that they possess.

Before leaving point G1 and proceeding to point G2 of alignment G, it may be noted that an extrapolation of alignment G in the opposite direction causes it to intersect with alignments A, B, and C at points A1, B1, and C1.  As we have seen, alignments A, B, and C symbolize the three steps of the material pathway of a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity.  Therefore, the intersection of the reversed extrapolation of alignment G with these three alignments appears to confirm that the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G was associated with transfer activity.  However, the place of the intersection, mentioned above, is not considered to be a location of an alignment point of alignment G.  The reason for this is that the initial points of all the other alignments   (alignments D, F, G, H, I, and J) originate at a place on the anomalous feature that resembles the head of a person, when inverted.  In this regard, it would not be symbolically consistent if point G1 of alignment G was collocated with points A1, B1, and C1 of alignments A, B, and C, rather than where it is presently located in the inspired source. 

After leaving point G1, alignment G proceeds to point G2 located at the left eye of the aurochs.  Because the aurochs is believed to symbolize Jesus Christ, the location of point G2, here, is believed to be symbolically significant.  However, we will not discuss this symbolism at this time.  It will be discussed later in the chapter as part of the conclusion of the subject of the material and mystical pathways of the people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity. 

After leaving point G2, alignment G continues to point G3 located at the intersection of alignments G and F.  Here, also, point G3 is collocated with point F3.  This intersection, it is believed, symbolizes that a relationship exists between the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G and the group of people of the Magdalenian culture symbolized by alignment F.  Presumably, this relationship involved the former, dwelling in a large grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex located beneath the surface of the earth, receiving the latter in friendship upon completion of their transfer activity, and making them associate members of their civilization.

Alignment G then continues to point G4 located at the lower end of the left vertical line of the geometric decoration.  Point G4, it is believed, identifies this vertical line as representing the first of four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Jesus Christ and the Creator.  The advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by this vertical line is the one symbolized by alignment G.  Because alignment G is associated with the vertical line of this feature, which is the first of four such lines that comprise the geometric decoration, this advanced interstellar civilization is believed to be the most recent (or the fourth most ancient) advanced interstellar civilization of the four.  Somewhat surprisingly, both alignments G and D intersect at the lower end of the left vertical line of the geometric decoration.  Here, also, point G4 is collocated with point D3. This intersection, it is believed, symbolizes that a relationship existed between the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G and the group of people of the Magdalenian culture symbolized by alignment D.  Presumably, this relationship involved the former, dwelling in a large grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex located beneath the surface of the earth, receiving the latter in friendship upon completion of their transfer activity, and making them associate members of their civilization.

In another context, the intersection of alignments G and D at collocated points G4 and D3 can be viewed as signifying a relationship with the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G, and the Atlanteans who were the ancestors of the group of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignment D.  These collocated alignment points, in this context, appear to describe a time when the Atlanteans referred to above were not a separate advanced civilization.  Rather, they were part of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G.  They were members of that civilization, not having yet separated from the latter.  The collocation of points G4 and D3 at the end of the left vertical line of the geometric decoration enables one to determine that the far left vertical line represents the most recent advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator, and the far right vertical line represents the most ancient advanced interstellar civilization, and not vice versa.  The association of the recent advanced civilization of Atlantis, in this context, symbolized by alignment D, with the most advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G confirms that the latter actually is the most recent advanced interstellar civilization (the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis is a recent civilization, not an ancient civilization),and can be assumed to be the most recent of the four.

After leaving point G4, alignment G continues to point G5 located at the place in the Lascaux cave called the Rotunda, where it terminates.  Here, alignment G converges with alignments H, I, and J in an unusual multiple intersection involving collocated points G5, H4, I3, and J4.  The symbolic significance of this convergence was alluded to previously, and appears to signify the unity of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator in their devotion to the Creator and Jesus Christ, and their commitment to the Creator’s plan and purpose for the creation and the life that dwells therein.  In addition, point O3 of alignment O and point X3 of alignment X are collocated here, also.  These alignments and alignment points were discussed in Chapter 5. 

Turning now to alignment H, alignment H symbolizes the second most recent (or the third most ancient) advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator to become an advanced interstellar civilization.  Alignment H begins at point H1 located at the anomalous feature that resembles the head of a person, when the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) is inverted (Figure 6).  Specifically, point H1 is located high on the forehead of this person, where his forehead meets his hairline.  This, it is believed, signifies that the living entities of this advanced interstellar civilization possess a high moral intellect, and one that is the highest among the living entities of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator. Yet, surprisingly, the moral intellect of these living entities is equal to that of the group of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignment F.  This is indicated by the collocation of points F1 and H1 of alignments F and H, respectively, at the same place on the forehead of the anomalous feature that resembles the head of a person in the inspired source. 

Because alignments H and F intersect at collated points, H1 and F1, mentioned above, a relationship is believed to exist between the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment H and the group of people of the Magdalenian culture symbolized by alignment F.  Possibly, upon completion of transfer activity and being received by members of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G, the people symbolized by alignment F may have been later received by the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment H in order to meet these living entities and learn from them.  After leaving point H1, alignment H proceeds to point H2 located at the belly of the light horse in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1.  Here, alignment H intersects with alignment D.  Here, also, point H2 is collocated with point D2. As in other cases involving the intersection of alignments, this intersection, it is believed, signifies that a relationship exists between the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment H and the group of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignment D.  Possibly, upon completion of transfer activity and being received by the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G, the people symbolized by alignment D may have been later received by the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment H in order to meet these living entities and learn from them.

Figure 17.  The anomalous feature (highlighted)
associated with the light horse in the inspired  source 1-2
(the two horses) of Figure 1 that resembles an infrared
beam spaceship.  Click on the picture to enlarge.

However, in another context, point D2 may symbolize the Atlanteans of the advanced civilization of Atlantis, who are believed to have been the ancestors of the group of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignment D.  The relationship between these living entities and the Atlanteans, apparently, was one that involved trade between the two by means of spaceships.   In this regard, it may be noted that the place of intersection of alignments H and D at the belly of the light horse in the inspired source can also be viewed as the place where the tailfin is located on an anomalous feature that resembles a spaceship.  This spaceship is highlighted in Figure 17.1 The same anomalous feature was discussed in Chapter 4 in terms of its significance to the symbolism concerning alignment D.  Here, it is discussed in terms of its significance to the symbolism concerning alignment H.  Here, again, this spaceship, apparently, is an Atlantean infrared beam spaceship that is depicted receiving a “beam” from a spaceship that is operated by the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment H.  The latter is not depicted in the inspired source, though the place where its “beam” strikes the Atlantean spaceship is depicted (the intersection of alignments H and D).  The subject of the advanced civilization of Atlantis and the infrared beam spaceships operated by that civilization will be discussed in greater detail in Volume III of The Creation. 

After leaving point H2, alignment H continues to point H3 located at the lower end of the vertical line of the geometric decoration, which is second from the left.  Point H3, it is believed, identifies this vertical line as representing the second of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Jesus Christ and the Creator.  The advanced interstellar civilization represented by this vertical line is the one symbolized by alignment H. Because alignment H is associated with the vertical line of this feature, which is second from the left, this advanced interstellar civilization is believed to be the second most recent advanced interstellar civilization of the four.

After leaving point 3 H3, alignment H continues to point H4 located at a place in H3H3, alignment H continues to point H4, located at the place in the Lascaux cave called the Rotunda, where it terminates.  Here, alignment H converges with alignments G, I, and J in an unusual multiple intersection involving collocated points G5, H4, I3, and J4. The symbolic significance of this convergence was alluded to previously, and appears to signify the unity of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator in their devotion to the Creator and Jesus Christ, and their commitment to the Creator’s plan and purpose for the creation and the life that dwells therein.   In addition, point O3 of alignment O and point X3 of alignment X are collocated here, also.  These alignments and alignment points were discussed in Chapter 5. 

Turning now to alignment I, alignment I symbolizes the third most recent (or the second most ancient) advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator to become an advanced interstellar civilization.  Alignment I begins at point I1 located at the anomalous feature, which resembles the head of a person in the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1, when the inspired source is inverted (Figure 6).  Specifically, point I1 is located at the end of the exaggerated left sideburn of this feature.  Here, also point D1 of alignment D is located.  Once again, because alignments I and D intersect at this location, it is assumed that a relationship exists between the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment I and the group of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignment D.  Possibly, upon completion of transfer activity and being received by members of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G, these people symbolized by alignment D may have been later received by members of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment I.

The exaggerated left sideburn on the anomalous feature that resembles the head of a person, when the inspired source is inverted, has the connotation of sexual power.  In addition, the exaggerated left sideburn of the anomalous feature, mentioned above, also can be viewed as a horn.  The horn of an animal can be viewed as its power.   However, in this case this horn may symbolize mental power.  Therefore, in both contexts, above, power appears to be symbolized.  Perhaps, in the latter context, the exaggerated left horn symbolizes a proficiency in the operations of mystical technology by the living entities of this advanced interstellar civilization. Because this horn is a left horn, it would appear to mean that these living entities practice left-handed mystical technology (as do all the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator).  Perhaps, because of the technological proficiency of these living entities, the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator have always been able to maintain a technological superiority over the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Satan.  This, in turn, may have enabled the former to shape events pertaining to  the cosmic war being waged between the two, so as to largely dominate their adversaries over the course of the war.

The intersection of alignment I and alignment D, where point I1 and point D1 are collocated, as noted previously, is believed to indicate that a relationship exists between the group of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignment D and the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment I.  The receiving of the later by the former was discussed above.  However, there may also be a relationship between the two based on their similar technological inclination and their proficiency in mastering mystical technology and its applications.  As stated in Chapter 4 concerning the group of people symbolized by alignment D, the people who comprised this group, as members of the Magdalenian culture, may have been proficient in material technology, as primitive as this was at the time.  This technological inclination probably continued after they became associate members of an advanced interstellar civilization, and they, eventually, became proficient in mystical technology, as well.

After leaving point I1, alignment I proceeds to point I2 located at the lower end of the vertical line of the geometric decoration, which is third from the left.  Point I2, it is believed, identifies this vertical line as representing the third of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Jesus Christ and the Creator.  The advanced interstellar civilization represented by this vertical line is the one symbolized by alignment I.  Because alignment I is associated with the vertical line of this feature, which is third from the left, this advanced interstellar civilization is believed to be the third most recent advanced interstellar civilization of the four.

After leaving point I2, alignment I continues to point I3 located at the place in the Lascaux cave called the Rotunda, where it terminates.  Here, alignment I converges with alignments G, H, and J in an unusual multiple intersection involving collocated points G5, H4, I3, and J4. The symbolic significance of this convergence was alluded to previously, and is believed to signify the unity of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator in their devotion to the Creator and Jesus Christ, and their commitment to the Creator’s plan and purpose for the creation and the life that dwells therein.  In addition, point O3 of alignment O and point X3 of alignment X are collocated here, also.  These alignments and alignment points were discussed in Chapter 5. 

Turning now to alignment J, alignment J symbolizes the fourth most recent (or the most ancient) advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator to become an advanced interstellar civilization. Alignment J begins at point J1 located at the anomalous feature that resembles the head of a person, when the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1 is inverted (Figure 6).  Specifically, point J1 is located at the end of the nose of this person.  After leaving point J1, alignment J proceeds to point J2 located at the end of the chin of this person.  Because alignment J is the only alignment associated with this head with more than one point located at that anomalous feature, this is believed to be symbolically significant.  Possibly, this may mean that the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment J, in some sense, had two beginnings.  In The Creation, the view taken is that this advanced interstellar civilization had its beginning in another galaxy, and then journeyed to the Milky Way Galaxy.  This, in a sense, would comprise two beginnings.

Although the identity of the galaxy of origin of the living entities of this civilization is uncertain, it is believed be one of the large galaxies that belongs to the Local Group.  In addition to the Milky Way Galaxy, two other large spiral galaxies are found in the Local Group: the Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangular Galaxy.  Perhaps, this advanced interstellar civilization originated from one of these galaxies.  Inspired sources indicate that the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, provided the means for this civilization to travel from the galaxy of its origin to the Milky Way Galaxy.  However, it is not known, for certain, if this occurred before or after an advanced interstellar civilization that served Satan, left that galaxy and traveled to the Milky Way Galaxy, also.  Presumably, this took place in accordance to the will of the Creator and with his assistance.  Following the transfer of these two adversarial civilizations to the Milky Way Galaxy, the Creator, apparently, made it impossible for further intergalactic journeys such as this to take place for the remainder of the present age.

As noted above, it is possible that the Holy Spirit is involved in determining whether a spaceship of an advanced interstellar civilization is permitted to make an intergalactic journey.  On journeys, such as this, wormholes are inadequate, and gravitational fields associated with black holes or technological black holes are believed to be used.  However, after the two journeys mentioned above, no other intergalactic journeys, such as this, have taken place in the present age.  Journeys of this kind, it is believed, will not take place again until the future age, or as the latter is referred to in Christian eschatology-the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32).

Following the transfer of the spaceships of the two adversarial advanced interstellar civilizations to the Milky Way Galaxy, mentioned above, it is assumed that no living entities possessing a soul-spirit nature, remained alive in the galaxy of their origin.  Moreover, no life of any kind remained alive in this galaxy.  The second beginning of life in this galaxy, apparently, will not take place until the future age, when it will occur as a result of the manifestation of the spoken word by the Son (the Word).  It is assumed that the cosmic war between advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator and those that serve Satan had its beginning in the matter universe of the material realm in this galaxy of origin.  After the two adversarial advanced interstellar civilizations transferred to the Milky Way Galaxy, the cosmic war was continued in that galaxy.  Other living entities possessing a soul-spirit nature dwelling in the Milky Way Galaxy over the course of time developed advanced interstellar civilizations, also. These either allied themselves with the advanced interstellar civilization that served the Creator or the advanced interstellar civilization that served Satan.   And as we have seen, these eventually numbered three for each side, or four, including the original adversarial advanced interstellar civilizations.  The final battle in this cosmic war has yet to take place.  Although man does not know when this battle will take place, where it will take place is clearly revealed in the Bible, and this place is none other the earth, itself.

After leaving point J2, alignment J continues to point J3 located at the lower end of the vertical line of the geometric decoration, which is fourth from the left.  Point J3, it is believed, identifies this vertical line as representing the fourth of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Jesus Christ and the Creator.  The advanced interstellar civilization represented by this vertical line is the one symbolized by alignment J. Because alignment J is associated with the vertical line of this feature, which is fourth from the left, this advanced interstellar civilization is believed to be the fourth most recent (or the most ancient) advanced interstellar civilization of the four. 

After leaving point J3, alignment J continues to point J4 located at the place in the Lascaux cave called the Rotunda, where it terminates.  Here, alignment J converges with alignments G, H, and I in an unusual multiple intersection involving collocated points G5, H4, I3, and J4.  The symbolic significance of this convergence was alluded to previously, and appears to signify the unity of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator in their devotion to the Creator and Jesus Christ, and their commitment to the Creator’s plan and purpose for the creation and the life that dwells therein.  In addition, point O3 of alignment O and point X3 of alignment X are collocated here, also.  These alignments and alignment points were discussed in Chapter 5.


In this chapter, Chapter 7 (Posts 67-74), we will discuss the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator.  We will also study the alignments that pertain to them in the inspired source, "Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  We will also study the symbolism of the above inspired source as it pertains to Jesus Christ.  Then, the higher purpose of transfer activity will be discussed.  After this, the inspired source, "Lascaux Cave Artist" (Figure 20) will be studied.  As we shall see, the symbolism of this inspired source contains a prediction.  However, this prediction has recently come to pass.  Therefore, technically, it is no longer a prediction.  It is a fulfilled prediction.  The role of inspired sources in predicting future events, and the possibility of man one day using inspired sources, such as that represented by Figure 20, to influence future events, concludes Chapter 7 and Volume II of The Creation. 


 1   Branigan, K., Consultant Editor:  The Atlas of Archaeology,  1982, from the article:  'Lascaux' by S. and T. Champion, 30-31 (St. Martin's Press)

Figures 1 and 2:  The credit references for Figures 1 and 2 are found in the Credits for Post
41 (CVIIC1S2)


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