Friday, August 8, 2014

Post 71. The 911 2001 Terrorist Attack and Alignments A and B of the Inspired Source, "Lascaux Cave Artist" (Figure 20) (The Creation, Volume I: Chapter 7, Subhead 5)

The 911 2001 Terrorist Attack and Alignments A and B of the Inspired Source, “Lascaux Cave Artist” (Figure 20) (Post 71. CVIIC7S5)

Turning now to the alignments that are present in the inspired source, “Lascaux Cave Artist” (Figure 20), the first alignment, alignment A, begins at point A1, located at a corner of the tray of burning embers or animal fat that is held by an assistant to the artist.  This tray, in fact, symbolizes the right side of the fuselage of one of the airliners that struck one of the two world trade center towers.  After leaving point A1, alignment A proceeds to point A2 located on the right side of the head of the artist (where it intersects with alignment B).  Then, this alignment terminates point A3 located at the thumb of the right hand of the artist.  Here, the thumb of the artist joins the long shadow of the latter’s right hand and arm that is depicted on the wall of the cave.  In fact, this long shadow symbolizes the flight of the airliner, mentioned above, just prior to its collision into one of the world trade center towers.  It may be noted that an extrapolation of alignment A intersects the end of the little finger of the right hand of the artist.  As we shall see, this finger symbolizes the north tower of the twin world trade center towers.  Its appearance and that of the finger beside it, resembles in miniature, the two towers that comprised the twin world trade center towers.  It may be recalled that the north tower was struck first, and this is symbolized by the proximity of the long shadow, mentioned above, to the little finger of the right hand of the artist.  This little finger, then, appears to symbolize the north tower of the twin world trade center towers, while the finger beside this finger appears to symbolize the south tower.

Figure 20.  The inspired source, "Lascaux Cave Artist"
(Figure 20), with alignments drawn.  Painting by Jack
Unruh.  Click on the picture to enlarge.

Figure 21.  The inspired source, "Lascaux Cave Artist"
(Figure 21), with alignments not drawn for better viewing
of the features of the inspired source.  Painting by Jack
Unruh.  Click on the picture to enlarge.

Alignment B begins at point B1 located at a corner of a second tray of burning embers, or animal fat, that rests on the scaffold to the right of the artist.  This tray, in fact, symbolizes the left side of the fuselage of one of the airliners that struck one of the two world trade center towers.  After leaving point B1, alignment B proceeds to point B2 located at the right side of the head of the artist (where it intersects with alignment A), and terminates at point B3 located at the thumb of the left hand of the artist.  Here, the thumb of the artist joins the long shadow on the latter’s left hand and arm that is depicted on the wall of the cave.  In fact, this long shadow symbolizes the flight of the airliner, mentioned above, just prior to its crash into one of the world trade center towers.  Because this shadow is more distant from the two fingers of the right hand of the artist than the shadow, mentioned previously, it can be assumed that this shadow symbolizes the airliner that struck the south tower of the twin world trade center towers.  The attack on the south tower, it may be recalled, followed the attack on the north tower. 

The southern end of the island of Manhattan is symbolically portrayed in the inspired source by the head of the aurochs that the artist is painting.  In this context, the two fingers of the right hand of the artist, which symbolize the former twin towers of the world trade center, symbolically, are accurately located on the eastern shore of the Hudson River.

This post, Post 71, is one of five posts (Posts 70, 71, 72, 73, and 74) that discuss the symbolism of the inspired source, "Lascaux Cave Artist" (Figure 20).  Posts 72, 73, and 74 will be discussed in subsequent posts. 


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