Thursday, August 14, 2014

Post 75. Epilogue, Appendix, and Credits for Inspired Sources and Man,s Destiny, Volume II (The Creation, Volume II)


                           The Symbolic Significance of the Name, Magdalenian

As we have seen, the cave art of the Lascaux cave was executed by the people of the Magdalenian culture about seventeen thousand years, ago.  There is, of course, much we don’t know about these people.  However, we do know that they dwelt in southern France and northern Spain between 16,000 B.C. and 9,000 B.C.  As for the name that archaeologists have given to this culture, Magdalenian, is it possible that this name is one that the Creator desired this culture be known as in modern times?   If so, then, perhaps, there may be some symbolic significance in the name, Magdalenian, and this is what we shall address here. 

As noted above, the name, Magdalenian, had an archaeological derivation.  It is a name that designates Upper Paleolithic man living in southern France and northern Spain between 16,000 B.C. and 9,000 B.C.  It was the name archaeologists gave to a rock shelter used by Upper Paleolithic people sometime between 16,000 B.C. and 9,000 B.C.  The name given by archaeologists to this rock shelter was the La Magdeliene rock shelter.  The word, Magdeliene, is French, and translates to Magdalene in English.  The Magdaliene (or Magdalene) rock shelter is located along the Vezere River of the Dordogne River region about ten miles southwest of the Lascaux cave. 

The original inspiration for the name of this rock shelter, “Magdalene,” certainly must have been Mary Magdalene of the Bible.  With the possible exception of Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene was the most notable woman disciple of Jesus Christ and the most frequently mentioned (Mt. 27:55-56; Jn. 20:1-2, 11-18). At this point, we must ask, is it merely a coincidence that the name of this woman is the same name that archaeologists have assigned to the people, who decorated the Lascaux cave and were involved in transfer activity in the fifteenth millennium B.C.? 

As we have seen, Jesus Christ appears to have been intimately involved in transfer activity.  Is it possible that he was responsible for archaeologists naming the rock shelter on the Vezere River the La Magdeliene rock shelter?  Is it possible that he, too, was responsible for archaeologists choosing the name, Magdeliene, or Magdalene, to identify the primitive culture of Upper Paleolithic man that dwelt in the Dordogne River region between 16,000 B.C. and 9,000 B.C.?   He, who had been resurrected from the dead and became the incarnate Son (the Word), about nineteen hundred years before  archaeologists assigned the name, Magdalenian,” to these primitive people, undoubtedly, would have been capable of inspiring archaeologists to chose the name, Magdalenian, for these people.  

But why would Jesus Christ desire this primitive culture-the first of many subsequent cultures and civilizations with Atlantean ancestry that were involved in transfer activity-to be named after Mary Magdalene of the Bible?  It may be recalled that Mary Magdalene was the first of the disciples to see Jesus Christ, and talk with him, after his resurrection.  Stated another way, Mary Magdalene was the first disciple, whom Jesus Christ chose to visit and talk with following his resurrection (Jn. 20:11-18).  Perhaps, just as Jesus Christ first visited and talked with Mary Magdalene following his resurrection, before visiting the other disciples, he also may have first visited and talked with the first person, or group of people, with Atlantean ancestry, of every culture or civilization, who completed  transfer activity between 15,000 B.C. and A.D. 1500. The first of these, of course, were the people of the Magdalenian culture.  Therefore, Jesus Christ may have talked with the first person, or group of people, of the Magdalenian culture to complete transfer activity in the fifteenth millennium B.C.  After this, he may have talked with the first people, or group of people, of subsequent cultures and civilizations on earth, who completed transfer activity, also. But the people of the Magdalenian culture were the first of these cultures and civilizations, just as Mary Magdalene was the first of the disciples that Jesus spoke to following his resurrection.  Those that Jesus Christ spoke to between 15,000 B.C. and A.D. 1500 may then have related what he had told them to others of their culture or civilization who followed.  And what may have been the message that Jesus Christ conveyed to those with whom he spoke at that time. 

Perhaps, he explained to them the higher purpose of transfer activity that they had just completed.  Perhaps, he also told them that this higher purpose would only be realized in the day of the Lord.  At that time, when the present age would be drawing to a close, the people of the primitive cultures and civilizations on earth, who had completed transfer activity over the course of many millennia, would no longer need to participate in spiritual cloning.  They would be resurrected members of mankind who possessed glorified bodies and eternal life.  In addition, they would also be associate members of an advanced interstellar civilization.  As such, they would possess a knowledge of mystical technology and be capable of designing, constructing, and operating an advanced interstellar spaceship, based on mystical technology. 

These people, that is, all those who completed transfer activity beginning with the people of the Magdalenian culture in the fifteenth millennium B.C., it is believed, will share this knowledge with the resurrected church of Jesus Christ and other saved members of mankind, both resurrected and not (yet) resurrected in the day of the Lord.  The part of the day of the Lord, referred to here, is that part that follows the second advent of Jesus Christ in power and glory, and takes place during the one thousand years of peace, prosperity, and perfect government, referred to as the kingdom age or millennium.  Together, all of these people, both the saved and resurrected and the saved and not (yet) resurrected, will undertake the most ambitious and  important construction project in man’s history, that is, the design and construction of an advanced interstellar spaceship, based on mystical technology.  The completion of this project and the completion of a successful voyage  by the spaceship to a nearby stellar system and its return to earth will mark the transformation of man’s advanced stellar civilization to an advanced interstellar civilization. 

But more importantly, the church of Jesus Christ and other saved members of mankind will be, technologically, prepared for the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age.   Not only will these people be prepared to serve Jesus Christ as a spiritually mature people, who have received the Holy Spirit, they will be prepared to serve Jesus Christ, effectively, as a technologically mature people, who are capable of designing, constructing, and operating spaceships that employ mystical technology.  In the future age, these people will dwell eternally with Jesus Christ in the kingdom of God over which he will reign eternally.

A Tentative List of Titles of the Seven Volumes That Comprise
The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms
Volume I           The Mystery of Inspired Sources and Their Significance to Man
Volume II          The Material and Mystical Pathways of a Person of the Magdalenian
                          Culture Involved in Transfer Activity  
Volume III         The Advanced Civilization of Atlantis, Advanced Interstellar 
                          Civilizations, and Their Relationship to One Another and Man
Volume IV         The Infinite Features and Finite Realms of the Creation and the Life
                           That Dwells Therein 
Volume V          Mystical Technology 1:  Advanced Planetary and Stellar Spaceship
                           Design and Operation
Volume VI         Mystical Technology 2:  Advanced Interstellar Spaceship Design                             and Operation
Volume VII        Mystical Technology 3:  Advanced Spaceship Travel Involving
                            the Use of Wormholes and Black Holes
A note concerning the Credits:  The Credits appear at the end of each post of this blog (where applicable), and list only those works that appear or are mentioned in the posts to which they pertain. The beginning  of each chapter marks the beginning of the sequence of note numbers that comprise that chapter.  The note numbers are listed numerically at the end of each post (where applicable) followed by information concerning the work that is being referenced.

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