Saturday, May 3, 2014

Post 57. The Group of People involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Points D3 and D4 and the Geometric Decoration Depicted Above the Neck of the Light Horse

The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Points D3 and D4 and the Geometric Decoration Depicted Above the Neck of the Light Horse (Post 57. CVIIC4S4)

In the previous post, Post 56, it was stated that point D2 of the inspired source 1-2 of Figure 1 pertained to an Atlantean infrared beam spaceship and the development of the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis that employed these spaceships.  This civilization, apparently, was the origin of the Atlanteans who intermarried with mankind, and whose descendants were involved in the Magdalenian phase of transfer activity between 15,000 B.C. and 14,501 B.C.  In this post, Post 57, we will resume the study of alignment D.  After leaving point D2, alignment D continues to point D3.  Point D3 is located at the lower end of the left vertical line, which is part of the geometric decoration on the wall of the cave above the neck of the light horse (Figures 1 and 2).  Alignment D then continues a short distance to point D4 located at a point precisely midway along the curvature of the left vertical line, mentioned above. 
Figure 1.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1,1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Click
on the picture to enlarge.  Photo-
  graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC /
TopFoto/The Image Works.
Figure 2. The three illustrations 
(inspired sources: 2-1, 2-2, and 
2-3) that are collectively referred 
to as the multiple inspired source,
Lascaux Cave" (Figure 2), with
alignments not drawn for better
viewing of the features of the 
inspired source.  Click on the 
picture to enlarge. Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC
/TopFoto/The Image Works. 
With regard to the four vertical lines of this geometric decoration, these symbolize, it is believed, the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Jesus Christ and the Creator at the present time.  These four advanced interstellar civilizations, it is believed, were involved in the development of man on earth, and his rise to civilization.  The most recent of these advanced interstellar civilizations is represented by the left vertical line of the geometric decoration.  At the lower end of this line is located point G4 of alignment G.  It may be noted that point G4 is collocated here with point D3 of alignment D.  The intersection of alignments D and G, here, is believed to signify that the Atlantean ancestors of the group of people of the Magdalenian culture symbolized by alignment D were once an integral part of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G.  The latter, as mentioned above, is represented by the left vertical line of the geometric decoration.  These Atlanteans, as we shall see in Volume III of The Creation, were once living entities who were members of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G.  However, they separated from the latter and began a new advanced civilization, which is referred to in The Creation as the advanced oceanic civilization of Atlantis.  The advanced interstellar civilization, symbolized by alignment G, at the time of the schism, was only an advanced stellar civilization.  However, later, some time after the schism, it became an advanced interstellar civilization. 

The schism, it is believed, is symbolized by the separate courses of alignment D and alignment G following the intersection of the two at the end of the left vertical line of the geometric decoration.  It may be noted that alignment D diverges from the straight imaginary line that is formed by the beginning of the left vertical line and the end of that line lower on the wall.  However it does remain located on the curvature of the true line until at point D4 it no longer can do so, and departs the line for good.  This, it is believed, symbolizes the time of the schism, mentioned above.  In contrast, alignment G intersects both the end of the left vertical line and the beginning of that line higher up the wall.  However, in order to do this, it must depart the actual line, which has a slight curvature to it, and follow an imaginary straight line that connects the beginning and the end of the left vertical line.  Therefore, the unity (collocated points D3 and G4) and schism (point D4) that were factors in the in the formation of the advanced oceanic civilization of Atlantis about 26,000 B.C. is subtly revealed in this inspired source. 

The advanced oceanic civilization of Atlantis came to possess their own grottobases.  It also operated submarines in the oceans and seas of the earth.  Later, some  Atlanteans would separate from that civilization and form another advanced civilization referred to in The Creation as the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis.  The living entities of this advanced civilization, with the help of living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization, constructed ground tower-spaceship facilities on earth and operated advanced stellar spaceships (infrared beam spaceships) in the sky above the earth and in space.  However these facilities were largely located beneath the surface of the earth.  And the entrances to these subterranean facilities were not in areas where the activities of the Atlanteans could be easily observed.   It is even possible that the Creator made it impossible for the entrances of these facilities to be observed by man or other creatures on earth simply by interfering with  the ability of the latter to perceive (using all senses) these entrances.

A time of 26,000 B.C. is stated above as being the time of the beginning of the advanced oceanic civilization of Atlantis.  This civilization, as noted previously, operated submarines and, later, tunnelships.  The latter employed an antigravity capability, but were restricted to the tunnel system that the Atlanteans shared with the advanced interstellar civilizations that served the Creator.  Based on the symbolism of inspired sources, the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis, which operated spaceships along with tunnelships, had its beginning sometime after 26,000 B.C.  Although many writers on the subject of Atantis have put forth various times for the beginning of the advanced oceanic civilization of Atlantis, the time, 26,000 B.C., is based on the symbolism of, perhaps, the most important inspired source that man has discovered-the Great Pyramid of Giza.  In Volume III of The Creation, we shall study this symbolism in greater detail.

Figures 1 and 2:  The credit references for Figures 1 and 2 are found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2).


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