Alignments E, N, and O as They
Pertain to the Mystical Road and the Completion of the Three Steps of the Mystical
Pathway by the People of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 63. CVIIC5S)
we have seen, alignment E, N, and O symbolize the completion of the first,
second, and third steps of the mystical pathway. In this regard, they are similar to points K3,
K4, and K5 of alignment K, which symbolize the completion of the first, second,
and third steps of the material pathway.
We shall now study alignments E, N, and O to learn how this is depicted
in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1.
Figure 1. The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1). Click
on the picture to enlarge. Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works.
Figure 2. The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 2-1, 2-2, and
2-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 2) with
alignments not drawn for better
viewing of the features of the
inspired source. Click on the
picture to enlarge. Photograph
of the aurochs, ©AAAC/TopFoto/
The Image works.
O1 of alignment O, point N1 of alignment N, and point E1 of alignment E are all
collocated at the convergence of alignments E, N, and O in the inspired source,
mentioned above. It may be recalled that
the dark horse symbolizes the material pathway and the light horse symbolizes
the mystical pathway. Because this convergence is located on the right side of
line P, in the area occupied by the light horse, it can be assumed that
alignments O, N, and E pertain to the mystical pathway. With regard to alignment O, after leaving
point O1, alignment O proceeds to point O2 located at the most anterior part of
the end of the tail of the light horse, and terminates at point O3 located at
the Rotunda, where it intersects alignments G, H, I, J, and X.
And so, with regard to the material pathway alignment points K3, K4, and K5 of alignment K are believed to symbolize the completion of the first, second, and third steps of the material pathway. However, with regard to the mystical pathway, three different alignments are believed to be used. These are: alignment E symbolizing completion of the first step of the mystical pathway; alignment N symbolizing the completion of the second step of the mystical pathway; and alignment O symbolizing the completion of the third step of the mystical pathway. In this context, point O3 of alignment O, it is believed, symbolizes the completion of the third step of the mystical pathway by a person involved in transfer activity at the large grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex. This grottobase is symbolized by the Rotunda in the inspired source. Point N3 of alignment N, it is believed, symbolizes the completion of the second step of the mystical pathway by a person involved in transfer activity at the intermediate grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex. This grottobase is symbolized by the Shaft in the inspired source. Points E4 and E5 of alignment E, it is believed, symbolizes the completion of the first step of the mystical pathway by a person involved in transfer activity at the small grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex. This grottobase is symbolized by the Axial Gallery. In this regard, point E4 is collocated with points F4 and Y3 at the south wall of the Axial Gallery, and symbolizes the completion of the first step of the mystical pathway for the group of people symbolized by alignment F, while point E5 is collocated with point D5 and Z3 at the north wall of the Axial Gallery, and symbolizes the completion of the first step of the mystical pathway for the group of people symbolized by alignment D,
With regard to the material and mystical roads of the material and mystical pathways, it may be recalled that the material road of the material pathway is signified by the part of the tail of the dark horse located between points K1 and K2 of alignment K. Similarly, the mystical road of the mystical pathway is signified by the part of the tail of the light horse located between points E2 and E3 of alignment E. Because the mystical road is associated with the first step of the mystical pathway, and not the second or third steps of that pathway, it would seem logical to assume that the mystical road would be symbolized most clearly by the alignment that is associaated the first step of that pathway, that is, alignment E. And this is what we find when the part of the tail of the light horse between points E2 and E3 of alignment E is considered. Here, point E2 is located at the very end of the tail of the light horse, and signifies the beginning of the mystical road; while point E3 is located at the beginning of the tail of the light horse, where the tail originates at the lower back of the horse,and signifies the end of the mystical road.
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Figures 1 and 2: The credit references for Figures 1 and 2 are found in the Credits of Post
41 (CVIIC1S2)
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