Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Post 59. A Summary of Transfer Activity and the Two Groups of People of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 5, Subhead 1)

The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms

                                                               Volume II
                             The Material and Mystical Pathways of a Person
                        of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in  Transfer Activity

                                                               Chapter 5
Transfer Activity of the People of the Magdalenian Culture Symbolized
by Alignment F and Their Journey on the Mystical Pathway; Alignments 
      E, N, O, X, Y, and Z; and the Material and Mystical Pathways as 
Symbolized by the Great Pyramid of Giza       

----A Summary of Transfer Activity and the Two Groups of People of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 59. CVIIC5S1)

----The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment F as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Points F1, F2, and F3, and the Anomalous Feature That Resembles the Head of a Person (Post 60. CVIIC5S2)

----The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity symbolized by Alignment F as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Points F4 and F5, and the Two Grottobases Associated with the Completion of the First and Second Steps of the Mystical Pathway by these People (Post 61. CVIIC5S3)

----Alignments X, Y, and Z as They Pertain to the Third Step of the Mystical Pathway, and the Completion of that Step by people of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 62. CVIIC5S4)

----Alignments E, N, and O as They Pertain to the Mystical Road and the Completion of the Three Steps of the Mystical Pathway by People of the Magdalenian culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 63. CVIIC5S5)

----The Three Steps of the Material Pathway and the Three Steps of the Mystical Pathway as Symbolized by the Great Pyramid of Giza (Post 64. CVIIC5S6)

A Summary of Transfer Activity and the Two Groups of People of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 59. CVIIC5S1)

As we saw in Chapter 4, two groups of people of the Magdalenian culture were involved in transfer activity between 15,000 B.C. and 14,501 B.C.  In that chapter we discussed the group that possessed a genealogical connection with the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis symbolized by alignment D.  In this chapter we will discuss the group that may not have possessed a genealogical connection with the advanced civilization, mentioned above, but did possess a high degree of rapport with the Creator.  This group is symbolized by alignment F. This group, it is believed, did not have a genealogical connection with the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis.  However, it did have a high moral and spiritual character, and a desire to know the Creator and his ways.  This desire to know the Creator and his ways may have caused these people problems in the clan and community in which they dwelt.  Most in the community probably did not have a strong desire to know the Creator and they may not have believed that an underworld existed in the interior of the earth.  Consequently, the people of the Magdalenian culture symbolized by alignment F may have been viewed as odd by many, simply because of their unorthodox beliefs.  Although these people may not have been held in high esteem by man, they must have been held in high esteem by the Creator.  The reason for stating this is that the people of the Magdalenian culture symbolized by alignment F were chosen by the Creator to participate in transfer activity and follow the material and mystical pathways that would lead them to the fulfillment of their destiny. 
Figure 1.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Click
on the picture to enlarge.  Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works. 

Presumably, the group of people symbolized by alignment F, like the group of people symbolized by alignment D, was comprised of both men and women.  In both groups it is assumed several members of the same family, on occasion, participated in transfer activity. The people involved in transfer activity, who traveled on the mystical road of the mystical pathway, apparently, did so in groups numbering no more than five.  Their journey was made possible by mystical particles that were transferred from the mystical realm to the matter universe of the material realm by the leader of the group.  This cloud of mystical particles was produced by three portable instruments, which were operated by the leader of the group.  These instruments, as noted previously, are referred to in The Creation as the helmet, the breastplate, and the sword.  In addition, it is possible that each member of the group possessed a breastplate similar to the leader.  The magnetic flux produced by these breastplates may have attracted newly transferred dipole magnetic particles to the breastplates worn by these people.  The opposite electrical charge of the dipole magnetic particle and the selectron would have canceled out ensuring a neutral electrical environment for those involved in transfer activity.  Those on the mystical road of the mystical pathway were, in a sense, traveling in an enclave of the mystical realm within the matter universe of the material realm at this time.  And they would continue to do so until the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, led them to an excavated tunnel in the interior of the earth.   At this time, the instruments of mystical particle transfer would no longer be needed to travel on the mystical road.   

One might, at first, think that the people of the group symbolized by alignment D, who possessed a technological inclination, would be more useful to the Creator in the future age than the people of the group symbolized by alignment F, who possessed a spiritual inclination. However, as we shall see, the Creator, apparently, considered the people of the group symbolized by alignment F to be closer to his heart, and, ultimately, more useful to him in that age than the people of the group symbolized by alignment D.  The reason for this, simply, may be that the spiritual gifts of the people symbolized by alignment F in the present age will enable these people to possess greater spiritual gifts in the future age.  And these gifts in that age will be more useful to the Creator and his purposes than the technological gifts that the people symbolized by alignment D will possess in that age. 

The people of both groups, it is believed, were people with a high moral character, who desired to know the Creator.  These two groups of people must have shared a belief in the existence of an underworld and a desire to locate an entrance to this subterranean world.  They also must have believed that this pathway, whether material or mystical, was the path that the Creator wished them to follow, and that their search for an entrance to the underworld would be rewarded.  They probably viewed the underworld as a subterranean paradise, where dwelt those who had overcome death.  They, also, probably desired immortality for themselves.  They may have believed that this was possible once they had discovered this paradise, and met the immortals who dwelt there.  In The Creation, this immortality is referred to limited immortality to distinguish it from the eternal life that people and living entities with soul-spirits will possess following their death and resurrection in the present age. 
 But it is doubtful that these people fully understood that in order to receive this immortality from the immortals who dwelt in the underworld, they would first have to voluntarily die, and their place among the living taken by their clones.  The latter, by means of the operation of mystical technology called spiritual cloning, would receive the soul-spirit of this person upon the death of the latter.  And this would enable his soul (mind) to exist as part of the soul (mind) of his clone.  Neither is it likely that these people understood that in order to be resurrected and receive eternal life at the end of the present age, all, who possessed limited immortality, would have to surrender this limited immortality.  This meant that they would, one day, have to die and forego spiritual cloning.  After dying this final death the soul-spirit ofeach person would be taken to the abodes of the dead in the spiritual realm to await the resurrection and judgments that will take place at the end of the present age.

In this chapter, Chapter 5 (Posts 59-64), we will discuss the group of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignment F.  The completion by this group of people of the first and second steps of their journey on the mystical pathway, as depicted by the alignments of the multiple inspired source, "Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1), will be discussed, also.  A study of the two sets of alignments in the above inspired source: the X-Y-Z group and the E-N-O group, and the amazing symbolism revealed by these two sets of alignments will be discussed, also.  Finally, the three steps of the material pathway and the three steps of the mystical pathway, as symbolized by the Great Pyramid of Giza, will be discussed. 


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