Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Post 61. The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alighnment F as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Points F4 and F5 and the Two Grottobases Associated with the Completion of the First and Second Steps of the Mystical Pathway by These People (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 5, Subhead 3)

The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment F as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Points F4 and F5 and the Two Grottobases Associated with the Completion of the First and Second Steps of the Mystical Pathway by These People (Post 61. CVIIC5S3)

In the previous post, Post 60, we discussed the group of people of the Magdalenian culture symbolized by alignment F in the multiple inspired source, "Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1) and points F1, F2, and F3 of alignment F.  In this post, we will discuss the same group of people with regards to points F4 and F5 of alignment F.

After leaving point F3, alignment F continues to point F4 in the inspired source 1-1 (the map of the Lascaux cave) of Figure 1.  In the inspired source, point F4 is located at a part of the Lascaux cave, called the Axial Gallery. As we have seen, the Axial Gallery symbolizes an unoccupied, small grottobase, where a person involved in transfer activity, upon entering, completed the first step of the mystical pathway of his journey.  At point F4 of alignment F, alignment F intersects with alignment E and Y.  Here, also, point F4 is collocated with points E4 and Y3.  The intersection of alignment F and E and the presence of point E4 collocated with point F4 at the Axial Gallery would appear to indicate that the Axial Gallery marks the completion of the first step of the mystical pathway and symbolizes the small grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex.  Here, people of the group symbolized by alignment F, who were involved in transfer activity, entered the grottobase and completed the first step of the mystical pathway of their journey. 

Figure 1.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Click
on the picture to enlarge.  Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works.

Figure 2.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources; 2-1, 2-2, and
2-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 2) with
alignments not drawn for better
viewing of the features of the
inspired source.  Click on the
picture to enlarge. Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works.

The presence of point E5 collocated with point D5 of alignment D at another part of the Axial Gallery (in addition to that, where point E4 is collocated with point F4 of alignment F) at first, may seem to mean an error has been made and that two small grottobases are symbolized, here.   However, it should be noted that both points E4 and E5 are located within the boundary of the Axial Gallery and can be viewed as marking the completion of two second steps on the mystical pathway.  Therefore, point E4 is believed to mark the completion of the first step of the mystical pathway of the group of people symbolized by alignment F, while point E5 is believed to mark the completion of the first step of the mystical pathway of the group of people symbolized by alignment D.  Point E4 is collocated with points F4 and Y3 at the south wall of the Axial Gallery, while point E5 is collocated with points D5 and Z3 at the north wall of the Axial Gallery.  Although it is possible that two small grottobases are depicted here, one for the group of people symbolized by alignment F and another for the group of people symbolized by alignment D, in The Creation, it is assumed that only one small grottobase is meant by this symbolism.   As for points Y3 and Z3 of alignments Y and Z that are also collocated with point F4 of alignment F at the Axial Gallery, these alignments and alignment points will be addressed later in this chapter. 

Therefore, point F4 of alignment F appears to signify the arrival at, and the entering into of a small grottobase of people involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignment F.  On the map of the Lascaux cave in the inspired source 1-1 (the map of the Lascaux cave) of Figure 1, point D5 of alignment D is located at the axial Gallery, but not at the same location as point F4 of alignment F.  Point D5 of alignment D is believed to signify the arrival at, and the entering into of this small grottobase of people involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignment D.

 After leaving point F4, alignment F continues to point F5 located in the inspired source 1-1 (the map of the Lascaux cave) of Figure 1 at a part of the Lascaux cave, called the Shaft.  The Shaft, as noted previously, is believed to symbolize an occupied, intermediate grottobase, where a person involved in transfer activity, upon entering, completed the second step of the mystical pathway of his journey.  Here, also, alignment F intersects with alignments D, N, Y, and Z.  Here, also, point F5 is collocated with points D6, N3, Y1, and Z1.  The intersection of alignments F and D, where points F5 and D6 are collocated was discussed previously in Chapter 4, and is believed to symbolize that a special relationship existed between the two groups of people involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignments F and D.  That relationship, as we have seen, is that the people of the two groups both were people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity, and both arrived at the intermediate grottobase, entered into the latter, and completed the second step of the mystical pathway of their journey. 

The intersection of alignment F and N, where also points F5 and N3 are collocated at the Shaft, it is believed, symbolizes the completion of the second step of the mystical pathway by the people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignment F.  As for points Y1 and Z1 of alignments Y and Z, these are also collocated with point F5 of alignment F at the Shaft.  These alignments and alignment points will be addressed later in this chapter.

One difficulty in discussing the third step of the mystical pathway, based on the symbolism present in the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1), is that the alignments of the two groups of people involved in transfer activity symbolized by alignments D and F, are not capable of being extrapolated any further than the Shaft in the inspired source.  The border of the inspired source 1-1 (the map of the Lascaux cave) of Figure 1 will not allow this.  However, in the above inspired source, it may be noted that many alignments intersect at the Rotunda.  This place of multiple alignment intersections at the Rotunda may symbolize the third step of the mystical pathway.  However, as one can see, alignments D and F do not intersect with any of these alignments at the Rotunda.  Moreover, these two alignments are not even found at the Rotunda.  As we shall see, another set of alignments is used that represent alignments F and D and the two groups of people involved in transfer activity associated with these alignments.  This set of alignments enables alignments D and F to intersect, vicariously, at the place called the Rotunda, where multiple intersections of alignments occurs. This is done by means of the substitution of alignments X, Y, and Z for alignments D and F.  When this is done, the two groups of people involved in transfer activity, symbolically, can travel on the third step of the mystical pathway of their journey from the Shaft to the Rotunda by means of alignments X, Y, and Z.

What could be the reason for this unusual symbolism, mentioned above, concerning the third step of the mystical pathway?  Perhaps, a radical change in transfer activity takes place at the intermediate grottobase symbolized by the Shaft, when the Magdalenian explorers symbolized by alignments D and F arrive at that grottobase and enter into it.  This radical change in transfer activity, it is believed, is the spiritual cloning that is carried out at that grottobase, when people of the two groups of people symbolized by alignments D and F enter that grottobase and complete the second step of the mystical pathway of their journey.  It is the person’s clone, rather than the person, himself, who, after receiving the latter’s soul-spirit, will leave the intermediate grottobase and complete the third step of the mystical pathway for the person.  This, it is believed, is the radical change in transfer activity, mentioned above, that accounts for the unusual symbolism concerning the third step of the mystical pathway and the completion of that step by the people of the Magdalenian culture symbolized by alignments D and F. This unusual symbolism and the procedures associated mark the end of alignments D and F.  In their place, alignments X, Y, and Z are used to complete the third step of the mystical pathway of a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity.

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 Figures 1 and 2:  The credit references for Figures 1and 2 are found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2)
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