Thursday, November 28, 2013

Post 19. The Soul-Spirit of Man and Other Living Entities That Dwell in the Milky Way Galaxy (The Creation, Volume I: Chapter 4, Subhead 2)

The Soul-Spirit of Man and Other Living Entities That Dwell in the Milky Way Galaxy (Post 19. CVIC4S2)

As we have seen, man and the other living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations that dwell in the Milky Way Galaxy possess a soul-spirit nature.  This is true regardless of whether man and the living entities, referred to above, serve the Creator or serve Satan.  Man and these other living entities, in their histories as separate species, did not always possess a soul-spirit nature.  Apparently, there comes a time in the development of life on a planet, when the Creator recognizes that most individuals of a certain line, or species, have attained a sufficient level of intelligence to receive God-consciousness.  At this time certain individuals of the species, it is believed, receive a spirit and possess a soul-spirit nature.  They also possess at this time, it is believed, a degree of God-consciousness.   Presumably, this event took place long ago in the evolution of the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations, and in the case of the most ancient of these-billions of years ago.

As for man, this event, it is believed, was more complicated than that of the living entities, mentioned above, because not only was there a created-evolutionary line, or species, that eventually received a spirit and came to possess a soul-spirit nature;  but before this,  there was a created man, referred to as Adam in the Bible (Gen. 2:7), who  received a soul-spirit and possessed a soul-spirit nature, also.  This created man was the first of the species Homo sapiens sapiens, or modern man, and came into existence about 400,000 B.C.  Until recently, archaeologists had not discovered fossils of the created line of man and his descendants, except as these descendants are revealed in the fossil record after one of Adam’s descendants of the created line of man married an individual of the created-evolutionary line of man.  This took place about 200,000 B.C., and resulted in individuals of the created-evolutionary line to begin to receive a spirit and possess a soul-spirit nature.  But in 2012, eight fossilized teeth were found in a cave near Tel-Aviv, Israel, which are believed to be between 300,000 and 400,000 years old.  These teeth are very similar to those of Homo sapiens sapiens and may belong to modern man's oldest human ancestors.  If so, then these oldest human ancestors may have been descendants of Adam, who, it is believed, was created by the Creator as the first of the species, Homo sapiens sapiens on earth about 400,000 B.C.

The created-evolutionary line of man began its existence on earth as a simple form of life. This form of life was created by a manifestation of the spoken word by the Son (the Word) about 4,000,000,000 B.C., and subsequently evolved and differentiated into many lines of living creatures.  This, it is believed, was assisted by the guiding hand and the creative power of the Creator.  The latter was particularly important in making possible the mutation of genomes of life forms on earth in order that these life forms, eventually, would fulfill his purpose and plan for the creation and the life that dwells therein.  The created-evolutionary line of man evolved to the species Homo sapiens sapiens, or modern man, about 200,000 B.C.  At this time, apparently, the Creator considered the level of intelligence of this line to be comparable to that of the created line of man that was initiated by Adam.  Therefore, the Creator, about 200,000 B.C. caused a marriage to take place between a man of the created line of man, who was a descendent of Adam, and a woman of the created-evolutionary line of man.  As a result, one or more of the offspring of this marriage, it is believed, received a spirit and came to possess a soul-spirit nature.  These offspring, it is believed, received their spirit sometime between the time of their conception and birth-perhaps even at the very moment of conception.  The mother of these offspring, it is believed, received a spirit, also,  and so came to possess a soul-spirit nature, also.  This may have taken place at the time of the latter’s marriage to her husband.  The father of these offspring, of course, was a descendent of Adam and already possessed a soul-spirit, and a soul-spirit nature, at this time. 

A pattern was established, it is believed, whereby, if at least one of the marriage partners of the created-evolutionary line of man (and that part of the created line of man that was joined to it through marriage) possessed a soul-spirit nature, it was possible for marriages involving the created-evolutionary line of man (and that part of the created line of man that was joined to through marriage) to produce offspring that received a spirit and, therefore,  possessed a soul-spirit nature.  However, not all offspring of these marriages received a spirit, and a soul-spirit nature.  The universal granting by the Creator of a spirit and a soul-spirit nature for all offspring of man, it is believed, did not take place until rather recently, and may have coincided with the time of the birth of the Hebrew patriarch, Abraham, of the  Bible.

The question may be asked at this time, what exactly is the soul-spirit and how does the soul and the spirit, referred to in The Creation, relate to the “body,” spirit,” and “soul,” referred to by Paul in 1 Thes. 5:23?  In 1 Thes. 5:23 we read:

                           23  And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly;
                           and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body
                           be preserved blameless unto the coming of our
                           Lord Jesus Christ.

With regard to the passage above, the term, “soul,” it is believed, refers to the soul of the soul-spirit, and can be considered to be the mind of a person that possesses a soul-spirit.  The term, “whole spirit,” it is believed, refers to the two components of the spirit of a soul-spirit, that is, the principality spirit and the dominion spirit, of a person that possesses a soul-spirit; and the “body,” it is believed, refers to the material body of a person that possesses  a soul-spirit.  Some may feel that the term, soul, should be used to describe that part of man that lives on after death, and as such is a spiritual body of some kind. 

However, in The Creation, the soul is considered to be the mind of a person, including all his memories-both conscious and subconscious.  These memories, it is believed, are the result of the electrical activity of the brain.  Because of the association of the soul, or mind, of a person that possesses a soul-spirit with the principality spirit, and possibly the dominion spirit, these memories are retained by the principality spirit and possibly the dominion spirit, as well.  The soul, or mind, it is believed, comprises the only part of the person that lives on after death, but, it does so only by virtue of its association with the principality spirit of the spirit of his soul-spirit.  The soul, or mind, in this regard, can be viewed as  the affections, emotions , and will of man, as these exist as part of the memories of the mind of a person or other living entity that possesses a soul-spirit (Mt. 11:29; Jn. 12:27). Because spiritual living entities, such as principality angels and dominion angels are eternal and cannot die, the principality spirit and dominion spirit that comprise the spirit of a soul-spirit are eternal and cannot die, also.  The memories of the soul, or mind, of a person that possesses a soul-spirit nature, when associated with these spirits, can be considered eternal, as well, or, at least, are capable of being so if this is what the Creator desires. This is not the case when a creature that does not possess a soul-spirit nature dies.  When it dies, its soul, or mind, ceases to exist and the creature can be considered to be altogether dead. 

Earlier, it was stated that the spirit of a soul-spirit consists of a component, or portion, of a  principality angel and dominion angel that dwell in the spiritual realm and the new spiritual realm, respectively.  Both of these spirits serve the Creator, and, it is believed, begin to dwell with a person or other living entity (that the Creator foreknew would possess a soul-spirit), at the time of conception.  However, there is another component, or portion, of a principality angel that is involved, which dwells in the spiritual realm and serves Satan.  This spirit, it is believed, begins to dwell with a person, or other living entity that possesses a soul-spirit, at the time of birth.  In The Creation, the principality spirit that serves the Creator is sometimes referred to as the godly spirit, while the principality spirit that serves Satan is sometimes referred to as the satanic spirit.  

During the lifetime of a person from birth to death, his soul, or mind, is influenced by the godly spirit and the satanic spirit that is associated with it.  The godly and satanic spirit, apparently, strive to lead the person to whom they belong to accept the Creator in the person of the Holy Spirit or to reject the Creator in the Person of the Holy Spirit.  If at the time of the death of the person, the latter had accepted the Holy Spirit sometime in his life, and strived to obey his influence after acceptance, his soul-spirit (with the exception of the satanic spirit), it is believed, is taken by his godly spirit to the abode of the dead located in the positive spherical enclosures of the spiritual realm.  This is where the principality angels that serve the Creator dwell.  If, however, at the time of the death of the person, the latter had not accepted the Holy Spirit, and did not strive to obey his influence, his soul-spirit (with the exception of the godly spirit), it is believed, is taken by his satanic spirit to the abode of the dead located in the negative spherical enclosures of the spiritual realm.  This is where the principality angels that serve Satan dwell.  The names of the abodes of the dead that exist in the positive spherical enclosures and the negative spherical enclosures of the spiritual realm, in terms of Christian and Judaic nomenclature, will be discussed at the conclusion of the chapter.

The dominion spirit, it is believed, is not involved in this spiritual struggle by the two principality spirits for the soul, or mind, of the person that possesses a soul-spirit.  The role of this spirit in the life of a person that possesses a soul-spirit nature may become more important after the death of the person to whom it belongs.  One role that the dominion spirit may play in the life of a person that possesses a soul-spirit may be to provide a third witness (Dt. 19:15; 2 Cor. 13:1), in addition to those of the two competing principality spirits, to verify the facts of the person’s life, when he stands in judgment before Jesus Christ following the latter’s second advent.  The soul-spirit of the person, of course, will have been joined with his resurrected body prior to his judgment.   

Still another role that the dominion spirit may play in the life of a person that possesses a soul-spirit may not be realized until the future age.  Because the dominion angels dwell in the outer spherical enclosures of the new spiritual realm, and this is located in the outer region of the creation, where the kingdom of God of the new heaven and new earth will exist in the future age, it is possible that redeemed man, in order to dwell here in that age, will require a spiritual body that is similar to that presently possessed by the dominion angels.  Therefore, the dominion spirit may represent the spiritual body of a redeemed person or another spiritually saved living entity that possesses a soul-spirit in that age (1 Cor. 15:40-44).

Perhaps, this spiritual body could be called a new spiritual body because the dominion spirit associated with the soul-spirit of the redeemed person or other spiritually saved living entity is a component of a dominion angel dwelling in the new spiritual realm.  Because the soul-spirit of a redeemed person or other spiritually saved living entity, in the future age, will be associated with a principality spirit, which is a component of a principality angel dwelling in the spiritual realm, it is possible that the person or living entity, mentioned above, will be capable of possessing a spiritual body, as well as a new spiritual body.  The spiritual body, presumably, would exist at a lower level of intrinsic energy than the new spiritual body.   And because the soul-spirit of a redeemed person or other spiritually saved living entity, in the future age, will be associated with a resurrected material body, which is derived from the material realm, it is possible that the person or living entity, mentioned above, will be capable of possessing a material body (incapable of death), as well as a spiritual body and a new spiritual body.  The material body, presumably, would exist at a lower level of intrinsic energy than the spiritual body and the spiritual body would exist at a lower level of intrinsic energy than the new spiritual body.  These three levels of intrinsic energy may be useful in making contact with living creatures that will exist at various degrees of God-consciousness in the kingdom of God in the future age, or as the latter is referred to in Christian eschatology-the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32). 

We have attempted to answer the question posed earlier in this chapter, what exactly is the soul-spirit and how does the soul and spirit referred to in The Creation relate to the soul, spirit and body referred to by Paul in 1 Thes. 5:23. We shall conclude this discussion by addressing this question from the point of view of the Hebrew and Greek words used in the Bible that pertain to the soul, spirit, and body.  The New Testament term for soul (Greek psuche) is identical in meaning to the Old Testament term for soul (Hebrew nephesh) (Dt. 6:5; 1 Sam. 18:1).  Both of these terms refer to a material, living creature, but more specifically, they can be viewed as referring to the mind of a material, living creature.  This definition, it is believed, applies to all creatures that possess a brain, and, therefore, possess a mind. However, only people or other living entities that possesses a spirit, possess a soul-spirit, and, therefore, possess a soul-spirit nature.   In The Creation, it is believed that only the mind (soul) of a person lives on after death, and it does so only by virtue of its association with the principality spirit of the spirit of his soul-spirit.  The New Testament term for spirit (Greek pneuma) is identical in meaning to the Old Testament term for spirit (Hebrew ruach) (Gen. 41:8; 1 Cor. 5:5).  Both of these terms refer to the spiritual life associated with a person or other living entity that possesses a soul-spirit.  This life is manifested though the principality spirits and, possibly the dominion spirit, that comprise the spirit of the soul-spirit of that person or living entity.  It is the spirit that knows the Creator’s desire and will, and enables a person or other living entity that possesses a soul-spirit to have God-consciousness (1 Cor. 2:11; Job 32:8).

However, in another context, and in a much larger sense, the spiritual life of a person, or other living entity that possesses a soul-spirit, involves the presence (or absence) of the Holy Spirit dwelling with, or within, that person or other living entity.  The principality spirit, or godly spirit, that serves the Creator, and is associated with the spirit of a person or other living entity that possesses a soul-spirit, presumably, strives to facilitate the Holy Spirit dwelling with, or within, that person or other living entity.  Similarly, the principality spirit, or satanic spirit, that serves Satan, and is associated with the spirit of a person or other living entity that possesses a soul-spirit, presumably, strives to prevent the Holy Spirit from dwelling with, or within, that person or other living entity.  The presence of the Holy Spirit with the soul-spirit of a person or other living entity that possesses a soul-spirit is necessary for that person, or other living entity, to be counted among the redeemed, or spiritually saved, respectively, in the future age.   

As for the body of a person or other living entity that possesses a soul-spirit nature, the body is buried a material body, or soul body (Greek soma psuchikon) (1 Cor. 15:44), and is resurrected a spiritual body (Greek soma pneumatikon).  The soul body referred to above, it is believed, refers to the material body of a deceased person, but does not include the only part of that person’s body capable of surviving death-his mind.  The spiritual body referred to above, it is believed, refers to the spiritual body of a resurrected person, and includes his soul, or mind, his principality spirit (either a godly spirit or a satanic spirit) and his dominion spirit. These will dwell within a resurrected, material body that could be considered to be a spiritual body (or a new spiritual body), but one that is capable of existing at a three different levels of intrinsic energy:  the new spiritual level, the spiritual level, and the material level in the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32).  Therefore, this spiritual body is not, merely a spiritual body.  Nor is it merely a resurrected material body.   It is a spiritual, resurrected material body that is capable expressing  attributes associated with all three realms of the creation, from which the spiritual, resurrected material body is derived.

With regard to the spiritual, resurrected bodies of redeemed mankind and the spiritually saved living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations, dwelling in the kingdom of God in the age to come, these will also possess an indwelling Holy Spirit. This, it is believed, is sufficient to identify the spiritual-material resurrected bodies of these as glorified (Jn. 7:37-39; Rom. 8:16-17; Col. 1:27).  However, with regard to the spiritual, resurrected bodies of unredeemed mankind and the spiritually unsaved living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations, dwelling in the lake of fire in the age to come, these will not possess an indwelling Holy Spirit.  This, it is believed, is sufficient to identify the spiritual, resurrected bodies of these as not glorified.

The dominion spirits of the soul-spirits of the redeemed of mankind and the spiritually saved living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations would, of course, be expected to dwell with the spiritual, resurrected bodies of those, mentioned above, in the kingdom of God in the age to come.  However, what will become of the dominion spirits of the soul-spirits of the unredeemed of mankind and the spiritually unsaved living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations?  Will they continue to dwell with the spiritual, resurrected bodies of those who will be cast into in the lake of fire in the age to come?  In The Creation, it is assumed that this will not take place, and that sometime during the resurrections and judgments that follow the second advent of Jesus Christ on earth, the dominion spirits of the soul-spirits of unredeemed mankind and the spiritually unsaved living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations will be separated from the soul-spirits of these, and used for other purposes in the new spiritual realm in the kingdom of God in the future age.

It may be noted that unlike the principality angels and power angels, the dominion angels, apparently, were not involved in the angelic war of the past age.  All of these serve the Creator and none serve Satan.  In addition, all of these angels dwell in the outer spherical enclosures of the new spiritual realm (a subrealm that is compatible with the matter universe of the material realm); and none of these angels dwell in the inner spherical enclosures of the new spiritual realm (a subrealm that is compatible with the antimatter universe of the material realm).   Like the antimatter universe of the material realm, no life is believed to exist in the inner spherical enclosures of the new spiritual realm.


In Christianity, it is not uncommon to refer to the soul as that part of a person that lives on after the death of the body.  Jesus Christ's use of the word in Mt. 10:28 seems to support for this view.  Mt. 10:28 reads:

                                28  And fear not them which kill the body, but
                                are not able to kill the soul:  but rather fear him
                                which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

In The Creation, the soul is believed to be-in essence-the mind of a person, and the only part of a person that lives on after death.  Although every person with a soul-spirit nature will possess a resurrected body in the day of the Lord of the present age, and continue to possess one in the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32), there is a period of time following the death of a person until he is provided a resurrected body in the day of the Lord, when he is not in possession of a body, that is, his soul, or mind, is separated from his body.

In the above passage, Jesus Christ implies that it is possible to kill the body, but not the soul.  If the soul is considered to be the mind of a person in association with his spirit (which is comprised of a component of a principality angel and a dominion angel), then it is true the soul cannot be killed because spiritual angels, such as principality and dominion angels are eternal.  They live forever.  And if a person's mind is associated with these angels, or spirits, it likewise can be considered to be eternal, also. 

In the above passage, Jesus Christ also states that man should "fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" The "him" in this passage is believed to be Jesus Christ and the hell referred to in this passage is the Greek geenna which is equivalent to the Hebrew Gehenna, or the lake of fire (Rev. 20:19).  This is the place of eternal punishment of the wicked in the day of the Lord and the age to come, whose names are not written in the book of life (Rev.20:11-15).  It may appear from this passage that the bodies  and souls of the wicked who will dwell in the lake of fire in the age to come will, eventually, be destroyed, and therefore the punishment of those dwelling in this place is not eternal.  However, the view taken in The Creation is that the words, "able to destroy" is a reference to the power of Jesus Christ during the judgments in the day of the Lord to assign those whose names are not found written in the book of life to the lake of fire.  This is the second death (Jn. 8:21; Rev. 20:14), and can be considered a spiritual death to all that experience it. 

Moreover, the second death that is experienced by one, whose name is not written in the book of life,  may also concern the component of the dominion angel that is part of the spirit of that person's soul-spirit.  This dominion spirit may be the last angelic presence of the Creator that will depart the person's soul-spirit, when the person is taken to his place in the lake of fire.  Because this person is an unredeemed person, his satanic (principality) spirit rather than his godly (principality) spirit is united with his soul, or mind.  Therefore, the dominion spirit that is part of the spirit of his soul-spirit may be the last angelic presence of the Creator that the person will experience after he arrives at the lake of fire to dwell there, eternally.  Furthermore, it is likely that this dominion angel will be the angel that will take the person to his place in the lake of fire.  Here, the dominion angel will separate from him and return to the outer spherical enclosures of the new spiritual realm, where he will dwell, eternally, in the kingdom of God in the future age.  The separation at this time by the person assigned to the lake of fire from the goodness and mercy of the Creator in the presence of the dominion angel that has just separated from him, could be viewed as the actual moment of the second death (Jn. 8:21; Rev. 20:14) of the person.  Perhaps, the dominion angel's final words to the person in that day will be the warning of Jesus Christ, above, "fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" (Mt 10:28), though it will be too late for warnings at that time.

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