Monday, November 18, 2013

Post 11. The Second Reason the Existence of Inspired Sources Was Revealed by the Creator to Man in the Late Twentieth Century A.D., and Not Before That Time: A Reason Pertaining to the Unsustainability of Man's Material Technology (The Creation, Volume I: Chapter 2, Subhead 3)

The Second Reason the Existence of Inspired Sources Was Revealed by the Creator to Man in the Late Twentieth Century A.D., and Not Before That Time:   A Reason Pertaining to the Unsustainability of Man’s Material Technology (Post 11. CVIC2S3)              

The second reason the existence of inspired sources was revealed by the Creator to man in the late twentieth century A.D., and not before that time is related, it is believed, to the first of two purposes that the inspired sources were intended to accomplish, and that is, to prevent man’s planetary civilization from becoming a crisis civilization.  The second of the two purposes will be discussed in subhead 4 of this chapter (Post 12. CVIC2S4).  This would be done by revealing to man that his material technology was unsustainable in the long term, and would lead to a crisis civilization and the collapse of that civilization.  The solution to this problem would be found in the transformation of his planetary civilization, based on material technology to an advanced civilization, based on mystical technology.  If man’s planetary civilization collapsed before this transformation took place, this would be evidence that his civilization had developed into a crisis civilization, perhaps, without him even being aware of it.

The Creator knew that man’s material technology would be unsustainable in the long term.  However, it would have been pointless for the Creator to reveal the existence of inspired sources to man before the latter half of the twentieth century A.D. in order to prevent the future collapse of that civilization. The reason for this is that prior to the latter half of the twentieth century A.D., man was largely unconcerned that his material technology was unsustainable in the long term.    Therefore, the need to supplement man’s present technology, material technology, with mystical technology, would not have been important to the people living at that time, even if the concept of mystical technology had been known at that time, which, of course, it was not.  The problem of the unsustainability of man’s material technology would only become important to man in the twentieth century A.D., and probably not until the latter half of that century.  At that time the effects of world population growth, the depletion of energy resources, increasing pollution, and the threat of wars involving weapons of mass destruction would cause many to realize that man’s planetary civilization, based on material technology, may not be sustainable in the long term.

In the eyes of the Creator, the year 1996 must have been the most suitable time for the existence of inspired sources to be revealed to man.  By means of the study of inspired sources, man would realize that they possess an unusual symbolism; and by means of the study of this symbolism, man would develop a basic understanding the principles of mystical technology.  This would lead to the discovery by man of the instruments of mystical particle transfer (left for him to find by living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization).   Using these instruments as models, the latter would be reversed engineered.  Man would then be capable of designing and constructing these instruments using his own intellect and material technology.  At this time, the Creator would consider man's planetary civilization, based on material technology, to be transformed to an advanced stellar civilization, based on mystical technology.  Then, the threat of the collapse of his civilization as a result of the unsustainability of his material technology would no longer be an issue.  The reason for this, simply, is that man’s civilization would no longer be one that employed material technology, exclusively.  It would be one that had to begun to employ mystical technology, using instruments that he, himself, had constructed.  Because of this, his civilization would be an advanced civilization.  Presumably, the Creator does not allow advanced civilizations to collapse as a result of the unsustainablity of the kind of technology they employ.  However, the Creator can cause this kind of civilization to collapse in other ways as we shall see in Volume III of The Creation, where the advanced civilization of Atlantis will be discussed. 

By means of the study of the symbolism of inspired sources and the knowledge conveyed by that symbolism, man can prepare for the time, when he will actually discover the mystical realm, mystical technology, and the four primary mystical particles associated with that technology.  The organization of the mystical realm, the properties of the four primary mystical particles of that realm, and the principles of mystical technology as these apply to the operations of that technology, are all revealed in the symbolism of inspired sources.  Therefore, it is possible at the present time to assemble a body of knowledge concerning mystical technology and the meaning of the symbolism that is associated with that technology, which is present in inspired sources.  Then, when man actually discovers mystical technology and attempts to design and construct the instruments of mystical particle transfer and other devices associated with this technology, he will have a body of knowledge to draw upon, instead of having to spend time discovering, assembling, and organizing this knowledge.  This, it is believed, will enable man to rapidly advance to the next step of his technological development in the present age, and that is, to transform his planetary civilization based on material technology to an advanced civilization based on mystical technology.  If this advanced civilization is an advanced stellar civilization, which inspired sources indicate it will be, it can be assumed that man will operate spaceships based on mystical technology that will be capable of visiting other celestial bodies in the solar system.  However, their is no time to lose because, as noted previously, a planetary civilization cannot remain such, indefinitely.  Eventually, it must become either an advanced civilization or a crisis civilization.  

Because a planetary civilization and a crisis civilization both possess a mature material technology, it may be difficult to distinguish between the two, except on the basis of the severity of the crisises each may face.  But there may be other ways of distinguishing between the two.  In The Creation, the view taken is that a planetary civilization is a civilization largely capable of meeting the needs, hopes, and aspirations of the majority of the  members of its society; while a crisis civilization is a civilization largely incapable of doing so.  Although both kinds of civilizations are unsustainable in the long term, there is hope for the former because it still has time to discover mystical technology before the crisises that it faces become unmanageable; whereas, there is less hope for the latter because it has allowed too much time to pass without discovering mystical technology.  Consequently, the crisises that it faces are increasingly more unmanageable.  Man’s civilization at the present time is believed to be a planetary civilization.  But that civilization also is experiencing many stresses at the present time, and these are revealing that his material technology is becoming increasingly unsustainable. These stresses are clearly evident in four important areas:  world population growth, the depletion of energy resources, increasing  pollution, and the threat of wars involving weapons of mass destruction.  We shall now briefly address each of these four areas.

With regard to world population growth, the rapid increase in world population that the earth has experienced during the twentieth century A.D., and which has continued unabated into the twenty-first century A.D.,  is believed to be related to the maturation of man’s material technology in the latter half of the twentieth century A.D.  During that century, progress in health, nutrition, medicine, and economic wellbeing have benefited most members of man’s civilization.  This has had the effect of decreasing mortality rates, particularly among the very young and very old. The increased longevity of mankind, in turn, has resulted in an increasing world population.  This growing world population is placing stresses on the resources of the earth and the ability of man’s civilization to meet the needs of this large population.  At some point, this population growth will become unsustainable and cause, or contribute to, man’s planetary civilization becoming a crisis civilization.  As noted above, this decline is irreversible unless man discovers mystical technology.  How mystical technology can solve the problem of unsustainable population growth will not be discussed here, but will be addressed in the Commentary of this post.  

The depletion of energy resources, such as coal and oil, it is believed, eventually, will cause the price of those resources to increase.  This, in turn, is expected to cause problems in maintaining a prosperous world economy, which, it is assumed, is necessary for the future wellbeing of man on earth.  It is possible that man’s planetary civilization, will deplete its fossil fuel energy reserves, and have no other cheap energy resources with which to replace them.  The world economy would be adversely affected by this, and man’s planetary civilization could become a crisis civilization and collapse as a result.  Although the application of new technologies in the coal and oil (and natural gas) extraction industries may delay the depletion of these energy resources, this, it is believed is merely a temporary  improvement in the long term outlook of these resources.  That outlook is continued depletion.  However, mystical technology may be capable of bringing about a revolution in energy production.  The same kind of electricity that is produced at the present time by means fossil fuels could in the future be produced by the particles and forces of mystical technology.  As we shall see in Chapter 5, the particles and forces of mystical technology that originate in the mystical realm are limitless. This, it is believed, will enable man’s future advanced civilization, based on mystical technology, to produce electricity that is free from the limitations imposed by the finite nature of fossil fuel reserves on earth.  How mystical technology can produce energy in the form of electricity for man after his planetary civilization is transformed to an advanced civilization will not be discussed in great detail at this time.  However, the field of energy production known to the scientific community of man as magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) would appear to be amenable to the operations of mystical technology, when the latter is discovered by man.

As a planetary civilization continues to rely on its material technology, stresses eventually appear that threaten the stability of that civilization as a result of increasing levels of pollution.  Man’s planetary civilization at the present time is producing a vast amount of harmful pollution, and the latter is increasing due to the increasing world population.  In addition to solid waste pollution and industrial waste pollution, the latter of which has accompanied the efforts of many nations to industrialize their societies, there is also the problem of gaseous pollution, such as that resulting from the production of greenhouse gases by industrialized nations. Greenhouse gases are gasses whose absorption of solar radiation is responsible for the greenhouse effect.  The latter is the heating of the atmosphere that results from the absorption by certain gases, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane, of solar energy that has been captured and reradiated by the earth’s surface.  The greenhouse effect appears to be the cause of the phenomenon referred to as global warming or climate change.   Most of those, who comprise the scientific community of man, and have studied this phenomenon, believe that man’s increasing industrialization and the associated use of fossil fuels for energy are responsible for most of the global warning that the earth has experienced in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries A.D.  The increased melting of ice fields and glaciers on earth, which has been well documented by scientists in the last several decades, appears to be an indication that man’s planetary civilization may be perilously close to becoming a crisis civilization.  How mystical technology can solve the problem of the unsustainability of man’s planetary civilization as a result of the increasing pollution of the earth will not be discussed here, but will be addressed in the Commentary of this post. 

 Figure 8.  The inspired source, "Nuclear Bomb Explosion"
(Figure 8), depicting nine soldiers and a nuclear bomb
explosion in the background.  Click on the picture to enlarge.
 The stresses on man’s planetary civilization as a result of the effects of the three crisises, referred to above, can be expected to lead to wars between nations in many areas of the world. These wars could accelerate the decline of a planetary civilization to a crisis civilization.  However, the collapse of man’s civilization probably would not take place unless these wars involved weapons of mass destruction.  If weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons, were used on a large scale, then it can be assumed that man’s planetary civilization would become a crisis civilization at the same time.  With regard to the possible use of nuclear weapons by man, at least one inspired source appears to possess symbolism concerning this subject.  This inspired source, “Nuclear Bomb Explosion” (Figure 8),1  is an inspired photograph that appears in the book, Milestones of Science, written by C. Suplee. Click on the picture to enlarge.  In this inspired source, nine soldiers are depicted, facing the camera, while at the same time a nuclear explosion is taking place at a safe distance behind them.  The desert scenery would suggest that this photograph was taken in the state of Nevada, U.S.A., possibly, between 1950 and 1955.  It may be noted that nine soldiers are depicted in this illustration.  Likewise, there are nine nations in the world that are believed to possess nuclear weapons at the present time.  If it is assumed that the tallest soldier of the group symbolizes the U.S.A., is it possible to identify the other eight nations symbolized in this inspired source, as well?  This, it is believed, is possible.  However, we shall not attempt to do this at this time.  Neither will we draw alignments to try to better understand the symbolism of this inspired source. The reader, however, may do so, if he so desires. .

It may be of interest to note that a predictive aspect appears to be present in this inspired source.  At the time that the photograph of the nine soldiers was taken, presumably, between 1950 and 1955, only five or six nations on earth possessed nuclear weapons.  However, in the inspired source, nine soldiers are present in the photograph, and these are believed to symbolize nine nations that possess nuclear weapons at the present time.  Is it merely a coincidence that there are nine nations on earth that are believed to possess nuclear weapons at the present time?  Could this mean that at a time when nine nations on earth come to possess nuclear weapons, these weapons will be used in a war someplace on earth?   Presumably, this war would take place before a tenth nation develops the capability of producing nuclear weapons.  The war, referred to above, may be symbolized in the photograph by the nuclear explosion in the distance.  The question one needs to ask is, “Does this inspired illustrative photograph represent a prediction of the future?”  Is this even possible?  The answer to the latter question is clearly yes.  The reason for this affirmative response, as we shall see in Volume II of The Creation, is that another inspired source will be studied in the latter volume that has a predictive aspect to it, also.  However, in this case, the prediction has already taken place.  Therefore, it can be stated with some degree of certainty that some inspired sources do possess a predictive aspect.

In conclusion, the second reason why the existence of inspired sources was not revealed to man until only recently may have been that the Creator understood that the material technology of man’s planetary civilization-though it was a mature material technology-would be unsustainable in the long term.  And because his material technology was unsustainable, his planetary civilization would eventually become a crisis civilization and collapse.  The solution to this problem would be found in man’s discovery of mystical technology.  However, if inspired sources had been revealed to man prior to the latter half of the twentieth century A.D., man probably would not have understood the significance of them.  The reason for this, it is believed, is that his material technology had not yet arrived at maturity and few, if any, at that time would have realized that man’s material technology would be unsustainable in the long term.  To be most effective, man’s discovery of inspired sources would have to be made at the most suitable time, and the Creator, apparently, chose 1996 as that time. This was the year that the Creator revealed to man the existence of inspired sources.  Man's study of these, at some future time, would result in the discovery of mystical technology.  And this would solve the problem of the unsustainablity of man’s material technology.


We briefly discussed four crisises, or potential crisises, that presently confront man's planetary civilization and threaten to transform the latter to a crisis civilization.  We also briefly discussed how mystical technology may be used in the generation of electrical power by means of the principles of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD).  This could be a solution to the problem of the depletion of the earth's energy resources, such as coal and oil.  However, it was not stated how mystical technology could be used to solve other problems confronting man's planetary civilization at this time.  These include the increase in world population growth, the increase in world pollution, and the threat of wars involving weapons of mass destruction.  We shall now briefly address these crisises, or potential crisises, to discover how mystical technology could help solve these problems, also.

With regard to the increase in world population growth, when man discovers mystical technology, and his planetary civilization becomes an advanced civilization, it is possible that the Creator may allow man to adopt a new model of society, at least until sometime during that period of time referred to in Christian eschatology as the day of the Lord (Isa. 2:10-22; Joel 2:1-11).  This new model of society, apparently, only pertains to advanced civilizations and advanced interstellar civilizations, and does so because these kinds of civilizations employ mystical technology.  When man discovers and employs mystical technology, his civilization will be an advanced civilization, also.  Therefore, he may, if it is the Creator's will, adopt this new model of society, or a modified form of it.  The discovery of mystical technology by a planetary civilization, such as man's present civilization, is soon followed, it is believed, by the development of an operation of mystical technology referred to in The Creation as spiritual cloning.  Spiritual cloning differs from biological cloning in that in addition to the body being biologically cloned, the spiritual essence of a living entity, such as man, is transferred, technologically, from the deceased entity to his living biological clone at the time of death of the former.  This spiritual essence is usually referred to in The Creation as a soul-spirit.  This operation of mystical technology, it is believed, allows living entities of advanced and advanced interstellar civilizations to live generation after generation without producing progeny in the normal biological sense.  In this regard, spiritual cloning could be viewed as a means of perpetuating life without causing the population of a society to increase to crisis proportions.  

By means of spiritual cloning, the living entities of other advanced and advanced interstellar civilizations are capable of propagating themselves indefinitely, and thereby possess what is called in The Creation "limited immortality." However, it is possible that sexual reproduction takes place on a limited basis, also.   As we shall see in Chapter 4 of The Creation, limited immortality is not the same as "eternal life" as that term is used in Christianity and Judaism.  The latter requires one possessing a soul-spirit to die and be resurrected before he receives this eternal life.  Presumably, if the living entities that comprise the advanced and advanced interstellar civilizations wish to receive eternal life, they will first have to experience death and resurrection.  This would mean that they would surrender their limited immortality and the opportunity to propagate themselves for another generation, when the Creator decides it is time for them to do this. 

When man's planetary civilization is transformed to an advanced civilization, based on mystical technology, many people on earth may seek limited immortality through spiritual cloning.  However, this may not be the perfect will of the Creator for man.  Man may have a destiny in the future age that is somewhat different than that of the living entities of the advanced and advanced interstellar civilizations.  Therefore, what was the perfect will of the Creator for the latter may not be the perfect will of the Creator for the former.  However, it may be the permissive will of the Creator for man to participate in spiritual cloning for a time after he discovers mystical technology.  Therefore, many who dwell on earth may choose to participate in spiritual cloning, and the Creator will permit them to do so, even though this is not his perfect will.  Governments of earth may pass laws that allow these people to be spiritually cloned if they forgo sexual reproduction and the producing of progeny for a number of years or until they arrive at some specified generation of their limited immortality.  This may result in a sharp reduction in the world population growth rate.   Therefore, regardless of whether man's participation in spiritual cloning will conform to the model established by the living entities of advanced and advanced interstellar civilizations, or will be one somewhat different, remains to be seen.  However, spiritual cloning, it is believed, will be capable of reducing an increasing world population growth rate, and man may decide to use this operation of mystical technology for that purpose. 

With regard to the problem of world pollution, it is not known, for certain, if mystical technology offers a solution to this problem or not.  However, it is assumed that this technology, when it is discovered by man, will be helpful in solving some aspects of this problem.  When man does make this discovery and his planetary civilization becomes an advanced civilization, he may discover that the living entities of advanced civilizations and advanced interstellar civilizations possess a means of disposing of their trash of unwanted solids, liquids, and (condensed) gases that involves containerizing them and periodically taking the containers to a subterranean facility where the trash is incinerated.  This place of incineration may be a shaft bored vertically into the earth, perhaps 3,000 feet or more, beginning at the same depth at which the grottobase exists, but located some distance from the latter.  A container could be transported by means of a tunnel vehicle from the grottobase to the incineration facility.  Here, the container would be transferred to an unmanned shaft vehicle inside an air lock.  Then, the shaft vehicle would transport the container from the air lock to the bottom of the shaft.  The gate of the container then would opened remotely by living entities located at the air lock, who operate the incineration facility.  After the release of the trash, the shaft vehicle, along with the empty container, would return to the to the air lock at the top of the shaft.  Then, the container would be transferred to the tunnel vehicle, and the latter would return the container to the grottobase.  It is possible that at the bottom of the shaft a magnesium fire burns more or less continuously.  

 At a temperature of 5,610°F, this fire probably would be capable of consuming almost any trash that was cast into the shaft.  The temperature of this fire is much greater than the melting temperature of Magnesium, which is only 1,202°F.  Water cannot extinguish a magnesium fire.  Smothering the fire with sand or a similar substance is about the only way to extinguishing a metal fire, like this.  In addition, the magnesium fire may cause the basalt and granite rocks that exist at the bottom of the shaft to melt to a molten state.  The melting temperature of basalt and granite, like most rocks, is between 1,472°F and 2,160°F.  This, presumably, would assist the incineration of the trash.  Devices similar to smokestack antipollution scrubbers may be necessary to reduce the level of smoke within the shaft and to prevent smoke, ash, and noxious fumes from escaping the shaft (by way of faults in the rock walls of the shaft) and negatively affecting the habitability of the grottobase and the local tunnel system.  When the shaft had reached the end of its usefulness, and a new shaft was needed, presumably, a new shaft would be bored and made operational.  The shaft, mentioned above, may be symbolized in the inspired source, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, by a feature of that edifice called, "the Pit," which is located in the Subterranean Chamber.  The Pit, in turn, may symbolize the place referred to in Christian eschatology as the "lake of fire" (Rev. 20:14-15).   Presumably, radioactive trash (if any existed) would not be disposed of in this way.  It is possible that such trash would be containerized and transported by a spaceship by means of a series of technological wormholes to a nearby black hole or neutron star (pulsar).  Here, the containerized cargo would be released into the gravity field of the black hole or neutron star. When this cargo arrived at the singularity at the center of the black hole, or the surface of the neutron star, it no longer would be a relevant part of the matter universe of the material realm. 

Finally, it should be noted that both means of disposal of unwanted trash, mentioned above, are hypothetical solutions to this problem.  With the exception of the Pit of the Great Pyramid of Giza, these solutions are not the result of knowledge gained through the symbolism of inspired sources.  Problems related to the great pressure of the rocks at the depth that the shaft is found could render this solution unfeasible.  Rock bursts could collapse the walls of the shaft, and the upward creep or an explosive response of the plastic-like molten rocks at the bottom of the shaft to this pressure could pose problems, as well.  In the case of the disposal of radioactive trash, the solution, mentioned above, may be considered unfeasible by the living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization because  the distances involved are too great.  If both of the solutions, discussed above, are not feasible, perhaps, trash incineration facilities, such as those already in use by man at the present time, and the burial of radioactive trash in canisters in the interior of the earth may be the most suitable way of trash disposal, even for the living entities of advanced and advanced interstellar civilizations.

With regard to the threat of wars involving weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear weapons, when man discovers mystical technology, and his planetary civilization becomes an advanced civilization, he may discover that living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization may make contact with him.  The purpose of this contact may be to extend to him an invitation to join an alliance that serves the Creator.  Man's advanced civilization, presumably, will do so.  However, there may be laws that prohibit member civilizations of this alliance to construct, possess, or use weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear weapons, if they produce radioactive fallout.  These laws probably originated from the Creator, himself, and apply to all advanced and advanced interstellar civilizations, regardless of whether they serve the Creator or Satan.  In place of nuclear weapons (and probably other classes of weapons of mass destruction capable of being produced by a planetary civilization), man's advanced civilization, perhaps, will be given, or will be given the capability of producing, other weapons which probably are just as powerful as nuclear weapons, but do not cause radioactive fallout and do not result in the contamination of  celestial bodies of a stellar system, and space, itself.


1  Suplee, Curt:  Milestones of Science, ©2000, 202-203 (National Geographic Society)

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