Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Post 12. The Third Reason the Existence of Inspired Sources Was Revealed by the Creator to Man in the Late Twentieth Century A.D., and Not Before That Time: A Reason Pertaining to the Inadequacy of Man's Material Technology in the Future Age (The Creation, Volume I: Chapter 2, Subhead 4)

The Third Reason the Existence of Inspired Sources Was Revealed by the Creator to Man in the Late Twentieth Century A.D., and Not Before That Time:   A Reason Pertaining to the Inadequacy of Man’s Material Technology in the Future Age (Post 12. (CVIC2S4)

The third reason why the existence of inspired sources was revealed to man in the late twentieth century A.D., and not before that time, is related, it is believed, to the second of two purposes that the inspired sources were intended to accomplish, and that is, to prepare man for the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age, or as the latter is referred to in Christian eschatology-the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32).  The first of the two purposes was discussed in Subhead 3 of this chapter (Post 11. CVIC2S3).  Based on inspired sources and the knowledge conveyed by the symbolism of these, man’s present material technology, upon which his planetary civilization is based, is inadequate for the future age.  Apparently, the Creator, by his revealing to man of the existence of inspired sources, has revealed what is necessary, from a technological point of view, for him to be prepared for the future age.  What is necessary, as we have seen, is for man to discover mystical technology, and employ this technology, in the development of his own future advanced interstellar civilization, based on mystical technology. This should not be confused with what is necessary, from a spiritual point of view, for man to be prepared for the future age.   At the present time, this, it is believed, is a belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ and a trust in Jesus Christ that he not only is the Savior of mankind, but Lord-meaning that he is God (Jn. 20:28).  All who believe the gospel, to them, the Holy Spirit has been imparted.    

 It may be recalled from Chapter 1 that the people of the Magdalenian culture, after discovering the three instruments of mystical particle transfer that were left for them to find by living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization, were capable of using these instruments to transfer mystical particles from the mystical realm to the matter universe of the material realm.  In this regard, it could be said that they had discovered the mystical realm, mystical technology, and two of the four primary mystical particles associated with that technology.  Nevertheless, that culture was not transformed into an advanced culture or civilization, based on mystical technology. The reason why this did not occur can be attributed, it is believed, to the fact that man’s material technology had not yet arrived at a state of maturity, and, therefore, the Magdalenian people were not truly capable of understanding the principles of mystical technology.  Neither were they capable of transferring more than two of the four primary mystical particles associated with mystical technology, whereas the transfer of three or more of these particles is believed to be required before a culture or civilization, in the eyes of the Creator, can be considered an advanced culture or civilization. Finally, these people were not capable of constructing the instruments of mystical particle transfer, which, it is believed, is also required before a culture or civilization, in the eyes of the Creator, can be considered an advanced civilization. 

However, even an advanced civilization based on mystical technology, such as an advanced stellar civilization, will not be capable of serving Jesus Christ, effectively, in the kingdom of God in the future age.  The reason for this is that an advanced stellar civilization operates spaceships that are incapable of leaving a stellar system and its celestial bodies.  But in the future age, spaceships will be needed that possess interstellar capabilities.  Therefore, another transformation of man’s civilization will be necessary-one that must be accomplished before the end of the present age.  This will involve the transformation of man’s advanced stellar civilization, based on mystical technology, to an advanced interstellar civilization, also based on mystical technology.  The Creator’s plan and purpose for the creation, it is believed, will require man to operate spaceships, such as these, in the future age.  If this is correct, then man’s transformation of his future advanced stellar civilization to an advanced interstellar civilization, and the design, construction, and operation of his first interstellar spaceship, probably will take place prior to the end of the present age.  This may even take place during the period of time that is referred to in Christian eschatology as “the time of the end” or “the day of the Lord."

In The Creation, the time of the end (Dan.8:17-18, 12:4-9; Mt. 24:14) or the day of the Lord (Isa. 13:9-13, 65:17-19; 2 Pet. 3:10-13) are considered to be equivalent, and represent a period of time near the end of the present age that will usher in the future age, or as the latter is referred to in Christian eschatology-the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32).  Many cosmic events will accompany this time of transition.  Biblical prophecy reveals that, initially, this period of time will be one of much tribulation on the earth.  The second advent of Jesus Christ on earth will end this time of tribulation, after which Jesus  Christ will reign over the earth from Jerusalem as “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” (Rev.19:16).  The length of time of this reign of Jesus Christ on earth will be one thousand years (Rev. 20:4-6).  During this period of time, man on earth will experience unprecedented peace, prosperity, and righteous government.  This period of time is referred to in Christian eschatology as the kingdom age (1 Sam. 7:8-17; Lk. 1:30-33) or the millennium (Rev. 20:4-6).  The kingdom age/millennium takes place in the present age, but it will prepare many, both spiritually and technologically, for their future lives as a redeemed people in the future age.  In the kingdom age/millennium, it is believed that man will design, construct and operate a spaceship with interstellar capabilities.  Man will also undertake a journey to a nearby stellar system and return to earth during this period of time.  This will demonstrate that man, like other living entities who are members of advanced interstellar civilizations, is capable of reaching the stars, also. The Creator, it is believed, will then consider man to have completed the transformation of his planetary civilization to an advanced interstellar civilization, and now is prepared to serve Jesus Christ in the kingdom of God in the future age.  This, of course, refers only to the technological aspect of redeemed man’s destiny in the future age, not the spiritual aspect.   

Biblical prophesy tells us that man on earth will witness many signs and wonders in the day of the Lord.  However, on a smaller scale, the Creator is producing many signs and wonders for man on earth at the present time, also.  These, it is believed, are intended to raise man’s consciousness concerning the time he is living in and cause him to reflect upon the possibility that the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age may be rapidly approaching.  Many of these signs concern the second advent of Jesus Christ on earth, which is the climatic event of the day of the Lord.  The Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, it is believed, is moving in ways-small and great-to prepare mankind for the day of the Lord, and the events that will accompany the fulfillment of the Creator’s plan and purpose for the creation in that day.  These signs and wonders are important in raising the consciousness of, not only of those who believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, but of those who do not, as well.  Perhaps, the Creator hopes that the latter, after witnessing these signs and wonders, might believe the gospel, repent of their sins, be saved, and receive a blessing.  This blessing, simply stated, is to be among the redeemed of the Lord, who will dwell with Jesus Christ in the kingdom of God in the future age. 

During the twentieth century A.D. the Creator produced many signs and wonders that could be considered prelude to the approaching day of the Lord, and the second advent of Jesus Christ on earth.  One of the most important of these signs, it is believed, was the reestablishment of the nation of Israel in its ancestral homeland in 1948. Since that time, the people of Israel have successfully defended their land against their enemies on several occasions.  This success could be viewed as a sign and wonder, in itself, and one made possible, not only by the military power of Israel, but by the almighty Creator, as well.  Both Christian and Jewish prophecy state that the nation of Israel will play an important role in the Creator’s plan and purpose for the creation and the life that dwells therein in the day of the Lord.  Therefore, regardless of the difficulties that the nation may encounter as a result of actions taken by its enemies and those who seek to do it harm, based on Biblical prophecy, the future existence of Israel is assured, both in the present age and in the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32).  However, even Jews will need to be prepared to serve Jesus Christ in the kingdom of God in the future age.   And this preparation, as noted previously, involves both a spiritual and technological aspect with regard to redeemed man’s destiny in the future age.

The terms, “the past age”, “the present age”, and “the future age” are used frequently in The Creation.   Perhaps, at this time we should attempt to define these terms.  In The Creation, the past, present, and future ages designate three long periods of time that comprises the past, present, and future of the creation.  These three periods of time extend from the beginning of the creation in the distant past, to its eternal destiny in the distant future.  Although this subject will be discussed in greater detail in Volume IV of The Creation, suffice it here to say that the term ”the present age,” as used in The Creation, is considered to be equivalent to the terms, “the age” (Mt. 13:49) or “this age” (Mt. 12:31) in the Bible.  Likewise, the term “the future age,” as used in The Creation, is considered to be equivalent to the term, “the age to come” (Mt. 12:32), in the Bible.  All three terms that are taken from the Bible, that is, “the age,” ”this age,” and “the age to come” are terms used by Jesus Christ in an eschatological sense.  Likewise, their equivalents, “the present age” and  “the future age,” are often used in The Creation, in a similar manner.  The term, ”the past age,” which is used in The Creation on occasion, is a term that does not appear to have an equivalent in the Bible.  Nevertheless, it can be considered to be that period of time, referred to in the Bible, when spiritual angels, alone, dwelt in the creation, and some of these turned from the Creator to follow Satan.

In The Creation, the view taken is that the end of the present age will be followed immediately by the beginning of the future age.  Therefore, statements made that concern preparing mankind for the end of the present age also imply preparing mankind for the future age.  In this regard, both the passages of the Bible and the inspired sources, it is believed, are means that the Creator has provided for man to accomplish this.  The passages of the Bible, it is believed, pertain to the spiritual aspect of man’s preparation for this time, while the inspired sources pertain to the technological aspect of man’s preparation for this time.  These two aspects of man’s preparation for this time-the spiritual aspect and the technological aspect-will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 3, where they are addressed in the context of the two aspects of redeemed man’s destiny. 

In conclusion, the third reason why the existence of inspired sources was not revealed to man until only recently may have been that the Creator understood that man’s planetary civilization would need to be transformed to an advanced interstellar civilization in order to prepare man for the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age.  Man’s present material technology would be inadequate for the needs of the kingdom of God in the future age.  Rather, mystical technology would be needed.   Consequently, at the most suitable time, in the year, 1996, the Creator revealed to man the existence of inspired sources, and by means of the symbolism present in these, man would eventually discover and employ mystical technology.  Man’s discovery and employment of mystical technology would enable him to be prepared, technologically, for the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age, and to effectively serve Jesus Christ and the Creator in the kingdom of God in that age. The symbolism of inspired sources reveals that this will be accomplished by the transformation of man’s planetary civilization, based on material technology, to an advanced stellar civilization, based on mystical technology, and then to an advanced interstellar civilization, also based on mystical technology.

Most people of mature age, dwelling on earth prior to the mid-twentieth century, would have no need to be, technologically, prepared for the day of the Lord, and the subsequent end of the present age and the beginning of the future age-at least, during their natural lifetimes.  Most of these people would live and die on earth before that time would arrive.  The Creator, it is believed, seeing  that no need existed to reveal the existence of inspired sources to these people, waited until a later time, when the day of the Lord would be near at hand, before revealing the existence of inspired sources to man.   Most people of mature age, living at this time, would have a need to discover and employ mystical technology.  

Man's discovery and employment of mystical technology would be necessary, not only to prevent the possible collapse of man’s planetary civilization, based on material technology, but to prepare mankind, technologically, to dwell in the future age, as well.  However, all people, who were foreknown by the Creator, and were called to become the redeemed of the Lord in the future age, no matter when they lived on the earth, would have a need to be prepared, spiritually, for this time.  And for this reason, the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, has been involved in mankind’s salvation down through the generations.  At the present time, in the dispensation referred to in Christianity as the church age, the saved of mankind include all, who have declared their belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ and have received the Holy Spirit.


The Bible does not tell us much about what life will be like in the future age, or as the latter is referred to Christian eschatology-the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32).  In The Creation, it is assumed, based on the symbolism of inspired sources, that man and other living entities who have been spiritually saved by Jesus Christ and possess eternal life, will dwell in a kingdom-the kingdom of God-in the future age.  In addition, man and other living entities that dwell in that kingdom will operate interstellar spaceships that employ mystical technology and travel among the stars of the vast universe.  The latter, as noted previously, is referred to in The Creation as the matter universe of the material realm.  However, it is believed that this matter universe will be changed substantially in the transition of that universe from the present age to the future age.  Still, it is not unreasonable to assume that spaceships will be employed in the future age just as they are in the present age, and that they will be used to explore the universe.  This is the technological aspect of the kingdom of God.  But there is also a spiritual aspect of the kingdom of God.

The spiritual aspect of the kingdom of God concerns all those of mankind , who since the first advent of Jesus Christ on earth about two thousand years ago, have accepted him as their Lord and Savior and are spiritually saved.  It also concerns those of mankind, who prior to the first advent of Jesus Christ on earth about two thousand years ago, accepted the means of salvation provided by the Creator for their time and were spiritually saved.  Both will be the redeemed of the Lord in the kingdom of God in the age to come.  As for the spiritually saved members of the advanced and advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator, it is not known, for certain, if they are redeemed in the same way that mankind is considered redeemed by the Creator.  However, it is safe to say that they are considered by the Creator to be spiritually saved living entities, both in the present age and the future age.  

The spiritual aspect of the kingdom of God, as we shall see in Chapter 3 (Posts 13-17), is more important than the technological aspect of the kingdom of God, both in the present age and the future age, or as the latter is referred to in Christian eschatology-the age to come (Mt.12:31-32).  By means of a manifestation of the spoken word by Jesus Christ, who is an integral part of the Son (the Word), the second person of the Triune Godhead, it would be possible for him (and others delegated by him?) to travel, instantaneously, one place in the matter universe to another, with or without a spaceship.  In this respect, the superiority of the spiritual aspect over the technological aspect is clearly apparent.  Presumably, it would be so in many, if not all, other respects, as well.  

This subhead concludes Chapter 2 of The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms, Volume I:  The Mystery of Inspired Sources and Their Significance to Man.

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