The Technological
Aspect of Redeemed Man’s Destiny as It Applies to the Present Age and the Day
of the Lord (Post 15. CVIC3S3)
With regard to the technological aspect of redeemed
man’s destiny, this can be divided into two parts: (1) that which applies to the present age and
the day of the Lord (which is part of the present age); and (2) that which
applies to the future age. In this post, we
shall address that part of redeemed man’s destiny that applies to the present
age and the day of the Lord. At the present time, he essence
of the technological aspect of redeemed man’s destiny, as it applies to the
present age and the day of the Lord it is believed, is found in the
inspired sources, and especially those inspired sources that concern mystical
technology. Just as it will be necessary
for man to possess a redeemed soul-spirit in the present age, in order to
effectively serve Jesus Christ in the kingdom of God in the future age; it will
be necessary for man to develop and operate interstellar spaceships, based on
mystical technology, in the present age, in order to effectively serve Jesus
Christ in the kingdom of God in the future age. Both the spiritual aspect and the technological aspect of redeemed man’s destiny in the present age and the day of the Lord involve the third person of the Triune Godhead, that is, the Holy Spirit. We have seen how the Holy Spirit is involved in the spiritual aspect of man’s destiny by dwelling with (being upon), or within, a member of mankind making possible his salvation. In a similar vein, the Holy Spirit, it is believed, is involved in the technological aspect of man’s destiny by empowering a mystical particle transfer operator and making possible the transfer of mystical particles. The role of the Holy Spirit in the employment of mystical technology appears to differ from its role in material technology. In mystical technology, participation of the Holy Spirit appears to be directly involved in the operation of that technology. But in material technology, participation of the Holy Spirit does not appear to be directly involved.
Based on the study of tens of thousands of inspired sources that have come to light since the existence of inspired sources was revealed to man in 1996, it is clear that most of the knowledge conveyed by the symbolism of inspired sources concerns this new kind of technology. However, it is one thing to discover the symbolism present in artifacts produced by man concerning this technology; and another to discover the actual technology, itself. Although the former has been known to exist for over a decade, the latter has not yet been discovered by man. In order for man to actually discover mystical technology, it may be necessary for him to either construct, or discover, already intact, the instruments that are used in the transfer of mystical particles from the mystical realm to the matter universe of the material realm. In The Creation, these instruments are referred to as the instruments of mystical particle transfer. The instruments of mystical particle transfer are usually depicted in the symbolism of inspired sources as three portable instruments, two of which are worn on the body of the operator of these instruments, while the third is held in his hand. In The Creation, these instruments are referred to as the helmet, the breastplate, and the sword.
When a planetary civilization, such as man’s present civilization, discovers the mystical realm and becomes capable of transferring at least three of the four primary mystical particles associated with mystical technology, and demonstrates the capability of designing and constructing these instruments, that civilization, it is believed, in the eyes of the Creator, is considered an advanced civilization. The former civilization, as we have seen, is based on material technology, while the latter is based on mystical technology. The three mystical particles referred to above are the south magnetic monopole (which upon transfer becomes a particle with dipole magnetic properties, called the dipole magnetic particle), the selectron, and the gravitino. As we saw in Chapter 2 (Posts 9-12) three kinds of advanced civilizations exist, or once did, that operate spaceships that employ mystical technology. These are: the advanced planetary civilization, the advanced stellar civilization, and the advanced interstellar civilization. Each of these civilizations operate a different kind of spaceship. These spaceships are referred to in The Creation as the advanced planetary spaceship, or simply the planetary spaceship; the advanced stellar spaceship, or simply the stellar spaceship, and the advanced interstellar spaceship, or simply the interstellar spaceship. With regard to the planetary spaceship and the stellar spaceship, the mystical technology of the former uses only the three mystical particles, mentioned above. However, the mystical technology of the latter uses the photino, in addition to the three mystical particles, mentioned above. This makes the stellar spaceship the more advanced of the two spaceships.
After man’s planetary civilization is transformed to an advanced civilization based on mystical technology, he will still have to design, construct and operate a spaceship that is of the planetary or stellar kind before the Creator will sanction his development of an interstellar spaceship. If the first spaceship that man designs, constructs and operates is a stellar spaceship, rather than a planetary spaceship (which the symbolism of inspired sources reveals will be the case), this will probably hasten the time, when the Creator will allow man to design, construct, and operate an interstellar spaceship. The stellar spaceship that man develops probably will be capable of making journeys to other celestial bodies in the solar system. However, it is possible that the Creator will restrict journeys of this spaceship to the inner planets and their moons. Manned exploration by man beyond these celestial bodies by spaceship may require a more capable spaceship, such as the kind used by interstellar civilizations. However, the latter need not be a large spaceship, such as those, that are actually used in interstellar travel.
Also, it is possible that the first spaceship employing mystical technology that man’s advanced civilization will operate will not be a stellar spaceship designed and constructed by man, but a stellar spaceship that has been hidden somewhere on earth by living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization, whose intention it is that man discover it. The latter, in accordance with the will of the Creator, may do this in order to assist man in the transformation of his planetary civilization to an advanced stellar civilization. Using this “discovered,” intact spaceship as a model, man, by means of reverse engineering, may soon be able to design, construct, and operate a similar stellar spaceship, employing mystical technology. In the eyes of the Creator, this stellar spaceship may be considered as one that has been designed, constructed and operated by man. Then, the way would be prepared for the Creator to allow man to design, construct, and operate an interstellar spaceship, employing mystical technology. As in the case of the instruments of mystical particle transfer that were hidden for man to find, a stellar spaceship hidden for man to find-when found-undoubtedly, will hasten the time, when man is capable of designing, constructing, and operating an advanced interstellar spaceship, employing mystical technology.
Therefore, the view taken in The Creation is that man, someday, will design, construct, and operate a spaceship that employs the principles of mystical technology and is capable of interstellar travel. When this spaceship actually travels to a nearby stellar system and returns to earth, man’s advanced stellar civilization, in the eyes of the Creator, will have been transformed to an advanced interstellar civilization. As members of an advanced interstellar civilization, based on mystical technology, man will join other living entities, who are members of advanced interstellar civilizations, and who dwell in the Milky Way Galaxy at the present time. It is expected that he will not develop this kind of civilization until near the end of the present age-probably sometime in the day of the Lord. It may take many years to design, construct, and learn how to operate an interstellar spaceship, employing mystical technology. It may many years to design, construct, and learn how to operate a technological wormhole for use in space travel, as well. And It may take many years for an interstellar spaceship, such as this, to travel to a nearby stellar system and return to earth.
The return journey to earth, however, may be accomplished much more quickly if a technological wormhole is “laid down” by the spaceship on the latter’s journey from the earth to the star. By using the wormhole, the time required for the return journey may be reduced considerably. As noted above, this spaceship probably will be designed and constructed by man during the kingdom age/millennium prior to the end of the present age. The second advent of Jesus Christ on earth and his subsequent reign during the one thousand year kingdom age/millennium (Isa. 11:3-4; Rev. 20:4-6) will make possible the development of this spaceship under stable and optimum conditions. Perhaps, only under the conditions that will exist on earth at that time, that is, conditions of peace, prosperity, and righteous government, would it be possible for man to design and construct an interstellar spaceship, such as this.
The design, construction, and operation of this spaceship, it is believed, will involve the
Although it may appear anachronistic for resurrected people with eternal bodies to work at the task of building a spaceship and learning how to operate it; in the eyes of the Creator, learning how to design, construct, and operate an advanced interstellar spaceship that employs mystical technology may be an important part of the technological aspect of redeemed man’s destiny. The development of man’s first advanced interstellar spaceship employing mystical technology during the kingdom age/millennium, it is believed, will meet with Jesus Christ’s approval and enjoy his full support. The completion of man’s first interstellar voyage by this spaceship and its return to earth (probably be means of a technological wormhole), it is believed, will prepare redeemed man, technologically, for the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age.
At the conclusion of the kingdom age/millennium, as noted previously, redeemed man’s interstellar spaceship, or spaceships (if more than one is constructed), may be employed to serve as a refuge for redeemed man during the latter part of the transition involving the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age. During this transition, the celestial bodies of the matter universe may become too unstable for living entities-even saved mankind and other living entities in possession of eternal bodies-to dwell on. It is also possible that the spaceships of man and the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations will find refuge within the “holy city, new Jerusalem” (Rev.21:2), during this time of instability within the matter universe. Nevertheless, at the appointed time, the end of the present age will arrive. This time, as noted previously, may occur when the trailing edge of the matter universe of the material realm passes through the Holy Spirit Zone, and appears as the trailing edge of the changed matter universe in the outer region of the creation, where the new spiritual realm presently exists (Figure 9). It should be noted that Figure 9 is not displayed in this post. It is displayed in Post 14. This moment in time may have been revealed to John in a vision. In Rev. 21:1-2, we read:
1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the
first heaven and the first earth were passed away: and
there was no more sea.
2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming
down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned
for her husband.
first heaven and the first earth were passed away: and
there was no more sea.
2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming
down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned
for her husband.
Based on the above passage, it is possible that new
Jerusalem will be located near the earth at the time of the end of the present
age and at the beginning of the future age.
When that time arrives, new Jerusalem may simply descend from “heaven”,
that is, “the heavens,” or the part of the matter universe that consists of the
celestial vault as viewed from the earth.
However, new Jerusalem, because of its large mass (amount of matter) probably
would not be capable of descending to earth and making contact with the latter
without causing gravitational instability that would be destructive to both
bodies. Nevertheless, the earth will be repopulated by man at this
time. These members of mankind, who will repopulate the earth, it is believed, will have dwelt aboard
new Jerusalem or aboard spaceships, located either in proximity to new Jerusalem or within new
Jerusalem, itself, during the transition period. Therefore, the
changed earth, apparently, will be the first celestial body of the changed
matter universe to receive eternal living entities in the future age. These, of course, will be redeemed members of
mankind, who, now, in possession of their eternal bodies, will repossess and inhabit
the earth at this time. In the following post, Post 16, the subject of the “new heaven” and “new earth”
that John referred to in Rev. 21:1, and the “new Jerusalem” that he referred to in
Rev. 21:2 will be addressed.
The use by man of advanced interstellar spaceships that employ mystical technology near the end of the present age, as well as in the future age, would appear to be a logical progression of man's technological development in the present age. This development, it is believed, will be hastened by certain activities on the part of living entities of one or more of the advanced interstellar civilization, who will assist man in this regard. In this subhead, we learned that, in addition to the instruments of mystical particle transfer, one or more advanced stellar spaceships may have been, or will be, hidden somewhere on earth for man to find by the living entities, mentioned above. In Volume III of The Creation, we shall study the symbolism of several inspired sources that reveals a specific location where an advanced stellar spaceship may have been hidden (and, presumably, will be found by man). As for the instruments of mystical particle transfer, it is possible that these may already have been, or will be, hidden at various locations on earth, allowing people of all nationalities the opportunity to find them and put them to use. But, perhaps, one should not expect this to occur until someone, or some group, actually discovers one of these instruments. What may follow after may be a world-wide treasure hunt.
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This blog distributes this material by means of this blog without profit to those who have expressed an interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use for any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107.
The use by man of advanced interstellar spaceships that employ mystical technology near the end of the present age, as well as in the future age, would appear to be a logical progression of man's technological development in the present age. This development, it is believed, will be hastened by certain activities on the part of living entities of one or more of the advanced interstellar civilization, who will assist man in this regard. In this subhead, we learned that, in addition to the instruments of mystical particle transfer, one or more advanced stellar spaceships may have been, or will be, hidden somewhere on earth for man to find by the living entities, mentioned above. In Volume III of The Creation, we shall study the symbolism of several inspired sources that reveals a specific location where an advanced stellar spaceship may have been hidden (and, presumably, will be found by man). As for the instruments of mystical particle transfer, it is possible that these may already have been, or will be, hidden at various locations on earth, allowing people of all nationalities the opportunity to find them and put them to use. But, perhaps, one should not expect this to occur until someone, or some group, actually discovers one of these instruments. What may follow after may be a world-wide treasure hunt.
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This blog distributes this material by means of this blog without profit to those who have expressed an interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use for any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107.
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