Friday, April 25, 2014

Post 55. The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Point D1 and the Anomalous Feature That Resembles the Head of a Person (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 4, Subhead 2)

The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Point D1 and the Anomalous Feature That Resembles the Head of a Person (Post 55. CVIIC4S2)

Turning to the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1), and alignment D, it may be noted that alignment D begins at point D1 located at an anomalous feature found in the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1.  However, the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1 must first be inverted before this anomalous feature can be recognized.  In this position, the anomalous feature is found to resemble the head of a person (Figure 6).1  Specifically, point D1 of alignment D is located at a point on the head of this person, where, what appears to be an exaggerated left sideburn, terminates.  Because this is the left sideburn, and the left side of the head of this person is in view, it is assumed that left-handed (Christ-like) spiritual attributes, left-handed mystical technology, and service to the Creator, are involved in the symbolism of this anomalous feature.

Figure 6.  The anomalous feature (highlighted)
associated with the aurochs in the inspired
source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1 that
resembles the head of a person when inverted.
Click on the picture to enlarge.  Photograph
of the aurochs, ©AAAC/TopFoto/The
Image Works.

 Figure 1.  The three illustrations
                                                               (inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
                                                              1-3) that are collectively referred
                                                               to as the multiple inspired source,
                                                              "Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Click
                                                                on the picture to enlarge.  Photo-
                                                                graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
                                                               TopFoto/The Image Works
In addition, point D1, the initial alignment point of alignment D, is collocated with point I1, the initial alignment point of alignment I, here, at the end of the exaggerated left sideburn of the person.  Because of the intersection of alignments D and I, here, it can be assumed that a special relationship of some kind exists between these two alignments, and the things that they symbolize.  As we shall see, alignment I is believed to symbolize one of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator and dwell in the Milky Way Galaxy.  Although it is not known, for certain, what this relationship may have involved, it is not unreasonable to assume that the people symbolized by alignment D, upon completion of their transfer activity, at some point in time were received by the living entities of this civilization, in order that the former may learn from the latter. 
The grottobase that was the destination of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity, probably, was not a place of residence of the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment I.  This grottobase, and most likely, all other large grottobasses of transfer activity grottobase complexes that received people involved in transfer activity, were occupied by living entities of the most recent of the advanced interstellar civilizations to attain this status.  This advanced interstellar civilization is symbolized by alignment G in the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1).  Although the people symbolized by alignment D may have met and learned from the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment I, this probably did not take place until after these people were first received by the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G.

Concerning the relationship that existed between the people symbolized by alignment D and the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment I, this relationship may have been based on a similar inclination on the part of both to understand and apply technological solutions to problems.  This technological inclination that was shared by these two may have resulted in a high degree of compatibility between the two races.  With regard to the people of the Magdalenian culture symbolized by alignment D, dwelling on the surface of the earth, this technology was material technology.  But with regard to the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment I and the people symbolized by alignment D, who eventually would meet the living entities of this advanced interstellar civilization, this technology was mystical technology.  Therefore, after the transfer of the people of the Magdalenian culture symbolized by alignment D, the latter, it is believed, eventually met the living entities, mentioned above, and learned much from them concerning the principles of mystical technology and the operations that pertain to that technology. 

As we shall see, alignment D not only intersects alignment I, it also intersects alignment F, G, and H.  In each case, except alignment F, an advanced interstellar civilization is symbolized, and in each case, the intersection of alignment D and these alignments is believed to signify that a relationship existed between the two.  However, in the case of alignment F, the latter signifies another group of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity, and not an advanced interstellar civilization. 

With regard to alignment F, it may be noted that alignment F intersects alignment H at the initial alignment point of each.   These are points F1 and H1.  Here again, it is assumed that a special relationship existed between the people symbolized by alignment F, who were people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity (like the people symbolized by alignment D), and the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment H.  This relationship may have been based on a similar inclination and desire on the part of both to understand spiritual matters, and  may have resulted in a high degree of compatibility between the two.  The Magdalenian people involved in transfer activity, symbolized by alignment F, will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 5. 

In addition, to alignments that intersect at initial points having special symbolic significance, alignments that intersect at terminal points may have special symbolic significance, also.  In this regard, we find that alignments D and F intersect where the terminal points of these alignments are located. The terminal points of these alignments are points D4 and F5. This intersection takes place in a part of the Lascaux cave called the Shaft.  Because these alignments symbolize the two groups of Magdalenian people involved in transfer activity in the fifteenth millennium B.C., a special relationship obviously did exist between these two groups.  This special relationship, of course, was that at the completion of their transfer activity, these two groups symbolized by alignment D and F would become associate members of an advanced interstellar civilization.  Likewise, we find alignments G, H, I, and J intersect, where the terminal points of these four alignments are located.   The terminal points of these alignments are G5, H4, I3, and J4.  This intersection takes place in the part of the Lascaux cave called the Rotunda.  Because these alignments symbolize the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator, the special relationship that these advanced interstellar civilizations shared is obvious, also.

Alignment D, as noted above, symbolizes the people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity, who had a genealogical connection with the civilization of Atlantis. This alignment originates at the anomalous feature, mentioned above, that resembles the head of a person, when the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1 is inverted.  This same anomalous feature is also the place of the origin of alignment F, G, H, I, and J.  However, with regard to point D1 of alignment D, as we have seen, this point is located at the place on this head, where an exaggerated left sideburn terminates.  Because long, thick sideburns on a man have a sexual connotation of virility, it is possible that the people of this group, who possessed a genealogical connection with the advanced civilization of Atlantis, and were the offspring of the intermarriages between Atlanteans and people of the Magdalenian culture between 15,500 B.C. and 15,001 B.C., possessed greater vigor as a result of these intermarriages than those, who did not possess a genealogical connection with the advanced civilization of Atlantis.  This may account for the depiction of large sideburns on the anomalous feature, mentioned above. 

In addition, these people may have used their ingenuity to develop the material technology of their clans and communities, as primitive as this technology was at that time. This view is supported by the paintings executed by the Magdalenian cave artists, themselves.  These paintings reveal a technical skill that is unusual for man at this time in his history.  Therefore, it is possible that this art may have been accomplished by people, who were more advanced than most other members of mankind at that time.  The people, who painted the Lascaux cave, may have been people with a genealogical connection with the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis. 

This conclusion is supported by another context of symbolism concerning the left sideburn of the anomalous feature that resemble the head of a person, mentioned above.  In this context the left sideburn of the person symbolizes a left horn. Although man does not possess horns, a horn does symbolize power in the animal kingdom.  And since this anomalous feature in the shape of a horn is associated with the head of the person, mentioned above, it could be viewed as symbolizing brain power, or intelligence.  Therefore, the group of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity that are symbolized by alignment D may have demonstrated their brain power, or intelligence, by being skillful craftsmen, and making various tools.   All of these, of course, were based on the primitive material technology of that time.  In addition, because alignment D intersects with alignments F, G, H, and I in the multiple inspired source, Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1), it is possible that after the completion of transfer activity by a person of the Magdalenian culture, symbolized by alignment D, and after being received by the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G, that these people were later received in friendship by the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations symbolized by alignments H and I.  They may have temporarily transferred to these advanced interstellar civilizations for instruction purposes.  Here, they would have the opportunity to meet the living entities of those civilizations and learn from them.  However, their home civilization after the completion of their transfer activity, it is believed, was the advanced interstellar civilization symbolized by alignment G. 


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1.  Branigan, K., Consultant Editor:  The Atlas of Archaeology, ©1982, from the article:  Lascaux" by S. and T. Champion, 30-31 (St. Martin's Press); Photograph of the
aurochs, ©AAAC/TopFoto/The Image Works 

Figure 1:  The credit reference for Figure 1 is found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2).

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Post 54. A Summary of Transfer Activity and the Two Kinds of People of the Magdalenin Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 4, Subhead 1)

The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms

                                                                   Volume II
                                   The Material and Mystical Pathways of a Person
                             of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity

                                                                   Chapter 4
                           Transfer Activity of the People of the Magdalenian Culture
               Symbolized by Alignment D, and Their Journey on the Mystical Pathway

----A Summary of Transfer Activity and the Two Groups of People of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 54. CVIIC4S1)

----The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Point D1 and the Anomalous Feature That Resembles the Head of a Person (Post 55. CVIIC4S2)

----The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Point D2 and the Anomalous Feature That Resembles an Infrared Beam Spaceship (Post 56. CVIIC4S3)

----The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Points D3 and D4 and the Anomalous Geometric Decoration Depicted Above the Neck of the Light Horse (Post 57. CVIIC4S4)

----The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Points D5 and D6 and the Two Grottobases Associated with the Completion of the First and Second Steps of the Mystical Pathway (Post 58. CVIIC4S5)

A Summary of Transfer Activity and the Two Groups of People of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 54. CVIIC4S1) 

As we have seen in Chapters 1-3 (Posts 38-53) of Volume II of The Creation, between 15,000 B.C. and 14,501 B.C. people of the Magdalenian culture, apparently, were involved in transfer activity, in which the Lascaux cave played a central role.  In those chapters the three steps of the material pathway were discussed.  In Chapters 4-6 (Posts 54-66) of Volume II, the three steps of the mystical pathway of the journey of these people will be discussed.  As we have seen, the final part of the third step of the material pathway is referred to in The Creation as the material road.  This road began at the entrance of the Lascaux cave and ended at the Chamber of the Felines within the cave.  All people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity between 15,000 B.C. and 14,501 B.C., it is believed, passed through the entrance of the Lascaux cave and traveled on the material road to the transfer point of the cave located in the Chamber of the Felines.  Here, they would begin the first of three steps of the mystical pathway of their journey. 

These people are referred to in The Creation as explorers, and are believed to have traveled on the mystical pathway, individually, or in small groups of no more than five.  Led by the Holy Spirit, these people, it is believed, would arrive at the Chamber of the Felines and discover at the transfer point, located there, the three instruments of mystical particle transfer.  As noted in Chapter 3, the leader of the group would then put on these instruments, and with the members of the group following, take the first step of their journey on the mystical pathway into the interior of the earth.  At the conclusion of their journey on the mystical pathway, which may have required anywhere from a week to a few weeks (It is not known for certain, just how much time was required for this), the explorers would arrive at a large grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex located in the interior of the earth.  The living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization, who dwelt here, it is believed, would then receive the explorers in friendship, and make them associate members of that civilization. 

As we saw in Chapter 3, the first part of the first step of the mystical pathway is referred to in The Creation as the mystical road.  The mystical road, simply, is the part of the first step of the mystical pathway, during which the people involved in transfer activity used the instruments of mystical particle transfer.  These three portable instruments are referred to in The Creation as the helmet, the breastplate, and the sword.  The helmet, it is believed, was worn by the leader.  The breastplate was worn on the chest of the leader, but it is possible that each member of the group wore a breastplate, as well.  And the sword was held in the hand of the leader. 

As noted previously, these instruments were placed in the part of the Lascaux cave, called the Chamber of the Felines, by the living entities aboard the spaceship that assisted these people complete their transfer activity.  It is possible that these living entities also provided the explorers with battery-powered lamps.  The purpose of leaving the instruments of mystical particle transfer at the transfer point of the cave was, simply, to allow the explorers to discover and use them.  However, though the instruments of mystical particle transfer would be needed to complete the first part of the first step of the mystical pathway, they, apparently, would not be needed during the remainder of their journey on that pathway.  The mystical road, eventually, would connect with an excavated tunnel.  Here, the explorers would step into this tunnel and travel along its descending course on foot.   Eventually, they would arrive at a place, where it joined a larger excavated tunnel.  By means of various forms of transportation, they would descend deeper into the interior of the earth until they arrived at their destination-a large grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex, where dwelt living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization.

The symbolism of inspired sources associated with the paintings of the Lascaux cave reveals that two kinds, or groups, of people were involved in transfer activity between 15,000 B.C. and 14,501 B.C.  These are symbolized by alignment D and F in the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1).
Figure 1. The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Click
on the picture to enlarge.  Photo-
  graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works.

The group of people symbolized by alignment D, as we shall see, represents those people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity, who had a genealogical connection with the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis.  This was one of the two advanced civilizations of Atlantis that was in existence at this time.  In this regard, a genealogical connection means that the person involved in transfer activity possessed Atlantean blood (DNA) to a sufficiently high degree that, in the eyes of the Creator, he was considered to have a genealogical connection with one or the other of the advanced civilizations of Atlantis.  The group of people symbolized by alignment F, as we shall see, represents those people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity, who possessed a high moral and spiritual character, and desired to know the Creator and his ways.  However, these people did not, in the eyes of the Creator, have a genealogical connection with the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis.  Neither did they have a genealogical connection with the other advanced civilization of Atlantis, which is referred to in The Creation as the advanced oceanic civilization of Atlantis.  This does not necessarily mean that these people did not possess Atlantean blood (DNA).  It may only mean that they did not possess Atlantean blood (DNA) to a sufficiently high degree that, in the eyes of the Creator, they were considered to have a genealogical connection with one or the other of the advanced civilizations of Atlantis. 

In this chapter, Chapter 4 (Posts 54-58), we will discuss the group of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity that are symbolized by alignment D  in the inspired source, "Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Their relationship with Atlanteans of the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis, as depicted in the alignments of that inspired source, will be discussed.  In addition, the relationship of Atlanteans of that time with the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator will be discussed, as well.  Finally, the completion by the group of people, symbolized by alignment D, of the first and second step of their journey on the mystical pathway, as depicted in the alignments of the inspired source, "Lascaux cave" (Figure 1), will be discussed.


Figure 1:  The credit reference for Figure 1 is found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2).

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Monday, April 21, 2014

Post 53. Alignment L and the Instruments of Mystical Particle Transfer (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 3, Subhead 4)

Alignment L and the Instruments of Mystical Particle Transfer (Post 53. CVIIC3S4)

The instruments of mystical particle transfer, it is believed, are symbolized in Figure 51 by three anomalous features. Figure 5 is taken from the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1 (see Post 52).  The dark horse, as we have seen, symbolizes the material pathway and material technology.  Therefore, the association of the three instruments of mystical particle transfer with the dark horse seems puzzling, at first.  However, it is possible that the principles of these instruments, separately, are based on material technology, but, collectively, are based on mystical technology, and as such, are capable of transferring mystical particles from the mystical realm to the matter universe of the material realm of the creation.  These three portable instruments and the places of a person’s body, where they are worn, or held in hand, is symbolized by alignment L in the above inspired source.  

Alignment L begins at point L1 located at the end of the nose of the dark horse, proceeds to point L2 located at the end of the highlighted, dark, anomalous feature in contact with the upper part of the chest of the dark horse, and continues to point L3 located at the end of the left hoof of the light horse (Figure 5).  In this regard, points L1, L2, and L3 of alignment L symbolize the three instruments of mystical particle transfer, that is, the helmet, the breastplate, and the sword, respectively.  All three of the alignment points, mentioned above, are associated with the dark horse, and as we have seen, the latter symbolizes the material pathway and material technology.  However, if alignment L is extrapolated beyond point L3, the last alignment point of alignment L, it is found to intersect the end of the tail of the light horse, where point E2 of alignment E is located. 

As we have seen in this chapter, and shall see again in Chapter 4, the tail of the light horse in Figure 5 symbolizes the mystical road of the first step of the mystical pathway.  Therefore, the extrapolation of alignment L to point E2 of alignment E at the end of the tail of the light horse would seem to signify that the three instruments of mystical particle transfer, symbolized by points L1, L2, and L3 of alignment L, are employed by a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity during his journey on the mystical road of the mystical pathway.  The mystical road, in this regard, is symbolized by the part of the tail of the light horse between points E2 and E3 of alignment E in Figure 5.
Figure 5.  The instruments of mystical particle transfer
symbolized by points L1, L2, and L3 of alignment L. Note
the anomalous feature (highlighted), designated point L2,
to the right of the chest of the dark horse that symbolizes a
breastplate.  Associated with the light horse are points
E2 and E3 of alignment E, which symbolize the beginning
and the end of the mystical road of the mystical pathway 
of the Lascaux cave, respectively. Click on the picture to
In addition, the extrapolation of alignment L beyond point L3 to point E2 of alignment E at the end of the tail of the light horse appears to signify that the instruments of mystical particle transfer, symbolized by points L1, L2, and L3 of alignment L, initially, are used at the beginning of the mystical road, which is located in a part of the cave, called the Chamber of the Felines (the transfer point of the Lascaux cave).  This corresponds to point E2 of alignment E, located at the end of the tail of the light horse.  The end of the mystical road, in this context, corresponds to point E3 of alignment E, located at the place of origin of the tail of the light horse.  This alignment point symbolizes the place in the interior of the earth, where the mystical road of the mystical pathway ends and is joined to an excavated tunnel. 


This subhead concludes Chapter 3 of The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms, Volume II: The Material and Mystical Pathways of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity.


1.  Branigan, K., Consultant Editor:  The Atlas of Archaeology, ©1982, from the article: "Lascaux" by S. and T. Champion, 30-31 (St. Martin's Press)

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This blog distributes this material by means of this blog without profit to those who have expressed an interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes.  We believe this constitutes a fair use for any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Post 52. The Material Road of the Material Pathway and the Mystical Road of the Mystical Pathway (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 3, Subhead 3)

The Material Road of the Material Pathway and the Mystical Road of the Mystical Pathway (Post 52. CVIIC3S3)

The Lascaux cave, because it is a cave, can be considered to be a transition zone between the material pathway associated with material technology and the surface of the earth, and the mystical pathway associated with mystical technology and the interior of the earth.  In The Creation the part of a cave used for transfer activity from the entrance to the transfer point within the cave is referred to as the material road. Therefore, the material road is the last part of the third step of the material pathway.  The material road is symbolically analogous to the first part of the first step of the mystical pathway, where the instruments of mystical particle transfer are employed.  This part of the first step of the mystical pathway is referred to in The Creation as the mystical road of the mystical pathway.
Figure 1.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1). Click
of the picture to enlarge. Photo-
graph of aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/TheImage Works.
As we have seen, the dark horse in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1 is associated with the material pathway, as alignments A, B, and C have shown.  However, the material road of the material pathway is also symbolized by a certain feature of the dark horse.  Specifically, this feature is that part of the tail of the dark horse that lies between points K1 and K2 of alignment K.  In this regard, this part of the tail of the dark horse can be considered a reciprocal extrapolation of that part of alignment K that extends from point K3 to point K5.  Because point K2 is nearer to point K5 (which symbolizes the completion of the third step of the material pathway) than point K1, point K2 symbolizes the end of the material road, located at the transfer point of the Lascaux cave.  Because point K1 is more distant from point K5 than point K2, point K1 symbolizes the beginning of the material road, located at the entrance of the cave.  Although this symbolism may not appear to be important in the overall discussion of the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1), it is important to note all aspects of the symbolism that is associated with a cave, such as the Lascaux cave, that has been used for transfer activity.  The reason for this is that, one day, it may again be used by man for another activity related to transfer activity.  This activity will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 7.

As noted previously, the symbolism of the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1 also reveals that a mystical road of the mystical pathway exists, as well.  It is on the mystical road that the Magdalenian explorers employed the instruments of mystical particle transfer that allowed them to  pass through the solid rock of the walls of the Lascaux cave into the interior of the earth.  Eventually, they would arrive at an excavated tunnel that they could step into and begin walking without the use of these instruments.  

As we have seen, the light horse in inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1 is associated with the mystical pathway.   The mystical road of the mystical pathway is symbolized by the tail of the light horse.  Specifically, the part of the tail of the light horse between points E2 and E3 of alignment E symbolize the mystical road.  In this case, point E2, located at the lower part of the tail, symbolizes the beginning of the mystical road at the transfer point of the Lascaux cave, while point E3, located at the upper part of the tail, symbolizes the end of the mystical road at the excavated tunnel.

After the leader of the Magdalenian explorers put on the instruments of mystical technology within the Chamber of the Felines of the Lascaux cave, it is assumed that he quickly learned how to use them.  It is possible that he simply remembered how to use then from an earlier experience on the spaceship that involved living entities aboard the spaceship instructing him in the use of these instruments.  However, because of post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques that he was later subjected to, he would have forgotten this experience until he arrived at the transfer point of the Lascaux cave.  Here, the sight of the instruments may have triggered a post hypnotic recollection of the instructions that he had received on the spaceship. 

It is not known, for certain, if one or more of the instruments of mystical particle transfer were capable of emitting light that could be used to light up the tunnels that the explorers would travel through during their journey on the mystical pathway.  If so, the leader of the explorers may have discovered that the use of certain controls present on one of the instruments, such as the sword, resulted in the instrument emitting light.  If this was the case, this instrument may have served as a source of light in the excavated tunnel after they had finished using the instruments to pass through the walls of the Lascaux cave.    This, of course, would have made the oil burning lamps and torches they had brought with them unnecessary.  However, it is possible that the instruments of mystical particle transfer were not designed to emit light.  If this was the case, as  suggested below, the explorers may have found battery-powered lamps at the entrance of the cave that had been left for them by the living entities whose responsibility it was to assist them complete their transfer activity.  If so, one would assume that they would have been used by the explorers to explore the Lascaux cave and, later, travel through the excavated tunnel. 

However, as we shall see in Volume III of The Creation, an inspired source indicates that the explorers may have walked the first step of the mystical pathway (one that involving the excavated tunnel) in darkness.  If this was the case, the lamps, referred to above, may have been remotely deactivated by the living entities when the explorers discovered instruments of mystical particle transfer inside the Lascaux cave. The explorers may have brought oil lamps and torches to provide light for their journey. However, these would have been of limited use to them in the excavated tunnel where no kindling for building a fire existed and the tunnel was of considerable length.  Therefore, the living entities, who provided the instruments of mystical particle transfer, may have solved the problem of the explorer's lack of an adequate source of light by providing each person with a lamp powered by batteries.  These may have been placed for the explorers to find just outside the entrance of the cave, where sunlight began to diminish.  This place could also be considered to be the beginning of the material road.  

Because these battery-powered lamps were based on material technology, they would be appropriate for use within the Lascaux cave during the journey of the explorers on the material road.   Perhaps, the leader and others had been instructed in the use of these lamps, while aboard the spaceship.  But as a result of the post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques that they were subjected to before departing the disc spaceship, they possessed no conscious recollection of this.  However, despite this lack of conscious recollection, each explorer, after discovering the lamps, would soon learn how to operate them.  This, presumably, was attributable to the subconscious memory of each.  If this  transfer actually took place, the lamps could be viewed as the living entities' gift to the explorers after their arrival at the Lascaux cave.  This gift would enable them to complete the last part of their journey on the third step of the material pathway. 

 The last part of this step, as we have seen, is referred to in The Creation as the material road of the material pathway.  The material road involved the explorers entering and exploring the Lascaux cave.  It was here that they would discover the instruments of mystical particle transfer.  And the latter would enable them to begin the first step of their journey on the mystical pathway.  The first part of that pathway is referred to as the mystical road, and it was on the mystical road that the instruments of mystical transfer were employed. Therefore, the instruments of mystical particle transfer could be viewed as the living entities' gift to the explorers after their arrival at the transfer point of the Lascaux cave.  These instruments would be necessary in order to initiate the explorer's journey on the mystical road of the mystical pathway.  Similarly, the battery-powered lamps were necessary (or at least helpful) to complete the explorer's journey on the material road of the material pathway.  In this context, the battery-powered lamps, which were based on material technology, would be appropriate for the material road, while the instruments of mystical particle transfer, which were based on mystical technology, would be appropriate for the mystical road.  Both, it is believed, were gifts from the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization that assisted their transfer activity. 


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Figure 1:  The credit reference for Figure 1 is found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2).

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Post 51. Alignment K as It Pertains to Point K5 and the Completion of the Third Step of the Material Pathway Symbolized by Alignment C (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 3, Subhead 2)

Alignment K as It Pertains to Point K5 and the Completion of the Third Step of the Material Pathway Symbolized by Alignment C (Post 51. CVIIC3S2)

Point C7 of alignment C represents the last activity associated with the third step of the material pathway.  This is indicated by the collocation of point K5 and point C7.  As we saw in Chapters 1 and 2 with regard to points K3 and K4 of alignment K, these alignment points symbolize the completion of a first and second step of the material pathway.  Likewise, point K5 appears to symbolize something similar.  In this case, however, it is the completion of the third step of the material pathway that is symbolized.           

Figure 1.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1). Click
on the picture to enlarge. Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works.
Therefore, point K5 of alignment K terminates the extrapolation of alignment C at point C7.  Symbolically, the person must now begin his journey on the first step of the mystical realm.  However, this would have required the use of the instruments of mystical particle transfer.  Undoubtedly, it was for this reason that the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization aboard the spaceship left these instruments at the Chamber of the Felines in the Lascaux cave for the explorers to find. 

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Figure 1:  The credit reference for Figure 1 is found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2). 

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This blog distributes this material by means of this blog without profit to those who have expressed an interest in receiving it for research
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Friday, April 18, 2014

Post 50. Alignment C and the Third Step of the Material Pathway of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 3, Subhead 1)

The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms

                                                                 Volume II
                                 The Material and Mystical Pathways of a Person
                           of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity

                                                                 Chapter 3
                                Alignment C as It Pertains to the Third Step of the
                                  Material Pathway; Alignment K; and Alignment L

----Alignment C and the Third Step of the Material Pathway of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 50. CVIIC3S1)

----Alignment K as It Pertains to Point K5 and the Completion of the Third Step of the Material Pathway Symbolized by Alignment C (Post 51. CVIIC3S2)

----The Material Road of the Material Pathway and the Mystical Road of the Mystical Pathway (Post 52. CVIIC3S3)

----Alignment L and the Instruments of Mystical Particle Transfer (Post 53. CVIIS3S4)

Alignment C and the Third Step of the Material Pathway of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 50. CVIIC3S1) 

In this chapter we will discuss alignment C and the third step of the material pathway.  Alignment C begins at point C1 located at the border of the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1.  As we have seen, here, also, points A1 and B1 of alignments A and B, respectively, are collocated with point C1, resulting in an unusual triple collocation of alignment points of these alignments.  In this regard, point C1 of alignment C, it is believed, symbolizes the oversight of the Father, the first person of the Triune Godhead, in making possible transfer activity by a person of the Magdalenian culture, and the completion of the third step of the material pathway of his journey.

Figure 1.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Click
on the picture to enlarge. Photo-
  graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works

Figure 2.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 2-1, 2-2, and
2-3) that are collectively referred
to as multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 2) with
alignments not drawn for better
viewing of the inspired source.
Click on the picture to enlarge.
  Photograph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works. 
After leaving point C1, alignment C proceeds to point C2 located at the base of a linear anomalous feature depicted in the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1, continues to point C3 located at the top of the same anomalous feature, mentioned above, continues to point C4 located at the belly of the dark horse in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1, continues to point C5 located at the top of the anomalous feature that resembles a discoid spaceship in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1, continues to point C6 located at no place of apparent symbolic significance in the same inspired source, and terminates at point C7 located at a specific place on the map of the Lascaux cave in the inspired source 1-1 (the map of the Lascaux cave) of Figure 1.  This place is a part of the Lascaux cave called the Chamber of the Felines. 

Returning to points C2 and C3, located at the bottom and top of the anomalous linear feature, mentioned above, the two points, it is believed, symbolize the oversight of the Son (the Word) and the Holy Spirit, the second and third persons of the Triune Godhead, respectively, in making possible transfer activity by a person of the Magdalenian culture, and the completion of the third step of the material pathway of his journey.  This oversight by the Triune Godhead-the Father, the Son (the Word), and the Holy Spirit-may have involved preparing the person, who would be transferred, for the completion of the third step of the material pathway of his journey.  This preparation probably involved the transport of the person involved in transfer activity by a disc spaceship from a place near his clan or community to the entrance of the Lascaux cave.  

The person, mentioned above, and as many as four others, accompanying him, may have set out earlier that day with the intention of exploring the cave that one or more of them had discovered the previous day.  However, on the way, it is possible that they encountered a disc spaceship that suddenly appeared in the air above the or near them.   By means of this maneuver, the living entities aboard the spaceship may have intended to test the courage of the people on the ground.   Perhaps, anyone that fled the hovering spaceship would not be permitted to continue and complete the third step of the material pathway.  These people would be allowed to return to their clan or community, but not before being subjected to post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques that would cause them to have no conscious memory of their experiences concerning the spaceship that they had encountered that day.  At this time, we shall discuss the significance of the symbolism of point C4 of alignment C as this point relates to what has been stated above. 

As we have seen, points A4, B4, and C4 of alignments A, B, and C are located at the belly of the dark horse and in proximity to the place, where the heart of the animal would be expected to be located.  The heart, in this case, is believed to symbolize “heart,” or courage.  Each step of the material pathway caused the person involved in transfer activity to grow in courage.  This is indicated by the location of the three alignment points A4, B4, and C4.  Although each point is closer to this place than the one before it in the sequence, only point C4 is located at the actual place, where the heart of the animal would be expected to be found.  The latter point, therefore, symbolizes the level of courage that would be necessary for the people involved in transfer activity to possess, in order to complete the third step of the material pathway of their journey. 

It is not known for certain, how the people involved in the third step of the material pathway of transfer activity were taken aboard the spaceship.  It is possible that they were subjected to a beam of some kind-one based on mystical technology-that caused them to lose consciousness.  Then, they may have been lifted up and taken aboard the spaceship by means of a transport beam, also based on mystical technology.  Once aboard the spaceship, it is not known what took place.   Perhaps, all regained consciousness aboard the spaceship and the leader was instructed in the use of the instruments of mystical technology.  Perhaps, at the same time, the leader and the others  were also instructed in the use of a battery powered lamp.  Then, when the spaceship had arrived at the cave, the explorers may have been rendered unconscious, once more.  But before this, they may have been subjected to post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques that caused them to have no memory of their experiences that day from the time they first encountered the spaceship until the time they observed the spaceship until they awoke from their unconscious state at the entrance of the Lascaux cave.  As for the disc spaceship, it probably would have departed the cave before the explorers awoke.  After the departure of the spaceship, the Magdalenian explorers would awake and walk a few yards and discover the entrance of the cave. 

Having no conscious memory of the time that they spent  aboard the spaceship, they would assume that they had walked the entire distance and had arrived at the cave and had taken a short nap.  It may have been at this time that they discovered the battery powered lamps, one for each of them.  Because they had been instructed in their use aboard the spaceship, they instinctively knew how to operate them, though they had no conscious recollection of this instruction.  They may have considered these technological wonders to be gifts from the immortals dwelling in the underworld.  In addition, they may have considered these gifts to be an invitation to them to enter the cave and begin their journey.  Therefore, the explorers would have had no need to build a fire and light their torches and oil burning lamps with wicks that they had  brought with them for the purpose of exploring the cave.  They would simply use the battery powered lamps that had been provided.  Before going further, we should discuss points C5 and C6 of alignment C, and the significance of the symbolism of these points with respect to what has been stated above.

Point C5 of alignment C is located at the top of the anomalous feature that resembles a disc spaceship in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1.  This symbolizes, it is believed, the third contact with the living entities aboard a discoid spaceship by a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity.  This, of course, was the most important contact because, as we have seen, it enabled the person to be transported to the Lascaux cave to complete the third step of the material pathway of his journey.  Then, he could begin the first step of the mystical pathway of his journey.  With regard to the post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques that a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity experienced at the time of the completion of the third contact, these, it is believed, are symbolized by the collocation of point C6 and M3 of alignments C and M, respectively.

Point C6 of alignment C is located at a place in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1 that does not appear to have symbolic significance.  However, as noted above, this is a place, where point M3 of alignment M is collocated with point C6 of alignment C.  As we saw with regard to point A6 of alignment A and its collocation with point M4 of alignment M, as well as point B6 of alignment B and its collation with point M3 of alignment M, alignment M appears to symbolize the use of post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques that were employed by the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization aboard the spaceship.  Therefore, it is assumed that these techniques were employed by the living entities, mentioned above, at the conclusion of the contact associated with that step.   Each of the three contacts, apparently, concluded with the person involved in transfer activity being subjected to these techniques. 

Following the departure of the spaceship and after the leader of the Magdalenian explorers and those accompanying him entered the Lascaux cave, it might be assumed that they had completed the third step of the material pathway of their journey.  However, alignment K, which signifies the actual completion of each step of the material pathway, indicates that that did not occur until the explorers arrived at the part of the Lascaux cave, called the Chamber of the Felines.  It is here in inspired source 1-1 (the map of the Lascaux cave) of Figure 1 that alignment K intersects with alignment C at collated points K5 and C7.  It may be recalled that the intersection of alignment K with alignment A at collocated points K3 and A6 marked the actual completion of the first step of the material pathway.  Similarly, the intersection of alignment K with alignment B at collocated points K4 and B7 marked the actual completion of the second step of the material pathway.  So, likewise, the intersection of alignment K and alignment C resulting in the collocation of points K5 and C7 marks the completion of the third step of the material pathway. 

However, the completion of that step, like that of the second step, involves an additional activity that, apparently, took place that did not take place at the completion of the first step.  In the case of the completion of the second step, this was the actual cloning of the biological cells of the person involved in transfer activity.  In the case of the completion of the third step, this was the discovery by the people involved in transfer activity of the instruments of mystical particle transfer left for them to find by the living entities aboard the spaceship.  These were located at the transfer point of the cave in a part of the Lascaux cave called the Chamber of the Felines.  This place, and not the entrance of the Lascaux cave, where the third contact involving post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques took place, marked the completion of the third step of the material pathway. 

Therefore, a distinction should be made between the conclusion of the contacts involving the first, second, and third steps of the material pathway (which involves the collocated alignment points A6 and M5, B6 and M4, and C6 and M3) and the actual conclusion of the first, second, and third step of the material pathway (which involves the collocated alignment points A6 and K3, B7 and K4, and C7 and K5).  The conclusion of the third step of the material pathway can be viewed as taking place at the transfer point within the Lascaux cave, located in a part of the cave, called the Chamber of the Felines.

Here, in the Chamber of the Felines, the Magdalenian explorers involved in transfer activity would have discovered the instruments of mystical particle transfer.  By means of these instruments, which are referred to in The Creation as the helmet, the breastplate, and the sword, they would be able to begin the first step of the mystical pathway of their journey.  Eventually, they would arrive at a large grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex.  Here, they would be received in friendship by the living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization that dwelt here, and become associate members of that civilization.


The third step of the material pathway of a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity in the fifteenth millennium B.C. may be analogous to a certain kind of activity that inspired sources reveal will take place in the period of time referred to in Christian eschatology as the tribulation period (Dan. 9:27; Mt. 24: 15-21) in the day of the Lord (Isa. 2:10-17; Joel 1:1-11).   But, beyond this, it may be neither wise nor necessary to discuss this activity until the time arrives when the Creator begins to cause these things to come to pass.

In this chapter, Chapter 3 (Posts 50-53), we will discuss symbolism concerning the material road of the material pathway and the mystical road of the mystical pathway.  We shall discuss alignments C, K, and M.   And we shall discover that alignment C depicts, symbolically, the third step of the material pathway of the people of the Magdalenian culture in the fifteenth millennium B.C.  Alignment L with its three alignment points that symbolize the three instruments of mystical particle transfer will be discussed, also.


Figures 1 and 2:  the credit references for Figures 1 and 2 are found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2)

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