The Material Road of the Material Pathway and the Mystical Road of the Mystical Pathway (Post 52. CVIIC3S3)
Lascaux cave, because it is a cave, can be considered to be a transition zone
between the material pathway associated with material technology and the
surface of the earth, and the mystical pathway associated with mystical
technology and the interior of the earth.
In The Creation the part of a
cave used for transfer activity from the entrance to the transfer point within
the cave is referred to as the material road. Therefore, the material road is
the last part of the third step of the material pathway. The material road is symbolically analogous
to the first part of the first step of the mystical pathway, where the
instruments of mystical particle transfer are employed. This part of the first step of the mystical
pathway is referred to in The Creation
as the mystical road of the mystical pathway.
Figure 1. The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1). Click
of the picture to enlarge. Photo-
graph of aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/TheImage Works.
TopFoto/TheImage Works.
we have seen, the dark horse in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of
Figure 1 is associated with the material pathway, as alignments A, B, and C
have shown. However, the material road
of the material pathway is also symbolized by a certain feature of the dark
horse. Specifically, this feature is
that part of the tail of the dark horse that lies between points K1 and K2 of
alignment K. In this regard, this part of
the tail of the dark horse can be considered a reciprocal extrapolation of that
part of alignment K that extends from point K3 to point K5. Because point K2 is nearer to point K5 (which
symbolizes the completion of the third step of the material pathway) than point
K1, point K2 symbolizes the end of the material road, located at the transfer
point of the Lascaux cave. Because point
K1 is more distant from point K5 than point K2, point K1 symbolizes the
beginning of the material road, located at the entrance of the cave. Although this symbolism may not appear to be
important in the overall discussion of the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux
Cave” (Figure 1), it is important to note all aspects of the
symbolism that is associated with a cave, such as the Lascaux cave, that has been used for transfer
activity. The reason for this is that, one
day, it may again be used by man for another activity related to transfer
activity. This activity will be
discussed in greater detail in Chapter 7.
noted previously, the symbolism of the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of
Figure 1 also reveals that a mystical road of the mystical pathway exists, as
well. It is on the mystical road that
the Magdalenian explorers employed the instruments of mystical particle transfer
that allowed them to pass through the
solid rock of the walls of the Lascaux cave into the interior of the
earth. Eventually, they would arrive at
an excavated tunnel that they could step into and begin walking without the use
of these instruments.
we have seen, the light horse in inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure
1 is associated with the mystical pathway.
The mystical road of the mystical pathway is symbolized by the tail of
the light horse. Specifically, the part
of the tail of the light horse between points E2 and E3 of alignment E
symbolize the mystical road. In this
case, point E2, located at the lower part of the tail, symbolizes the beginning
of the mystical road at the transfer point of the Lascaux cave, while point E3,
located at the upper part of the tail, symbolizes the end of the mystical road
at the excavated tunnel.
the leader of the Magdalenian explorers put on the instruments of mystical
technology within the Chamber of the Felines of the Lascaux cave, it is assumed
that he quickly learned how to use them. It is possible that he simply remembered how
to use then from an earlier experience on the spaceship that involved
living entities aboard the spaceship instructing him in the use of these
instruments. However, because of post
hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques that he was later subjected
to, he would have forgotten this experience until he arrived at the transfer
point of the Lascaux cave. Here, the sight of the instruments may have triggered a post hypnotic
recollection of the instructions that he had received on the spaceship.
It is not known, for certain, if one or more of the instruments of mystical particle transfer were capable of emitting light that could be used to light up the tunnels that the explorers would travel through during their journey on the mystical pathway. If so, the leader of the explorers may have discovered that the use of certain controls present on one of the instruments, such as the sword, resulted in the instrument emitting light. If this was the case, this instrument may have served as a source of light in the excavated tunnel after they had finished using the instruments to pass through the walls of the Lascaux cave. This, of course, would have made the oil burning lamps and torches they had brought with them unnecessary. However, it is possible that the instruments of mystical particle transfer were not designed to emit light. If this was the case, as suggested below, the explorers may have found battery-powered lamps at the entrance of the cave that had been left for them by the living entities whose responsibility it was to assist them complete their transfer activity. If so, one would assume that they would have been used by the explorers to explore the Lascaux cave and, later, travel through the excavated tunnel.
However, as we shall see in Volume III of The Creation, an inspired source indicates that the explorers may have walked the first step of the mystical pathway (one that involving the excavated tunnel) in darkness. If this was the case, the lamps, referred to above, may have been remotely deactivated by the living entities when the explorers discovered instruments of mystical particle transfer inside the Lascaux cave. The explorers may have brought oil lamps and torches to provide light for their journey. However, these would have been of limited use to them in the excavated tunnel where no kindling for building a fire existed and the tunnel was of considerable length. Therefore, the living entities, who provided the instruments of mystical particle transfer, may have solved the problem of the explorer's lack of an adequate source of light by providing each person with a lamp powered by batteries. These may have been placed for the explorers to find just outside the entrance of the cave, where sunlight began to diminish. This place could also be considered to be the beginning of the material road.
Because these battery-powered lamps were based on material technology, they would be appropriate for use within the Lascaux cave during the journey of the explorers on the material road. Perhaps, the leader and others had been instructed in the use of these lamps, while aboard the spaceship. But as a result of the post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques that they were subjected to before departing the disc spaceship, they possessed no conscious recollection of this. However, despite this lack of conscious recollection, each explorer, after discovering the lamps, would soon learn how to operate them. This, presumably, was attributable to the subconscious memory of each. If this transfer actually took place, the lamps could be viewed as the living entities' gift to the explorers after their arrival at the Lascaux cave. This gift would enable them to complete the last part of their journey on the third step of the material pathway.
The last part of this step, as we have seen, is referred to in The Creation as the material road of the material pathway. The material road involved the explorers entering and exploring the Lascaux cave. It was here that they would discover the instruments of mystical particle transfer. And the latter would enable them to begin the first step of their journey on the mystical pathway. The first part of that pathway is referred to as the mystical road, and it was on the mystical road that the instruments of mystical transfer were employed. Therefore, the instruments of mystical particle transfer could be viewed as the living entities' gift to the explorers after their arrival at the transfer point of the Lascaux cave. These instruments would be necessary in order to initiate the explorer's journey on the mystical road of the mystical pathway. Similarly, the battery-powered lamps were necessary (or at least helpful) to complete the explorer's journey on the material road of the material pathway. In this context, the battery-powered lamps, which were based on material technology, would be appropriate for the material road, while the instruments of mystical particle transfer, which were based on mystical technology, would be appropriate for the mystical road. Both, it is believed, were gifts from the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization that assisted their transfer activity.
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Figure 1: The credit reference for Figure 1 is found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2).
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