Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Post 49. The Mystery of Jesus Christ (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 2, Subhead 4)

The Mystery of Jesus Christ (Post 49. CVIIC2S4)

As we shall see in Chapter 6, Jesus Christ, apparently, was intimately involved in the transfer activity of the people of the Magdalenian culture between 15,000 B.C. and 14,501 B.C.  In addition, as we shall see in Volume III of The Creation, he, apparently, was intimately involved in the transfer activity of people of many subsequent cultures and civilizations on earth until A. D. 1500.  This, however, presents a problem.  Based on Biblical chronology, Jesus Christ was not born on earth until about 4 B.C., fifteen thousand years after the beginning of transfer activity by the people of the Magdalenian culture.  If this is correct, how could he have been intimately involved in the transfer activity of these people in the fifteenth millennium B.C.?  The answer to this question is related to the discovery of the operation of mystical technology referred to in The Creation as spiritual cloning.  This discovery is believed to have been discovered by each of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator and the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve Satan, as well as the advanced civilization of Atlantis.

Inspired sources reveal that the living entities of the most advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator are billions of years old.  This, apparently, means that these living entities must have experienced millions of spiritual cloning operations during their extended lifetimes of limited immortality.  If so, then Jesus Christ, by this same means, may have been capable of living an extended lifetime of limited immortality, also. Although man believes Jesus Christ was born about 4 B.C. on earth, actually, he may have been first born billions of years, ago.  In fact, until the time of his death on the cross and his resurrection, Jesus Christ may have been the most ancient living entity dwelling in the matter universe. 
In this sense, his life before his death and resurrection is not considered to be thee same kind of life he experienced after his death and resurrection.  Moreover, it would not be unreasonable to assume that Jesus Christ also was the first living entity dwelling in the matter universe to receive a soul-spirit from the Creator.  If so, obviously, the Creator, apparently, viewed Jesus Christ as a very special living entity.  However, he must have been considered special for other reasons, as well.  In the eyes of the Creator, Jesus Christ was destined to fulfill the role of the Messiah (Jn. 4:25-26), the Son of God (Jn. 9:35-37), and the “Word made flesh” (Jn. 1:14), and become the incarnate second person of the Triune Godhead.  Because of the unique life that Jesus Christ would lead-both in the present age and the future age-the limited immortality that he possessed as a result of spiritual cloning would be unique, also.  It would be different from that of the living entities of the advanced civilizations and advanced interstellar civilizations that served the Creator in the present age, or those that served Satan, for that matter. 

How might have the spiritual cloning of Jesus Christ been different from that of other living entities, who have possessed limited immortality in the past or do so at the present time?  In this regard, one might assume that, just as Jesus Christ appeared to man’s civilization on earth as a baby, who was born into the world, he may have appeared to the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator in a similar way.  This probably did not involve a virgin birth as was the case when Jesus Christ was born as member of mankind on earth.  The virgin birth probably took place only at a time when it was appropriate for Jesus Christ to fulfill his destiny as the incarnate Son (Word), the second person of the Triune Godhead.  However, it is possible that Jesus Christ was born into the most ancient advanced interstellar civilization without a miraculous virgin birth.  In addition, this birth may have taken place even before the living entities of that civilization had discovered mystical technology and had developed into an advanced civilization. 

After this baby was born and had matured into an adult, the planetary civilization of which he was a member may have discovered mystical technology, thereby becoming an advanced civilization.  Presumably, the discovery of spiritual cloning followed soon after, and this enabled Jesus Christ to begin his history of spiritual cloning.  Eventually, this advanced civilization became an advanced interstellar civilization. Jesus Christ, it is believed, was the leader, or king, of that civilization during its transformation from a planetary civilization to an advanced interstellar civilization, and probably was instrumental in this transformation.  This civilization would become the most ancient advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator.  This advanced interstellar civilization, it is believed, originally dwelt in a stellar system of another galaxy in the Local Group.  At the request of the Creator, this civilization transferred to another nearby galaxy-the Milky Way Galaxy.  

At some point in time, in obedience to the will of the Creator, Jesus Christ, it is believed, ceased participating in spiritual cloning, and voluntarily died.  However, his death, it is believed, occurred at the same time that a baby was conceived on a planet of a stellar system in the Milky Way Galaxy.  The civilization on this planet, at this time, was a planetary civilization that would soon discover mystical technology and become an advanced civilization.  After this took place, once again, the discovery of spiritual cloning must have followed soon after.  This allowed Jesus Christ, once more, to participate in spiritual cloning. Eventually, this advanced civilization became an advanced interstellar civilization.  Once again, Jesus Christ, it is believed, was the leader, or king, of that civilization, and probably was instrumental in this transformation.  This civilization, eventually, would become the second most ancient advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator. 

In order to understand the continuity between the Jesus Christ who died and the Jesus Christ who was conceived and born into another race of living entities as a baby, it is necessary to consider the soul-spirit of Jesus Christ.  The soul-spirit that was delivered to Jesus Christ, when he was conceived before his birth into the civilization that would become the most ancient advanced interstellar civilization, it is believed, was the first soul-spirit to be delivered to a living entity in the matter universe.  It must have possessed left-handed (Christ-like) spiritual attributes of the highest order.  However, when this Jesus Christ, after a long period of time, died, his soul spirit probably was not taken to the abodes of the dead in the spiritual realm.  Rather, the Creator, it is believed, caused his soul-spirit to be received by a baby, who was conceived at the same time that Jesus Christ, mentioned above, died.  Therefore, in a soul (mind) and spirit (spirit) sense, a continuity existed between the Jesus Christ who died and the Jesus Christ who was conceived at the same time.  This continuity, from the point of view of the Creator, apparently, more than offset the physical differences between the Jesus Christ who died and the Jesus Christ who was conceived that resulted from the different biological and racial genomes of the two.

Based on the pattern above, a time would come when Jesus Christ, once again, would be obedient to the will of the Creator, cease participating in spiritual cloning and voluntarily die.  Once again, his soul-spirit was received by a baby at the time of his conception.  This baby was conceived on a planet in another stellar system of the Milky Way Galaxy.  The civilization on this planet at this time, once again, was a [planetary civilization that was soon about to discover mystical technology and become an advanced civilization.  When this took place, once more, the discovery of spiritual cloning must have followed soon after.  And this allowed Jesus Christ, once more, to participate in spiritual cloning.  Eventually, this civilization became an advanced interstellar civilization.  Once again, Jesus Christ, it is believed, was the leader, or king, of that civilization, and probably was instrumental in this transformation.  This civilization would become the third most ancient advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator.

Although there are four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator at the present time, it is believed that Jesus Christ did not appear to the fourth most ancient advanced interstellar civilization-which could also be called the most recent-as he had to the three previous advanced interstellar civilizations. Therefore, the next appearance of Jesus Christ to a civilization on a planet of a stellar system in the Milky Way Galaxy was as a baby at the time of this baby’s conception on earth about two thousand years, ago.  As noted previously, the conception of Jesus Christ, on this occasion, was different than the three former occasions, when he was conceived on other planets of other stellar systems in the Milky Way Galaxy.  The conception of Jesus Christ on earth involved creative activity, in which, it is believed, both male and female gametes were created by the Creator in order to produce the biological genome that the Creator desired Jesus Christ to possess as a man. 

Jesus Christ, of course, was not just another baby born on earth.  He was to become the incarnation of the Son (the Word), the second person of the Triune Godhead.  Because of this, it is believed that natural sexual gametes were not involved in his conception.  If they had been involved, Jesus Christ would not have been capable of breaking the linkage of man’s original sin, which since the fall of Adam many generations ago, held in spiritual bondage every person born into the world, who possessed a soul-spirit nature.  Only the Creator, in the form of the Son (the Word) could do this, and it was done through Jesus Christ, “the Word made flesh” (Jn. 1:14). Therefore, the soul-spirit that this baby received at the time of his conception was the same spirit (the soul, or mind, varies from generation to generation) that Jesus Christ had received, at the time of his conception  to the planetary civilization that would become the most ancient advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator.  Inspired sources reveal that the living entities of this civilization are over eight billion years old.  Therefore, the spirit of the soul-spirit of Jesus Christ must be over eight billion years old, as well.

At the conclusion of his short earthly ministry on earth two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ died on the cross and was resurrected.  He now possesses an eternal, glorified body that possesses attributes that man at the present time does not fully comprehend. In addition, he is the incarnate second person of the Triune Godhead.  This, too, is difficult to fully comprehend.  Presumably, he also is the king of the three most ancient advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator, as well as the leader of the most recent advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator.  However, he no longer has a need to continue participating in spiritual cloning and possess limited immortality.  The reason for this is obvious.  As every Christian knows, Jesus Christ now possesses an eternal, glorified body that cannot die.  A body, such as this, will be necessary for all, who will dwell in the kingdom of God over which Jesus Christ will reign in the future age. 

Man’s planetary civilization, it is believed, will soon discover mystical technology and become an advanced civilization.  Soon after this, it is expected that the operation of mystical technology, referred to in The Creation as spiritual cloning, will be discovered, as well.  Presumably, this will mean that spiritual cloning will become available to members of mankind, who are associated with that advanced civilization.  However, just as the resurrected Jesus Christ had no need of spiritual cloning after his resurrection, neither will his followers have need of spiritual cloning following their resurrection.  During that period of time referred to in Christian eschatology as the day of the Lord (Isa. 13:9-13, 65: 17-19; 2 Pet. 3:10-13) many of the followers of Jesus Christ will be resurrected and possess eternal, glorified bodies similar to their master.  These, of course, will have no need of spiritual cloning.  However, many of the followers of Jesus Christ, who are still alive on earth at the second advent of Jesus Christ, will not be resurrected immediately.  Instead, they will dwell on earth as mortal people during the kingdom age/millennium that will follow the second advent of Jesus Christ on Earth.   Then, presumably, they will be resurrected at the end of that period of time.  However, until that time, it is possible that these may participate in spiritual cloning. 

Just as Jesus Christ was the leader, or king, of the three most ancient civilizations that serve the Creator, mentioned above, and probably was instrumental in their transformation from advanced civilizations to advanced interstellar civilizations, it is assumed that he, also, will be the leader, or king, of man’s civilization in the day of the Lord, and will be instrumental in the transformation of man’s advanced civilization to an advanced interstellar civilization, as well.  This transformation, it is believed, will take place in the kingdom age/millennium of the day of the Lord, when Jesus Christ will reign in Jerusalem over Israel and the Gentile nations of the earth for a millennia, or one thousand years.


No comments are deemed necessary.  This subhead concludes Chapter 2 of The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms, Volume II:  The Material and Mystical Pathways of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity.


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