Sunday, April 6, 2014

Post 43. Alignment A and the First Step of the Material Pathway of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 1, Subhead 4)

Alignment A and the First Step of the Material Pathway of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 43. CVIIC1S4)

Alignments A, B, and C, as we shall see, symbolize the three steps of the material pathway of a person involved in transfer activity.  It may be noted that all three of the above alignments pass through the dark horse.  These three alignments also intersect with an anomalous feature located above the back of the dark horse (Figure 4).4  This anomalous feature, which is highlighted in Figure 4, appears to resemble part of a disc spaceship.  And this, it is believed, is what the Creator intended this anomalous feature to symbolize.  However, only part of this spaceship is visible.  The remaining part must be imagined, as it is hidden behind the neck of the dark horse. 
Figure 4.  The anomalous feature (highlighted) located
above the back of the dark horse in the inspired source
1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1 that symbolizes a disc
spaceship.  Click on the picture to enlarge.
Presumably, this spaceship symbolizes contact of some kind between living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization aboard the spaceship and a person, or a small group of people, of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity.  Although it is not known, for certain, it is likely that the living entities of this advanced interstellar civilization used a small disc spaceship in support of this transfer activity.  As we have seen in previous posts, this transfer activity involved the transfer of members of mankind from their primitive culture on the surface of the earth to an advanced interstellar civilization located at a large grottobase in the interior of the earth.  This contact, it is believed, took place at three different times during the journey of the person on the material pathway-one contact for each step of his journey on that pathway. 

This appears to be confirmed by the intersection of all three of the alignments, that is, alignments A, B, and C, with three different areas of the anomalous feature that symbolizes the disc spaceship.  These intersection points are point A5 of alignment A, point B5 of alignment B, and point C5 of alignment C.  It may be noted that each of the three alignment points is located at a higher location on the spaceship than the previous one.  In this regard, point A5 is located at the rim of the spaceship, point B5 is located midway between the rim and the top of the spaceship, and point C5 is located at the top of the spaceship.  This may symbolize an increasing degree of intimacy between the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization and the person, or group of people, involved in transfer activity during their journey on the material pathway. 

Therefore, alignments A, B, and C can be viewed as symbolizing the three steps of the material pathway of a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity.  The various alignment points of these alignments, it is believed, possess symbolism that conveys knowledge concerning these three steps of that pathway.   As we saw in Volume I of The Creation, this symbolism is revealed, when the alignment points of an alignment and the anomalous features with which they are collocated are carefully studied.  The purpose of this study is to discover the associations that are present between the various alignment points and associated anomalous features of the alignment.  In cases where two alignment points of two alignments are collocated, these associations usually involve both alignments.  However, in the case of the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1), there is not one, but three inspired sources to consider, and these must be treated as one.

Based on the symbolism present in alignments A, B, and C of the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave (Figure 1), three general contexts of meaning are believed to exist.  These are: (1) the three alignments can be viewed as symbolizing the three steps of the material pathway of a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity; (2) the three alignments can also be viewed as symbolizing the three contacts between the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization aboard the spaceship, referred to above, and a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity; and (3) the three alignments can also be viewed as symbolizing three phases in the life of a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity.  Each of these three phases, it is believed, was concluded by a contact by the living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization aboard the spaceship.  In addition, each of these contacts, it is believed, concluded one of the three steps of the material pathway of the journey of a person involved in transfer activity, 

Turning now to alignment A and the first step of the material pathway, this alignment begins at point A1 located at the border of inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1. Here, also, points B1 and C1 of alignments B and C, respectively, are located, resulting in an unusual triple collocation of alignment points of these three alignments.  In this regard, point A1 of alignment A, it is believed, symbolizes the oversight of the Father, the first person of the Triune Godhead, in making possible transfer activity by a person of the Magdalenian culture, and the successful completion of the first step of the material pathway of his journey.  After leaving point A1, alignment A proceeds to point A2 located at the base of a linear anomalous feature depicted in the inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1, continues to point A3 located at the top of the same anomalous feature, mentioned above, continues to point A4 located at the belly of the dark horse in inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1, continues to point A5 located at the rim of the anomalous feature that resembles a disc spaceship in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1, and terminates at point A6 located at no place of  apparent symbolic significance in the same inspired source.

Figure 1.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Click
on the picture to enlarge.  Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works.

Figure 2.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 2-1, 2-2, and
2-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 2), with 
alignments not drawn for better
viewing of the features of the
inspired source.  Click on the 
picture to enlarge. Photograph
of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works. 

Returning to points A2 and A3, located at the bottom and top of the anomalous linear feature, mentioned above, these two points, it is believed, symbolize the oversight of the Son (the Word) and the Holy Spirit, the second and third persons of the Triune Godhead, respectively, in making it possible a person of the Magdalenian culture to undertake transfer activity and  successfully complete the first step of the material pathway of his journey.  This oversight by the Triune Godhead-the Father, the Son (the Word), and the Holy Spirit-may have involved preparing the person, who was involved in transfer activity, for the completion of the first step of the material pathway of his journey.  This journey, as noted previously, would conclude, one day, with that person being received by the living entities dwelling at a large grottobase located beneath the surface of the earth, and he being made an associate member of an advanced interstellar civilization.  This preparation may have involved spiritual teaching and instruction by the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, during the person’s youth until the time arrived that the Creator considered the person ready to make contact with living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization.  The first step of the material pathway was completed, it is believed, when the person involved in transfer activity made contact in some way with the living entities aboard the spaceship, mentioned above. 

Point A4 is located at the belly of the dark horse depicted in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1.  This alignment point is located near the place, where the heart of the horse would be expected to be found within the animal.  The heart, it is believed, in this context, symbolizes “heart,” or courage.  The development of this trait, courage, may have been important for a person involved in transfer activity, who, one day, would encounter a spaceship and living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization.  At that time, he would have to decide whether to stand fast or flee in terror?  Therefore, the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, it is believed, sought to develop the courage of those who were involved in transfer activity.  The  greatest testing of one's courage during the three steps of the material pathway of his journey may have taken place the three times that he was contacted by living entities aboard  a spaceship.
It may be noted that, in addition to point A4 of alignment A, points B4 and C4 of alignments B and C, respectively, are located at the belly of the dark horse, also.  Point B4 is located closer to the place, where the heart of the horse would be expected to be found within the animal than point A4.  However, only point C4 can be said to be located exactly at the place where the heart would be expected to be found.   One might conclude from this that the successful completion of each successive step of the material pathway by a person involved in transfer activity enabled him to possess more courage.  This is signified by points A4, B4, and C4, which are progressively closer to the actual place where the heart is located within the horse with point C4 being the location of the exact place.  In this regard, the Creator, apparently, believed that courage was important for those involved in transfer activity, and this character trait, apparently, was instilled in the person involved in transfer activity during his journey on the material pathway. 

Point A5 of alignment A is located at the rim of the anomalous feature that resembles a disc spaceship in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1.  This alignment point is believed to symbolize the first contact between the person involved in transfer activity and the living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization aboard a spaceship.  It is possible that the spaceship was already resting on the surface of the earth, when the person encountered it.  Then, perhaps, from the open entry hatch, a living entity may have emerged from the spaceship with his right hand held up in a gesture of greeting.  The living entity may have then approached the person.  Although it is not known, for certain, what may have taken place at the time of this contact, it is possible that the destiny of the person involved in transfer activity was partly revealed to him, and knowledge was conveyed that would enable the person to successfully complete the second step of the material pathway of his journey.
However, he first had to complete the first step of the material pathway, and he did this, it is believed, by simply allowing the contact to take place, and not fleeing after encountering the spaceship and those aboard.  This also must have involved an acceptance on the part of the person of the knowledge conveyed to him during this contact and a willingness on his part to act upon that knowledge.  This contact, it is believed, may have provided the motivation for the person to continue his journey on the material pathway.  However, as we shall see, when alignment M is discussed, it is likely that at the end of this contact, the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization subjected the person to post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques that would prevent  him from retaining a conscious memory of the contact.  He would, however, have a subconscious memory of the contact, and this instinct probably was sufficient for him to successfully complete the second  step of the material pathway of his journey. 

Point A6 of alignment A is located at a place in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1 that does not seem to have symbolic significance.  However, this is a place, where points M5 and K3 of alignments M and K, respectively, are collocated.  The intersection of these three alignments here is unusual, and is not believed to be the result of random chance.  Therefore, it is assumed that point A6 must be symbolically significant.  As we shall see, shortly, alignment M appears to symbolize the post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques used by the living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization.  The presence of point M4, and its collocation with Points A6 and K3, appears to confirm that, which was stated above concerning a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity, that is, he lost conscious memory of the events that took place during the first contact as a result of the post-hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques that he was subjected to at the conclusion of the contact.


The people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity in the fifteenth millennium B.C., apparently were chosen by the Creator to undertake this activity, and he developed in these people, in most cases, the character traits necessary for them to complete the three steps of the material pathway, complete the three steps of the mystical pathway, and transfer from their primitive culture on the surface of the earth to an advanced interstellar civilization beneath the surface of the earth. 

Although their does not appear to be a similar activity taking place on earth at the present time, it would not be unreasonable to assume that activity similar to this could take place on earth at some time in the near future.  This activity will not involve, merely, one culture, but all cultures of man on earth.  This activity will be one that involves spaceships whose operators serve the Creator.  And the time of this activity, it is believed, could be the period of time referred to in the Bible as the great tribulation (Mt. 24:21-22; Rev. 7:13-14). The purpose of this activity could be to rescue those of mankind who accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and were saved just prior to the beginning of the great tribulation.  In Christian eschatology, the great tribulation is considered to be the period of time that occupies the last three and one-half years of the seven year tribulation period that follows the beginning in the day of the Lord (Isa. 2:10-17; Joel 1:1-11).     

Because these Christians have just recently accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, they will have had little opportunity to grow and mature as Christians.  Consequently, in their own mind, they may not be prepared to be martyred during the great tribulation.  During the early part of the great tribulation, these Christians, it is believed will be rescued by spaceships whose operators serve the Creator and Jesus Christ.  They will be taken to places on earth that with the assistance of the instruments of mystical particle transfer, will enable them to travel by means of the mystical pathway to large grottobases of reactivated transfer activity grottobase complexes.  Here, they will be strengthened for service, and mature in the faith until they are prepared to go forth from their grottobases and serve the Creator and Jesus Christ.  Then, led by the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, they will serve on the surface of the earth during the remainder of the great tribulation until they either die as martyrs, or live to witness the second coming of Jesus Christ in power and glory. 

At this time, the latter will be rescued once again, this time by spaceships operated by living entities that serve the Creator, in the person of the Son (the Word) and Jesus Christ (Mt. 24:30-31; Lk. 21:25-28).  These spaceships, for the most part, will accompany Jesus Christ at his second coming.  However, it is not unreasonable to assume that man, also, will operate spaceships in service to the Creator in the tribulation period prior to the second coming of the Lord.   


4.     Branigan, K., Consultant Editor:  The Atlas of Archaeology, ©1982, from the article:  ‘Lascaux’ by S. and T. Champion, 30-31 (St. Martin’s Press); Photograph of the

aurochs, ©AAAC/TopFoto/The Image Works

Figures 1 and 2:  The credit references for Figures 1 and 2 are found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2)

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