Monday, April 7, 2014

Post 44. Alignment K as It Pertains to Point K3 and the Completion of the First Step of the Material Pathway Symbolized by Alignment A (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 1, Subhead 5)

Alignment K as It Pertains to Point K3 and the Completion of the First Step of the Material Pathway Symbolized by Alignment A (Post 44. CVIIC1S5)

Point K3 of alignment K is collocated with point M5 of alignment M and point A6 of alignment A.  As we shall see in Chapter 2, alignment K and points K3, K4, and K5 of this alignment appear to symbolize the completion of a step of the material pathway by a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity.  Therefore, point K3 terminates the extrapolation of alignment A at point A6.  Symbolically, the person must now return to the beginning of alignment B, and follow that alignment and its extrapolation because this alignment symbolizes the second step of the material pathway of the person’s journey.
Figure 1.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Click
on the picture to enlarge.  Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC /
TopFoto/The Image Works.


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Figure 1:  The credit reference for Figure 1 is found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2).

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