Thursday, April 10, 2014

Post 46. Alignment B and the Second Step of the Material Pathway of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 2, Subhead 1)

  The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms

Volume II
The Material and Mystical Pathways of a Person
of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity

Chapter 2
Alignment B as It Pertains to the Second Step of the Material Pathway;
Spiritual Cloning and Angels; and the Mystery of Jesus Christ

----Alignment B and the Second Step of the Material Pathway of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 46. CVIIC2S1)
----Alignment K as It Pertains to Point K4 and the Completion of the Second Step of the Material Pathway Symbolized by Alignment B (Post 47. CVIIC2S2)
----Spiritual Cloning and Angels (Post 48. CVIIC2S3)
----The Mystery of Jesus Christ (Post 49. CVIIC2S4)

Alignment B and the Second Step of the Material Pathway of a Person of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 46. CVIIC2S1)
In this chapter we will discuss alignment B and the second step of the material pathway.  Alignment B begins at point B1 located at the border of inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs).  Here, also, points A1 and C1 of alignments A and C are collocated with point B1, resulting in an unusual triple collocation of alignment points pertaining to these alignments.  In this regard, point B1 of alignment B, it is believed, symbolizes the oversight of the Father, the first person of the Triune Godhead, in making possible transfer activity by a person of the Magdalenian culture, and the completion of the second step of the mystical pathway of his journey. 
Figure 1. The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1). Click 
on the picture to enlarge.  Photo-
graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works.
 Figure 2.  The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 2-1, 2-2, and
2-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 2), with
alignments not drawn for better
viewing of the features of the inspired
source.  Click on the picture to
enlarge.  Photograph of the
 aurochs, ©AAAC/TopFoto/The
Image Works.
After leaving point B1, Alignment B proceeds to point B2 located at the base of a linear anomalous feature depicted in inspired source 1-3 (the aurochs) of Figure 1, continues to point B3 located at the top of the same anomalous feature, mentioned above, continues to point B4 located at the belly of the dark horse in inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1, continues to point B5 located midway between the rim and the top of the anomalous feature that resembles a discoid spaceship in the inspired source, mentioned above, continues to point B6 located at no place of apparent symbolic significance in the same inspired source, and terminates at point B7 located at the double-lined border of inspired source 1-1 (the map of the Lascaux cave) of Figure 1.

Returning to points B2 and B3, located at the bottom and top of the anomalous linear feature, mentioned above, these two points, it is believed, symbolize the oversight of the Son (the Word) and the Holy Spirit, the second and third persons of the Triune Godhead, respectively, in making possible transfer activity by a person of the Magdalenian culture and the completion of the second step of the material pathway of his journey.  This oversight by the Triune Godhead-the Father, the Son (Word), and the Holy Spirit-may have involved preparing the person, who would be transferred, for the completion of the second step of the material pathway of his journey.  In this regard, it is possible that this person encountered a disc spaceship resting on the surface of the earth with its entry hatch open.  Unlike the first contact, when one or more of the living entities aboard the spaceship left the spaceship to talk with the person, during the second contact, the living entities may have temporarily left the spaceship and, therefore, would not have been seen by the person. The second step of the material pathway of the person may have required the person to show just enough courage to enter the spaceship through the open entry hatch of the vehicle.  In addition, perhaps it was necessary for the person to enter the spaceship in order to accomplish something that could not be easily accomplished outside the spaceship.

During the first contact between the person and the living entities that operated the spaceship, the person, as we have seen, was not required to go aboard the spaceship.  The knowledge that the living entities conveyed to him at that time was done so outside the spaceship.  Apparently, a person involved in transfer activity was supposed to grow in courage, as well as God-consciousness, as he progressed on the three steps of the material pathway of his journey.  Therefore, in order to complete the second step of that pathway, the person may have been required to show enough courage to enter the spaceship on his own volition.  Once inside the spaceship, it is possible that he found the spaceship unoccupied allowing him the opportunity to investigate this marvel.  Eventually, however, the crew of the spaceship would return, enter the spaceship, and discover the person inside.  They also may have been capable of communicating with the person in the latter’s own tongue, either vocally or telepathically.  When the living entities had gained the trust of the person, then the work that was needed to be done during the second contact could commence.  This work and the purpose of it will be discussed, shortly.  However, at this time, let us return to the discussion of the alignment points of alignment B.

Point B4 of alignment B is located at the belly of the dark horse near  the place where the heart of the animal is found.  As we have seen, points A4,  B4, and C4 of alignments A, B, and C appear to symbolize increasing  levels of “heart,” or courage, that the person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity developed during his journey on the three steps of the material pathway.  Point A4, in this context, symbolizes a low level of courage, but one suitable for the completion of the first step of the material pathway.  Point B4, in this context, symbolizes an intermediate level of courage, but one suitable for the completion of the second step of the material pathway.  And point C4, in this context, symbolizes a high level of courage, and one suitable for the completion of the third step of the material pathway.  With regard to the person involved in transfer activity, mentioned above, he must have developed a higher level of courage since the completion of the first step of the material pathway of his journey, and this enabled him to enter the spaceship and complete the second step of his journey on that pathway. 

Point B5 of alignment B is located midway between the rim and top of the anomalous feature that resembles a disc spaceship in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1.  Point B5, it is believed, symbolizes the contact that was made between the person involved in transfer activity and the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization aboard the spaceship.  In addition to what was stated previously concerning this contact, the person involved in transfer activity, after entering the spaceship, is believed to have underwent a simple biological procedure that resulted in the living entities, mentioned above, obtaining from the person of the Magdalenian culture, biological cells suitable for cloning.  These cells probably were preserved by the living entities aboard the spaceship, who then delivered them to other living entities at a grottobase located beneath the surface of the earth.  It was here that the actual cloning was performed.   As a result of this contact, the person involved in transfer activity, one day, would have an adult biological clone prepared to participate in the operation of mystical technology referred to as spiritual cloning.  At that time the person and his clone would become one in mind and receive that which all living entities of advanced and advanced interstellar civilizations possess, that is, limited immortality.  However, a period of time would need to pass until the clone of that person would be considered mature enough to participate in spiritual cloning.  Therefore, the third contact associated with the completion of the third step of the material pathway of a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity could not take place until ten or twenty years had passed.  At that time, the person’s clone would be between ten and twenty years old and mature enough to participate in spiritual cloning.

Point B6 of alignment B is located at a place in the inspired source 1-2 (the two horses) of Figure 1 that does not seem to have symbolic significance.  However, this is a place where point B6 is collocated with point M4 of alignment M.  As we saw with regard to point A6 of alignment A and its collocation with point M5 of alignment M, alignment M appears to symbolize the use of post hypnotic suggestion-like mind control techniques by the living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization.  Therefore, it is assumed that upon completion of the second contact between these living entities and the person involved in transfer activity, the latter was subjected to these techniques.  This, presumably, resulted in the person having no conscious memory of the contact and the events that took place during the contact.  He could then return to his clan or community and resume a normal life as a member of the Magdalenian culture-at least, until the time of his third contact.  At that time, this person and the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization, who were involved in the first and second contact, would meet again, and complete that contact. 

Point B7 of alignment B is located at the double-lined border of the inspired source 1-1 (the map of the Lascaux cave) of Figure 1.  Because point B7 is located at an anomalous feature that has a “double” aspect to it, this, it is believed, can be viewed as symbolism that pertains to the biological cloning, mentioned above.  This symbolism, it is believed, means that at some time following the second contact, the biological cells that were obtained during that contact would be cloned in a laboratory setting. This probably did not take place aboard the spaceship, but at some other location.  Most likely, this was a grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex located in the interior of the earth.  Therefore, after a person of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity completed the second step of the material pathway of his journey, a clone offspring of that person would come into existence, shortly thereafter.  This clone would grow and mature at the grottobase, where he had been assigned, until the time arrived for the person, who was his parent, to complete the third step of the material pathway and initiate the first step of the mystical pathway of his journey.  When the person involved in transfer activity accomplished this, the stage was set for the parent and his clone offspring to meet and the transfer of the soul-spirit of the former to the latter to proceed.  This meeting probably occurred at one of the grottobases of  the transfer activity grottobase complex, where the clone offspring was dwelling.  The actual transfer of the soul-spirit, it is believed, involved the operation of mystical technology that is referred to in The Creation as spiritual cloning.

Commentary:  As we have seen in Volume I of The Creation, the first operation of mystical technology to be discovered by living entities that have just discovered mystical technology is the operation called mystical particle transfer. However, the second probably is spiritual cloning.  Likewise, when man discovers mystical technology, one might naturally assume that the Creator will allow man to practice spiritual cloning, also.  But, as stated in Volume I, because man, in the eyes of the Creator, has a different destiny in the future age than that of the living entities of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator, it is possible that it is not the perfect will of the Creator for man to participate in spiritual cloning and become material angels possessing limited mortality.  Nevertheless, though it may not be his perfect will, it may be his permissive will for this to occur.  If so, those members of mankind who really desire to participate in this operation of mystical technology may be permitted to do so. 

However, one may reasonably ask, "How is it possible for a complex operation of mystical technology, such as spiritual cloning, to appear so early in the development of an advanced civilization?  It would not be possible for the apparatus associated with this operation of mystical technology to have been developed by the living entities of that civilization by themselves.  Perhaps, the answer to this question is that they received help from living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization.  The nature of this help may have been technical assistance or it may have been the complete transfer of the apparatus, intact, from the more advanced civilization to the less advanced civilization.  But, whatever means was used, the living entities that received this help were capable of participating in spiritual cloning in the same generation that members of their planetary civilization discovered mystical technology, thereby resulting in the transformation of their planetary civilization, in the eyes of the Creator,  to an advanced civilization.  The same may be true for man, if he is permitted to participate in spiritual cloning following his discovery of mystical technology.


In this chapter, Chapter 2 , we will discuss symbolism concerning spiritual cloning, angels, and Jesus Christ.  We shall also discuss symbolism concerning alignments B, K, and M of the multiple inspired source, "Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  We will discover that alignment B depicts, symbolically, the second step of the material pathway of the people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity in the fifteenth millennium B.C.


Figures 1 and 2:  The credit references for Figures 1 and 2 are found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2).

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