Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Post 54. A Summary of Transfer Activity and the Two Kinds of People of the Magdalenin Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (The Creation, Volume II: Chapter 4, Subhead 1)

The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms

                                                                   Volume II
                                   The Material and Mystical Pathways of a Person
                             of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity

                                                                   Chapter 4
                           Transfer Activity of the People of the Magdalenian Culture
               Symbolized by Alignment D, and Their Journey on the Mystical Pathway

----A Summary of Transfer Activity and the Two Groups of People of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 54. CVIIC4S1)

----The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Point D1 and the Anomalous Feature That Resembles the Head of a Person (Post 55. CVIIC4S2)

----The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Point D2 and the Anomalous Feature That Resembles an Infrared Beam Spaceship (Post 56. CVIIC4S3)

----The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Points D3 and D4 and the Anomalous Geometric Decoration Depicted Above the Neck of the Light Horse (Post 57. CVIIC4S4)

----The Group of People Involved in Transfer Activity Symbolized by Alignment D as the Latter Pertains to Alignment Points D5 and D6 and the Two Grottobases Associated with the Completion of the First and Second Steps of the Mystical Pathway (Post 58. CVIIC4S5)

A Summary of Transfer Activity and the Two Groups of People of the Magdalenian Culture Involved in Transfer Activity (Post 54. CVIIC4S1) 

As we have seen in Chapters 1-3 (Posts 38-53) of Volume II of The Creation, between 15,000 B.C. and 14,501 B.C. people of the Magdalenian culture, apparently, were involved in transfer activity, in which the Lascaux cave played a central role.  In those chapters the three steps of the material pathway were discussed.  In Chapters 4-6 (Posts 54-66) of Volume II, the three steps of the mystical pathway of the journey of these people will be discussed.  As we have seen, the final part of the third step of the material pathway is referred to in The Creation as the material road.  This road began at the entrance of the Lascaux cave and ended at the Chamber of the Felines within the cave.  All people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity between 15,000 B.C. and 14,501 B.C., it is believed, passed through the entrance of the Lascaux cave and traveled on the material road to the transfer point of the cave located in the Chamber of the Felines.  Here, they would begin the first of three steps of the mystical pathway of their journey. 

These people are referred to in The Creation as explorers, and are believed to have traveled on the mystical pathway, individually, or in small groups of no more than five.  Led by the Holy Spirit, these people, it is believed, would arrive at the Chamber of the Felines and discover at the transfer point, located there, the three instruments of mystical particle transfer.  As noted in Chapter 3, the leader of the group would then put on these instruments, and with the members of the group following, take the first step of their journey on the mystical pathway into the interior of the earth.  At the conclusion of their journey on the mystical pathway, which may have required anywhere from a week to a few weeks (It is not known for certain, just how much time was required for this), the explorers would arrive at a large grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex located in the interior of the earth.  The living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization, who dwelt here, it is believed, would then receive the explorers in friendship, and make them associate members of that civilization. 

As we saw in Chapter 3, the first part of the first step of the mystical pathway is referred to in The Creation as the mystical road.  The mystical road, simply, is the part of the first step of the mystical pathway, during which the people involved in transfer activity used the instruments of mystical particle transfer.  These three portable instruments are referred to in The Creation as the helmet, the breastplate, and the sword.  The helmet, it is believed, was worn by the leader.  The breastplate was worn on the chest of the leader, but it is possible that each member of the group wore a breastplate, as well.  And the sword was held in the hand of the leader. 

As noted previously, these instruments were placed in the part of the Lascaux cave, called the Chamber of the Felines, by the living entities aboard the spaceship that assisted these people complete their transfer activity.  It is possible that these living entities also provided the explorers with battery-powered lamps.  The purpose of leaving the instruments of mystical particle transfer at the transfer point of the cave was, simply, to allow the explorers to discover and use them.  However, though the instruments of mystical particle transfer would be needed to complete the first part of the first step of the mystical pathway, they, apparently, would not be needed during the remainder of their journey on that pathway.  The mystical road, eventually, would connect with an excavated tunnel.  Here, the explorers would step into this tunnel and travel along its descending course on foot.   Eventually, they would arrive at a place, where it joined a larger excavated tunnel.  By means of various forms of transportation, they would descend deeper into the interior of the earth until they arrived at their destination-a large grottobase of a transfer activity grottobase complex, where dwelt living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization.

The symbolism of inspired sources associated with the paintings of the Lascaux cave reveals that two kinds, or groups, of people were involved in transfer activity between 15,000 B.C. and 14,501 B.C.  These are symbolized by alignment D and F in the multiple inspired source, “Lascaux Cave” (Figure 1).
Figure 1. The three illustrations
(inspired sources: 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3) that are collectively referred
to as the multiple inspired source,
"Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Click
on the picture to enlarge.  Photo-
  graph of the aurochs, ©AAAC/
TopFoto/The Image Works.

The group of people symbolized by alignment D, as we shall see, represents those people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity, who had a genealogical connection with the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis.  This was one of the two advanced civilizations of Atlantis that was in existence at this time.  In this regard, a genealogical connection means that the person involved in transfer activity possessed Atlantean blood (DNA) to a sufficiently high degree that, in the eyes of the Creator, he was considered to have a genealogical connection with one or the other of the advanced civilizations of Atlantis.  The group of people symbolized by alignment F, as we shall see, represents those people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity, who possessed a high moral and spiritual character, and desired to know the Creator and his ways.  However, these people did not, in the eyes of the Creator, have a genealogical connection with the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis.  Neither did they have a genealogical connection with the other advanced civilization of Atlantis, which is referred to in The Creation as the advanced oceanic civilization of Atlantis.  This does not necessarily mean that these people did not possess Atlantean blood (DNA).  It may only mean that they did not possess Atlantean blood (DNA) to a sufficiently high degree that, in the eyes of the Creator, they were considered to have a genealogical connection with one or the other of the advanced civilizations of Atlantis. 

In this chapter, Chapter 4 (Posts 54-58), we will discuss the group of people of the Magdalenian culture involved in transfer activity that are symbolized by alignment D  in the inspired source, "Lascaux Cave" (Figure 1).  Their relationship with Atlanteans of the advanced stellar civilization of Atlantis, as depicted in the alignments of that inspired source, will be discussed.  In addition, the relationship of Atlanteans of that time with the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator will be discussed, as well.  Finally, the completion by the group of people, symbolized by alignment D, of the first and second step of their journey on the mystical pathway, as depicted in the alignments of the inspired source, "Lascaux cave" (Figure 1), will be discussed.


Figure 1:  The credit reference for Figure 1 is found in the Credits of Post 41 (CVIIC1S2).

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